The gatekeeper's hand sank, and the first thing he saw was the gold ingot, he couldn't help but frowned, but when he saw the sign placed below, he was shocked.

Most of the vigilance in his expression faded in an instant.

"This... Butler Xu, please wait a moment." The gatekeeper looked solemn, and without waiting for Eunuch Xu to respond, he turned to ask the officer for instructions.

A moment later, a middle-aged man in silver mail ran out of the city gate in a hurry with his helmet on his hands.

It seems that because of running too fast, the mail armor on his body is crooked, and his breath is also very unstable.

"This, my lord, where did you get this brand from?" There was some doubt in his tone.

It's not his fault, if Gu Nanyan ordered someone to go out of the city, they would all use the signboard of Zhenbei General's Mansion.

The previous gatekeeper died when the queen mother rebelled. He also just took office, and he has never seen the token of the princess mansion before.

But this token is indeed real.

Faced with his doubts, Eunuch Xu didn't care, and said in a harmonious voice, "Of course it's a gift from the owner of the sign."

The gatekeeper was puzzled, and after a while whispered a few words to the gatekeeper who reported the letter to him, then he clasped his fists and said to Eunuch Xu: "Today is the princess's wedding, and the higher-ups ordered us to investigate strictly. It's a big matter, let's go down and verify it." two."

"As for your things..." The gatekeeper looked at the endless convoy, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"It's the responsibility, I still need to check what should be checked, and I hope you will forgive me." The gatekeeper looked respectful, but his tone revealed no doubt.

Eunuch Xu frowned: "But at this time..."

"Don't worry, as long as you verify that the token is genuine, the next official will definitely release it immediately, and it won't take too much time for you..."


In Gu Shen's courtyard, just as Gu Nanyan comforted the crying Gu Shen, the gatekeeper was brought in by a servant.

After hearing what the gatekeeper said, Gu Nanyan took the sign and only remembered after a while that it was the identity card of her princess mansion.

She didn't use this brand many times, and the only one who didn't get it back was Emperor Anyang's cheap father.

And according to the gatekeeper's description of the person who took out the sign, it should be Eunuch Xu.

Eunuch Xu was inseparable from Emperor Anyang all day long. When he came, it meant that Emperor Anyang was also here.

The rival in love appeared, and Gu Shen exploded in an instant.

But although he didn't want to admit it, this man was his daughter's biological father, so he couldn't stop him from coming to the wedding.

You can't stop him, just make him feel uncomfortable.

So Gu Shen volunteered, asked his daughter to wait at home, and went to the city gate to "greet" him.

Gu Nanyan looked at his valiant back, as if he was about to go to the battlefield, couldn't help rubbing his forehead, and hurriedly asked the boy to report to the front yard.

The city gate is not far away, and Gu Shen drove there again, Gu Nanyan thought that he would bring people back soon.

Who was content to wait for more than an hour before hearing Gu Shen's loud voice outside the courtyard.

"Gu Shen, don't go too far!" The exasperated voice sounded like that of Anyang Emperor Fu Jingqi.

Gu Nanyan covered his face.

I knew the two would quarrel together.

"Why did I go too far? The emperor ordered to strictly investigate the past personnel, and you want to resist the order?" Gu Shenlang said, his tone was full of gloating.

"That's the emperor of your Jianan Kingdom, I...why should I obey the order!"

"Then don't come, this is the border of our Jianan country, have you heard of it when you go to the country and do as the Romans do?"

"Bah! Don't think I don't know, you just want to avenge yourself, good Gu Shen, if you have the ability, don't fall into my hands, I can't kill you!" Fu Jingqi started to speak after Xu Shi relieved the emperor's burden No more scruples.

"Oh, I'm afraid you won't succeed, and why did I avenge myself? I wasn't the one who made the order, and it wasn't me who searched you. I can blame you for this. I think your surname should be Lai instead of Fu. "

Gu Shen was not afraid at all, and entered Tingfeng Garden with great ambition.

As soon as Fang came in, his eyes lit up, he took a big step, and walked to Gu Nanyan's side first.

"Girl, I have picked him up, where do you think he will be placed?"

Gu Nanyan put down her hand rubbing her temples, and opened her mouth: "I..."

"Forget it, you're getting married today, so don't worry about it, I'll find someone to arrange it later."


"Girl, don't worry, Daddy will definitely not wrong him. Although the yard you arranged is definitely not as big as the one you vacated for Daddy in the Princess Mansion, but they are not too many people, and they can definitely live in a crowded place." Gu Shen provoked He raised his chin and looked behind.

Sure enough, Fu Jingqi's face immediately darkened.

"Smelly girl, you are still arranging a yard for him in your princess mansion? Why! Do you know the rules? Is the princess mansion a place where he can live... I don't care, I want a yard too, and I have to compare Gu Shen's room is big!"

"Tch, shameless, this is the princess mansion of my Jianan country, why should I live in it for you." Gu Shen continued to provoke.

"Because I'm her real father!" Fu Jingqi roared angrily.

"The father who has ignored the child for more than ten years?" Gu Shen sneered.

"That's my dear father!"

"Shameless, Alan doesn't want you anymore, you still have the nerve to say that you are sister Nan's real father."

"Fart! Lan'er just left the palace to take refuge, and you sneaked in with ill intentions..."

"Alan married me willingly."

"I do not believe!"

"Believe it or not..."


Gu Nanyan: "..."

A general, and a king of a country, both started a scolding war, as if they could quarrel forever.

During this period, Gu Nanyan couldn't say a word.

In the end, she had already gone back to hide in the house, and the two were still scolding each other.

Fortunately, Gu Qing came after hearing the news, separated the two, and respectfully invited Fu Jingqi to the front hall.

On Gu Nanyan's side, she also learned about her cheap father's abdication during the scolding between the two.

If there is no accident, the current emperor of Anyang Kingdom is already Fu Tuo.

Although Gu Nanyan had always hated to see the former Anyang Emperor, but he retreated so readily, and Huang Quan threw it away as soon as he said it, which still made her look at him with admiration.

"Princess, this is from Eunuch Xu." Yun Xi handed over a red booklet with the word dowry written on it.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, and took a look at it. The long gift list was more than ten meters long.

Her face immediately darkened.

Ma De didn't shave cleanly last time!
Where did all these rare treasures come from?
Could it be that Emperor Anyang... No, the one surnamed Fu has a second small private treasury?
After seeing that half of it was given by Fu Tuo, Gu Nanyan finally realized... What the hell!

The person surnamed Fu must have a small private bank, no, she has to look for it when she goes back next time!


The change of ownership in Anyang, the arrival of the Supreme Emperor to the capital of another country was such a big event, Gu Yao immediately reported it to Li Mi.

This time is different from the last time, last time he came secretly, this time he came with a caravan of dowry, and came in a fair and aboveboard way.

And now that the two countries are on good terms, the newly appointed Supreme Emperor is also Gu Nanyan's biological father, so it is only natural that he comes to marry him off.

Therefore, Li Mi was only a little surprised when he heard the news.

Then he lamented that the former Emperor Anyang, who was rumored to be violent and unkind, would love his daughter so much, and send his daughter to marry him all the way regardless of his status.

Fu Jingqi's arrival was revealed, and the Gu family did not hide it, and generously placed him in the main position.

When the auspicious time arrived, Li Yi, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, knocked on the door of the General's Mansion amidst the noise of the crowd.

Then, without any surprise, he was stopped outside the door.

As the treasure of the General's Mansion, the Gu family would not hand over their daughter so easily.

So the three brothers of the Gu family checked one by one, and set up three thresholds. Li Yi had to pass the test before he could pick up the bride.

Gu Congyuan took the lead in coming up with a topic, but the topic was simple. Li Yi was asked to compose a poem with plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, and the content of the poem must be related to Gu Nanyan.

After all, Li Yi was taught by Mrs. Bai, so how could he be stopped and passed without any accidents.

Gu Congyuan was not disappointed at all, instead he gave way with a smile.

The second round was given by Gu Yunge, and his questions were more direct, as long as Li Yi stood on one leg, he could catch him with ten moves without retreating.

Li Yi's kung fu is already superior to Gu Yunge's, so this level is not too difficult.

Gu Yunge cupped his fists respectfully and let him go.

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