The farmer has a mall

Chapter 551 Chapter 888

"So when the Qi family came to the door and claimed that there was an elixir to cure the disease, as long as you were willing to give them another booklet and donate it for free, did you agree?"

Li Yi put down the letter in his hand and sighed helplessly.

"Yes, I know that I can't forgive the late emperor and the emperor at this time, but I..." Mr. Shang trembled, "I really can't just watch that child suffer again."

Master Shang got up after saying that, walked to Li Yi's head with a slightly staggering footsteps, and knelt down while leaning on the table and chair.

"I know that I have committed a crime and violated the law, but it is up to the prince to deal with it."

Li Yi didn't stop him, looking at Lord Shang's gray head, he frowned slightly.

After a long while, he rubbed the center of his brows and helped Mr. Shang up himself.

"Master Shang is seriously serious. This time it was just a mistake by the Secretary of the General Administration. Be careful in the future."

This matter can be big or small, if it is big, it is the collusion of the general manager and others, with the intention of disrupting the government, if it is small, it is just that the emperor has read an extra note, and it depends on how the emperor makes a decision.

"Brother Huang has no intention of blaming you. He has always respected you, but I hope Mr. Shang will be careful in the future so that this kind of thing does not happen again."

That's just not wanting to pursue it.

Lord Shang's expression became even more guilty when he heard the words: "The old minister is ashamed."

Li Yi picked up the porcelain bottle on the table, pulled off the cap, and there was a greasy smell coming from the bottle.

"Master Shang, has someone tried this medicine?"

"No, the old minister just got it, and I haven't had time for people to check it."

He also heard that the second wife of the Qi family was from overseas and had a lot of weird things in his hands, so he wanted to give his great-granddaughter a try just in case.

He can't guarantee the specific efficacy of the medicine.

However, he believed that the Qi family would not deceive him with an innocuous memorial and offend a second-rank official.

Li Yi looked at the black pills in the bottle, poured out one and put it in the palm of his hand.

"I don't know if Lord Shang is willing to let this king take one. You also know this king's concubine's good medicine, and you may be able to see the main ingredients of this medicine."

When mentioning Gu Nanyan, Li Yi straightened his back, speaking with pride.

Lord Shang was overjoyed when he heard the words: "That is naturally the best."

Compared to the Qi family, he certainly believed in Gu Nanyan who fought for the country and made a lot of contributions to safeguarding the imperial power.

After Gu's pharmacy became famous, he also asked people to inquire, but there was no medicine for white erosion there.

He originally wanted to visit the general's mansion in person, but this princess is not idle, first she ran to Anyang country, and later she was often away from Beijing, her whereabouts can be described as erratic.

This time when he heard that she was returning to Beijing, Mr. Shang made people pay close attention to her movements early in the morning.

However, she will not see outsiders when her wedding is approaching, so she shut herself in the general's mansion all day long.

Master Shang is also tired of seeing her.

He thought about going to visit Prince Sheng's mansion after she returned home, but unexpectedly, Prince Sheng came to visit before handing over the greeting card.

Mr. Shang didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, so he hesitated for a while and asked cheekily: "I wonder if the concubine has time today, and whether the old minister can bring my little granddaughter to visit."

It is said that the concubine has cured many chronic illnesses, so there is no hope for his granddaughter's illness.

When Master Shang thought of his granddaughter, his heart ached, and he looked at Li Yi expectantly.


When Gu Nanyan returned to the palace, he wanted to walk around the palace and get acquainted with the living environment in the future.

However, as soon as she changed out of her court clothes, she heard a piercing sizzling sound in her ears.

This kind of sound is directly conveyed to the auditory nerve, outsiders can't hear it, but it is particularly harsh.

Gu Nanyan frowned, drove out Bai Zhi and others who were waiting for her to change clothes, and took 888 out angrily.

"Did you step on the switch?" The sizzling and crackling all day long is annoying to death!

888 was grabbed by the nape of her neck and swayed a few times in the air. Mao's face was full of grievances, and Gu Nanyan glared at him with bared teeth, and cried out with a "wow".

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Hey, what should I do, master, my connection with the company has been interrupted, and I can't connect to the space-time tunnel, so I can't go back~"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan was shocked, quickly threw 888 several meters, and took a few steps back vigilantly: "I won't support you, don't try to rely on me."

No money.

Thank you!


888 choked on the cry, and Lihua's shaggy face instantly changed from sadness to grief.

"You just remembered this?" 888 went crazy.

"I've been with you for so long, and that's all you want when I may never come home?"

Gu Nanyan: "...Actually, we haven't been together for long."

It was just over a year before and after.

And the number of times she saw it was not as many as the big yellow dog at the entrance of Shangshan Village.

888 is connected to her consciousness at this time, and her thoughts are immediately obtained by it.


She, she, she actually compared herself with that rhubarb that can only kneel and lick!

Go on strike, change people, and never see this hateful woman again! ! !

...but it has no way of contacting company headquarters right now.

"No, you are all short-circuited, what about the things in my space!"

There are a lot of good things in it, and she saved them bit by bit.

Gu Nanyan hurriedly opened the space, clicked carefully several times, and found that nothing was missing, so she was relieved.

She hurriedly got up and walked out the door.

"No, you're so unstable now, it's better to put everything in the warehouse for safety... After the things are handed over, you can get out... No, let's go."

Gu Nanyan's solemn and firm voice sounded in 888's mind: "From now on, you are free! Are you happy or surprised?"


I surprise your sister!

888's spirit, which had just languished, instantly exploded.

888: "You, you, you, you are ruthless, you are cruel, and you make trouble for no reason!"

Gu Nanyan: "Where am I ruthless, where am I cruel, and where am I making trouble for no reason?"

888: "Where are you not ruthless, where is not cruel, where is not vexatious!"

Gu Nanyan: "No matter how ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable I am, I will not be more ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable than you!"

888: "I will be more ruthless, cruel, and vexatious than you. You are the most ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable person I have ever seen!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

The corner of Gu Nanyan's mouth twitched: "Is there a possibility that you have too little experience?"

I'm sick, I'm too lazy to play Qiong Yao drama with you, space is more important.

After Gu Nanyan finished speaking, she continued to walk towards the door.

Seeing that she seemed to be serious, 888 didn't care about getting angry, and rushed over in two or three steps, hugging her thigh.

"The space is my own, there will be no problems!"

Hey, it can't contact the headquarters now, if it is abandoned by this cruel woman again, it will really sleep on the street.

888 imagined himself squatting pitifully at the entrance of the alley with his knotted hair and holding a small broken bowl, and he shivered.


It must not be so miserable.

Otherwise, one day when I return to the company, I will be laughed to death by my colleagues!

888 cried miserably and acted cute, intending to arouse Gu Nanyan's sympathy.

Gu Nanyan had a cold face, resolutely rejecting its unreasonable request.

888 has no choice, without the woman's permission, it can't go back to the space, so it has to use its trump card: "As long as you are willing to take me in, I... I can sell it!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan looked around at it with strange eyes.

"What are you selling, are you selling badly?"

The dog's hair is all over its body and it's a bit useful.

Gu Nanyan, who has already scratched out a sweater and wool pants, said that she is not rare!
888 puffed up his chest: "Although I can't get in touch with the headquarters, the items in the mall are still there." It's just that there is no way to replenish them.

"So you want to give it all to me?" Gu Nanyan asked with some expectation.

888 made a contemptuous face: "It's not dark yet."

What are you dreaming about?

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