Chapter 553
Shang Yinyin stood there obediently, looking at her curiously and timidly from time to time.

After a while, Gu Nanyan let go of her hand, looked at her and asked, "Can you show me your face?" His voice was much softer.

Shang Yinyin knew that this pretty sister was good at medicine, and her great-grandfather told her many times when he was at home.

Although she was a bit inferior, the little girl still took off her veil obediently, showing her shortcomings to others for the first time after she became sensible.

She looked straight at Gu Nanyan, her face flushed, making the white spots on her face more mottled.

However, although the person opposite had a cold expression, Shang Yinyin did not see any look of pity or disgust in her eyes.

This made her heave a sigh of relief, and her tense nerves also relaxed a lot.

"Fortunately, it's not too serious. With the infusion and oral medicine, it should be cured soon."

In her world, Vitiligo was no longer an incurable disease, and it could be cured by taking traditional Chinese medicine.

It just takes longer to heal.

But she has already asked 888 just now, there are special medicines in the mall, which are much faster than the prescriptions she knows.

Hearing that it can be cured, not only the little girl didn't react, even Mr. Shang suspected that he had heard it wrong.

He had consulted many famous doctors before, but they said that there was no cure. He came here today with the mentality of giving it a try. In fact, there is not much hope in his heart.

In addition, he also suffers from this disease himself. The so-called long-term illness becomes a cure, and he clearly knows in his heart that this disease is almost terminally ill, and there is almost no possibility of cure.

But the princess said she could cure it!
Master Shang couldn't help taking a few steps forward, looking at his great-granddaughter who was also stupid, with a slightly excited expression on his face.

"Is what the princess said true?"

Gu Nanyan patted Shang Yinyin on the head, and smiled: "I lied to you that you have money?"

Lord Shang: "..."

Master Shang's mouth trembled slightly. He stabilized his mind and looked at Li Yi.

Seeing that the other party was sipping tea leisurely, without looking at him at all, it seemed that he was not surprised by this result.

The ecstasy in my heart increased a bit, and I couldn't help but excitedly said: "The princess is joking, if you can cure this old minister's granddaughter, the old minister is willing to give you all your wealth."

Gu Nanyan had a contemptuous face: "It's as if your family property is so rich."

Don't think she doesn't know, although this old man holds an important position, many people are rushing to curry favor with him, but Li Yi said that he is an upright official!
What does upright official mean?
It's clear from the words.

Clear - there is no oil and water!

You, who didn't make a fortune, told Lao Tzu that you were willing to donate your family's wealth for the sake of curing the disease. This is a fraud, do you know that!

Lord Shang: "..."

For some reason, he seemed to see a trace of evil in the girl's eyes.

Mrs. Shang, who admitted that she had not sinned against her, pondered for a moment: "If the princess has other requests, you can also make them together. If the old minister can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

He was not afraid of Gu Nanyan's excessive demands.

Although it was rumored that this person had a bad temper--now it seemed that she was indeed a little bad-tempered, but none of the things she had done was a major event that benefited the country and the people.

Since ancient times, how many children of the royal family have regarded human life as nothing, and the censor is a kind of creature that plays on the wind, no matter whether there is meat or not, it will jump up when it smells fishy.

But in their memorials, they never mentioned that this person had done anything to oppress good people and harm the people... Of course, civil and military officials were not included.

Therefore, although there are many documents to impeach her, they are all those who have done bad things and can't swallow this breath, just playing tricks to vent their anger.

Usually, before it was presented to the emperor the next day, this kind of book would be taken away by its owner, as if nothing had happened.

So far, apart from when she was on the battlefield, Lord Shang has heard that the only person she has killed is Empress Dowager Shen.

Even on the battlefield, this combat style is very different.

When they come up, they use force to deter them, and if deterrence is useless, they start unilateral massacres.

Looks tough and brutal.

It can be seen that after seeing the combat effectiveness of the kamikaze team, who would dare to charge up?

Scared to death, okay?

The purpose of her doing this is nothing more than to let the opponent surrender without a fight and reduce the loss of life.

Those little soldiers on the battlefield are nothing more than hard-working people, but if the family is rich and powerful, who will let their children go to the battlefield and rush to the front line.

Sitting in the center of power, having seen countless battles without gunpowder, Mr. Shang feels that people like Gu Nanyan who look cruel but actually respect human life are much more kind-hearted than those who are sweet and bitter.

Thinking of this, Master Shang couldn't help but become more respectful.

Gu Nanyan: "There is no request, but during the period of treatment, she has to come to Prince Cheng's mansion every day."

It is also the first time for her to treat Vitiligo. She not only needs to give Shang Yinyin an infusion, but also observe the changes of her condition. She is too lazy to come to the door every day.

"It's natural." Master Shang hurriedly responded.

Gu Nanyan wanted to say something, but felt her sleeves tighten.

She looked down, but saw Shang Yinyin's eyes were reddish, she raised her head and looked at her expectantly, her small hands tugged at her sleeves lightly.

"Can sister really cure Yinyin?"

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "You doubt my medical skills?"

Her medical skills in modern times... are indeed not top-notch.

But she has a mall!
With 888 words, it is produced by the mall and must be a good product.

It is no problem to cure mere vitiligo.

Shang Yinyin hurriedly waved her hands: "Yinyin didn't mean that, it's just..."

It's just that in recent years, my grandfather has sought medical treatment for her everywhere, and has met many "miracle doctors" who can cure her.

But in the end, all she got, apart from countless bitter medicine soups, and a bruised body from being pierced, was nothing but disappointment.

She was used to other people's strange eyes, and she had already given up hope.

But for some reason, she instinctively felt that this beautiful sister would not lie to her.

Shang Yinyin pursed her lips and nodded vigorously.

"Yinyin believes in sister, she will definitely cure Yinyin!"

After that, she turned to look at her great-grandfather.

He asked nervously: "Then sister can also cure great-grandfather?"

Because of this disease, her great-grandfather seldom went out on weekdays, and so did she herself.

If her great-grandfather's illness can also be cured, then she can go shopping with her great-grandfather, just like other people's grandparents.

"Beautiful sister is so powerful, she must be able to cure great-grandfather too, right?" Shang Yinyin had hope in her eyes.

Gu Nanyan hehe: "Little girl is quite sweet despite her young age."

Don't think I can't see it, you just want me to treat your great-grandfather, so you praise me for being beautiful!

"Well, it's not impossible... After all, the more beautiful the person, the more powerful they are." She straightened her back and said.

So if I am so powerful, I must be the most beautiful girl in the world!
Several people present: "..."

Li Yi twitched his lips and glanced at her.

Daughter-in-law, can we be more humble?

Gu Nanyan: No, it's too good-looking to be modest.

Li Yi: ...

This unabashed boast... still has to be my daughter-in-law.

The two exchanged eyebrows, but Mr. Shang was stunned for a while.

The so-called treatment should be done as soon as possible. He has been ill for so many years, and he never expected anyone to cure him, and he has long since stopped seeking medical treatment for himself.

Today, I will beg to come to the door, all because of this child Yinyin.

After all, she is still young and recovers quickly, so maybe there is still hope.

But according to Prince Sheng's intentions, he can also be cured?
Mr. Shang was in a daze for a moment, but he was not as excited as before. The corners of his mouth trembled twice, and he bowed to Gu Nanyan to the end.

"If this is the case, the old minister's family will be very grateful."

When he was young, he was also a free-spirited boy, he liked the bustle the most, he would go wherever there were many people, and he often had small gatherings with his friends.

But since the disease appeared on the face, that kind of day has never happened again.

Not only because of other people's strange eyes, but also because of the late emperor's entrustment.

In order to support the emperor for a longer period of time, he had to hide this face behind others.

The young man who once spread his wings and soared shut himself up in a daze, becoming a bird in a cage.

Master Shang stared at the ground in a daze.

If there is such a day, even if it is only a day, maybe he still has the opportunity to experience the taste of walking in front of others with integrity.

(End of this chapter)

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