Chapter 565
Shang's mother came from a low family background, and she has always had low self-esteem in the Shang family. Fortunately, her husband is not a pushover, and has always been very kind to her.

But how could she have the confidence to challenge her mother-in-law who was born in an official family.

Originally, she thought that it would be good to wait until Shang Yuanyuan was older and more sensible, but these years, she has become more and more ignorant and intensified.

Mother Shang wiped away her tears, a look of resentment flashed across her face.

"Don't worry, Yinyin, mother will never listen to their sophistry this time, even if you are going to get divorced, I will seek justice for you!"

"Mother, Yinyin is fine..."

Shang Yinyin was hugged by Shang's mother, remembering how her beautiful sister comforted her, her small hand clumsily patted her on the back.

The picture is very warm.

Mother Shang cried louder.

Shang Huaizhou was helpless, "Say nonsense in front of the child, how can a husband divorce you."

Mother Shang, who dared not speak loudly in front of others, lost her temper on a rare occasion.

"Why not? My mother-in-law and father-in-law don't like me, and Yinyin, who is involved, is also implicated. If that's the case, why did you go to my house to hire me?"

She sobbed and said: "Anyway, I don't care, Yin Yin is a piece of flesh that fell from my body, it is my heart and soul, if mother-in-law is biased towards the second brother's house again, it will be a big deal for us to get back together, I took Yin Yin out before."

Shang Huaizhou wanted to say that even if they reconciled, Yinyin, as the daughter of the Shang family, would not be allowed to be taken away by her grandfather.

But seeing his wife so excited, the corners of Shang Huaizhou's mouth twitched for a while, and finally he let out a soft sigh.

"Don't worry, if it really comes to this point... I will go with you."

He is the eldest grandson, and his grandfather told him since he was a child that when he grows up, he will start a family.

He respects his grandfather, and has always regarded the Shang family as his responsibility.

He studied hard since he was a child, and he never slacked off no matter whether it was dog days or cold winter, even if the Xie family treated him harshly, there was no ice in the summer, and there was no carbon in the winter.

I thought that after ten years of cold window, no one would ask me, I would become famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

But on the eve of his imperial examination, he was dragged out by his friends to ride a horse to relax and broke his leg.

Although he was cured later, he was not as flexible as before, and he would limp if he walked faster.

Shang Huaizhou subconsciously touched his right leg, his eyes were dark and inexplicable.

After he broke his leg, he also wondered that the friend who was not very enthusiastic about him on weekdays insisted on asking him out for an outing that day, saying that he wished him high school in advance.

He thought that the imperial examination was coming soon, and it would be good to go out to relax, so he agreed.

There were not many people with him that day, they were all his friends, and the horse he was riding was also brought by him.

Xu is taking care of him, a scholar who has no strength to restrain the chicken. The horse is not big, it is just a foal that has not grown up.

But it was such a horse that suddenly went mad after he rode it, ruining his official career.

Shang Huaizhou also suspected that the horse had been tampered with, and wanted to ask that friend.

However, his broken leg is not conducive to walking, and he can't see anyone at all.

And during the time he was recovering from his injuries, that friend never visited him.

Later, when he was almost recovered, he found out after inquiring that the man left the capital with his family after his accident, and his whereabouts were unknown.

The matter of his falling from the horse also broke the clue.

The room became quiet, and Shangmu's sobs gradually subsided.

Seeing her husband twirling his right leg with his thin fingers, she knew he was remembering the past.

"Husband doesn't have to be like this." Mother Shang pursed her lips.

She knew that her husband had always cared about the Shang family, especially his grandfather.

Because of his grandfather's words, even if he is crippled and has no chance of an official career, he still wants to contribute to the prosperity of the family.

It's just that with his mother-in-law blocking him, there's not much he can do.

"Grandfather loves my husband very much. I can understand that you don't want to disappoint his old man's expectations. I just want to ask for an explanation for Yinyin, not what I want my husband to do."

If there is anyone in the mansion who treats their family as the masters of the Shang family, it is only the grandfather.

Therefore, although Shang's mother doesn't see Mr. Shang often, she respects him from the bottom of her heart.

She has been holding back all this time because of the importance he attaches to her husband.

Shang Huaizhou didn't make a sound, and after a long silence, he twitched the corners of his mouth and said softly: "We'll talk about these things later, Yinyin has to go to Prince Cheng's mansion, you go and help her pack a few changes of clothes, there are still some things for her husband ask her."

Mother Shang also knew that her daughter was going to live in Prince Cheng's mansion, so she was unavoidably uneasy, and she touched her daughter's small face worriedly.

After a period of treatment, the mottled spots on her face became lighter.

"I heard that this eldest princess has a very weird temper. Yinyin hasn't learned the rules for a few days, and her worldly skills are even more unreasonable. I'm afraid she will offend the princess."

The mother is worried when the son travels thousands of miles, let alone such a grand compound as Prince Sheng's Mansion.

"No." Shang Huaizhou smiled.

"In my opinion, although the princess is different from ordinary people, her temperament is more open-minded than anyone else, and she will never care about a child." He looked at his daughter softly.

"Besides, it's best to be unsophisticated. If you are like Yuanyuan, the princess will not like it."

"That's true." Shang's mother probably also thought that it would be good for the child to be innocent, and after hearing her husband's words, she immediately felt relieved.

"Then I'll go and pack Yinyin's things, and you father and daughter can talk." Mother Shang wiped away the wet tears, and hurriedly got up and walked to the bedroom.

Shang Yinyin's room is not big, and a lot of clothes are stored in their couple's room.

There were only father and daughter left in the room, Shang Yinyin lowered her head and looked at her father quietly, thinking that she was going to reprimand her for running out.

Unexpectedly, Shang Huaizhou just smiled lovingly and waved to her.

"Can Yinyin tell dad who released you from the ancestral hall?"

Not being scolded, Shang Yinyin immediately relaxed a lot.

She didn't think it needed to be concealed either, so she blinked her eyes and said, "It's the mother-in-law who guards the ancestral hall."

Shang Huaizhou thought of the old nanny he saw that day, he thought her behavior was suspicious at that time, but he didn't find anything after asking for a long time.

"Why did she let you out?" Mrs. Xie didn't want to see them, and even the servants in the mansion didn't look good towards them.

It's normal to be perfunctory and perfunctory. When you see Yinyin being bullied, and the worst ones fall into trouble, the best-hearted people will just hide and walk away, and they will never help them offend the head of the house.

Seeing her father frowning, Shang Yinyin was very puzzled.

"Every time Yinyin is imprisoned in the ancestral hall, it is the mother-in-law who talks with Yinyin, and the mother-in-law also brings food to Yinyin."

Shang Yuanyuan locked her up just to torture her, so how could she be given food.

Is that what the old mama made up her own mind?

Shang Huaizhou pondered for a moment: "Then why didn't you come back after you came out, instead went to Prince Sheng's Mansion?"

Shang Yinyin picked at the embroidery on her sleeve, pouted and said, "My mother-in-law told Yinyin to go. My mother-in-law said that the beautiful sister is very powerful. Yinyin will go to her and she won't be bullied again. of."

She spoke one mother-in-law, calling her very intimately, but it made Shang Huaizhou's brows tighten.


When Shang Yinyin left, she not only brought a change of clothes, but also a food box.

There is a clay pot in the food box, and the custard mille-feuille cake made by Shang's mother.

Unlike ordinary mille-feuille cakes, this custard mille-feuille cake uses rice flour instead of flour.

One layer of white rice cake and one layer of custard rice cake, with layers of rice fragrance and custard flavor, it smells sweet.

This is also Shang Yinyin's favorite food.

It's just that this time it's specially made for Gu Nanyan.

"Yinyin must be obedient, do whatever the princess asks you to do, don't run around in the palace, stay in your yard obediently, don't bother the princess if she doesn't ask you, you know?"

Mother Shang reluctantly helped her daughter straighten her clothes, earnestly instructing her.

"These cakes are also for the concubine. You can see if she likes them. If she likes them, mother will make some every day and send them to you."

They not only treated their daughter but also took her in. Although Shang's mother was a little worried, she was still very grateful.

She touched her daughter's small face, and she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that her daughter's skin color was indeed much more even.

 Shang Yinyin's father, Shang Huaizhou, wrote the wrong name in the previous chapter, which has been changed.

(End of this chapter)

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