The farmer has a mall

Chapter 571 The main system ran away from home

Chapter 571 The main system ran away from home

When Gu Nanyan was lying flat in Prince Cheng's mansion, in another time and space far away, Xuan Yu was sitting in a white room with his head covered.

There is a long table in front of him. On the table is a starry sky. One of the planets is enlarged, and a series of numbers are marked on the top of the planet.

Xuanyu stretched out his hand very furiously, and the planet disappeared instantly.

He continued to lower his head and cover his head, with a look of bitterness and hatred on his face.

There were more than a dozen people in uniforms and white coats sitting on both sides of the long table. They all looked at each other, shrunk their heads and dared not speak.

Xuanyu stuck his fingers in his hair, his head almost dropped to the table, and the chicken nest head was even more messy when he grabbed it.

The room was quiet for a long time, and a baby-faced person sitting first on his right hand murmured, "Don't be angry, Brother Xuan, everyone has done their best, and it's not that there is no progress..."

"Progress?" Xuanyu wiped his face, looked up at the talking baby face, showing a standard smirk with eight teeth.

"You call this progress?" He tapped his finger on the desktop and successfully opened a dialog box.

The dialog box is basically a message sent by one's own side, and there is only one reply from the other party.

It's an emoji with the middle finger up.

baby face:"……"

The baby face said awkwardly: "Anyway, it finally replied to us, which is also considered a kind of progress."

Seeing that Xuanyu was about to lose his temper, Babyface hurriedly argued: "Second Xuan, you don't know that the main system only listens to the boss. If you didn't seek to usurp the throne and get rid of the boss, it wouldn't be out of control..."

"Who is plotting to usurp the throne!" Xuan Yu immediately frowned, and stood up from his chair.

"I said it was an accident, do you understand the accident!"

He pointed at the baby's face and said angrily: "I warn you, don't talk nonsense, if my sister hears it..."

Imagining that scene, Xuanyu Ji Lingling shuddered, and grabbed the neckline of the baby's face: "I will drag you as a support even if I die."

Death is not enough, at most life is better than death.

Babyface slandered a few words, and patted the hand that was clutching his neckline.

"Slip of the tongue, Brother Xuan, let me go first."

Xuan Yu stared and sat back down.

Who is the second child?

Call it addictive, right?

You are the second child!

The second child of your family! !
The second child of your household! ! !

Xuanyu was very angry, but he didn't have any moves against the baby face, so the breath that he couldn't swallow radiated the entire conference room like a shotgun.

"I warn you, quickly solve the problem for me, otherwise the company has a problem, and you all pack up for me and get out!"

"It's you who got the fuck out first." Babyface's murmured voice was very clear in the empty meeting room.

Xuan Yu glared at him fiercely.

The baby face immediately changed, and comforted with a smile: "Just kidding, I forgot that you have successfully usurped the throne. The whole company belongs to you. Who dares to let you go."

"They said it was an accident!"

There's no end to damn it.

Is this stalk impossible!

If I have the guts to usurp the throne and still use it here, I will kill all of you who can eat nothing!

Knowing that if he continued this topic, he would be the one who had a heart attack, Xuanyu took a deep breath and said, "What's going on with my sister...Maybe she was sent back?"

The baby's face and white eyes rolled into the sky: "How is it possible, the main system is not listening now, and it is difficult for us to contact there."

"Then recover as soon as possible!"

"How to recover? The only one who can make the main system obey is the boss. If you want to recover, you can only find the boss first, but if you want to get the boss back, you can only rely on the main system. Do you think it will be so stupid?"

"Then think of other ways."

The baby face shook the swivel chair, and spread his hands at Xuanyu: "I have no choice, unless the backup system works, but now the backup system is like a newborn baby, how can it beat the main system."

Xuanyu was silent, obviously also aware of the current situation.

"Then find a way to contact my sister first."

Before the baby face spoke again, Xuan Yu looked at him fiercely.

He said seriously, "Don't tell me you can't do it."

"If you can't even do this little thing, you should know the consequences when she comes back."

The smile on Babyface's face faded, and it took a long time before he sighed and said, "My life was given by the boss. Do you think I don't want her to come back? I really can't do it. The main system has been hiding it. When the boss had an accident, he had already regained control, but we didn't know it."

Intelligent systems have provided them with great convenience, but they have also planted great disasters.

Just like now, none of them can control it, and it is even difficult to find it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't send it messages over and over again.

The baby face looked at the emoji with the middle finger up, and covered her face with a headache.

"The only thing I can do now is to take advantage of the loopholes and send a message to 888. With my ability, I can only send this one, and the content should not be too complicated, a dozen or so characters at most."

"The rest depends on the boss. If the main system still fears her, maybe it will recover."

It's a pity that the boss lost his memory, and this hope is not great.

But it's the only thing they can do so far.

"Then... what if the main system doesn't fear the boss anymore?" The middle-aged man in a formal suit sitting diagonally across from him asked with a frown.

"Then we have to figure it out ourselves."

Babyface gave him a deep look, "I hope to control the main system before it causes chaos."

This may be basically wishful thinking.

The room fell silent again, and everyone's expressions were solemn, obviously knowing that the possibility of this was minimal.

Xuanyu wiped his face, and said a little tiredly: "The main system is so out of control, it is impossible for my sister to stay can send a message to 888 first, and I will go back and take a closer look at the information left by my sister. "

He has read the information no less than a hundred times, but found nothing.

Even if there was useful information in it, it would have been completely deleted by the main system long ago.


At the same time, in another time and space, Gu Nanyan was still living a life of drunkenness and dreams.

In the largest inn in the capital, Qi Dangjia sat on a chair with a heavy face, and a middle-aged man stood in front of him.

The middle-aged man had two mustaches and looked very shrewd.

"Master Shang still refuses to see us, and we have already posted ten times today."

"You won't let people guard outside the Shang's mansion? Can he still stay out of the house!" Qi Dangjia irritatedly said.

"This..." Mustache took a look at him, and said hesitantly, "Sir Shang doesn't go out very much except for the morning court, and he doesn't even go to the morning court during this period of time. Our people really have no way to start."

"What about the rest of the Qi family? It can't be that the whole house doesn't go out."

"Patriarch, don't worry, the villain has already been contacted, but..."

The little beard thought it over and said: "I have submitted the paper twice, and the emperor didn't summon you, even if Mr. Shang is willing to give it to you again, I'm afraid it will be too much."

The head of Qi naturally knew this truth, the emperor didn't want to see him, and it was useless to hand over the papers a few times.

But even knowing the result, what should be done is still to be done.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for his father to explain.

Thinking of who he was running around for, Qi Dangjia's face became even uglier.

The resentment on his face was very obvious, and the mustache could tell what he was thinking at a glance.

"The one in the sky prison has a hook with us after all. If he said something, not only would it be difficult for the master to explain to that side, even the emperor would not let the Qi family go."

"Besides, if that happens, won't all of this be yours in the future?"

"Tch!" Master Qi sneered.

"Who knows for sure, the old man loves my good brother very much."

"No matter how much you love him, you are not the eldest son." Mustache continued to persuade.

"What's more, if the Qi family is gone, it's useless to say anything. If you don't do the things in front of you first, you can leave a good impression on the old man. After the things are done, you can slowly figure them out..."

(End of this chapter)

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