Chapter 573
Gu Nanyan pretended not to see Shang Yuanyuan's actions, and continued to watch the show with her mind wandering.

After the play was over, he went back to the house.

Yun Xi handed the letter to her, and she just glanced at it roughly, then packed it together with Shang Yinyin and threw it to Li Yi.

Li Yi accepts his daughter-in-law's behavior of becoming more and more homely and throwing everything to him, and he accepts it well and is willing.

... So he changed hands and threw it to Li Mi.

Li Mi:? ? ?
Is it over yet?
Just ask if you are finished!

Throw away the things your wife entrusted to you to me.

I have been busy and haven't seen my daughter-in-law for a long time!

Li Mi was aggrieved, but no matter how aggrieved he opened the letter, he read it carefully.

The content of the letter is very simple, and the general meaning is to ask Gu Nanyan to find a way to help release those people she arrested, and will pay a generous reward afterwards as a token of gratitude.

As for how rich, the letter hinted that it would be no less than the ones she had robbed from Tiger Way.

When Li Yi waited for his brother to read the letter, he thoughtfully praised his daughter-in-law for how defiant of power, high-spirited, honest and upright, she was unmoved in the face of huge interests, and she was devoting herself... and so on and so on.

He successfully limped Li Mi.

Gu Nanyan is so greedy and stingy, he has known her for so long, only he, the emperor, rewarded her with things, but she has never seen her give him anything for free.

But she is so righteous this time!

It seems that he really cares about his righteous brother...

Li Mi was so moved that he almost shed tears, and very sincerely, he tried his best to invite Gu Nanyan into the palace for a small gathering.

Gu Nanyan ruthlessly rejected him without hesitation.

And with three equally sincere reasons.

First, the food in the palace is unpalatable.

Second, the food in the palace is unpalatable.

Third, the food in the palace is really unpalatable.

Li Mi: "..."

I want to talk about brother and sister relationship with you, but you only want to eat?
Is this the man in charge?
And how long have you been in the mansion, can you do something serious.

Donkeys pulling mills in rural areas dare not rest like this!

Gu Nanyan: Don't dare, I dare.


What are you going to do if you don't have a banquet in the palace?

Appreciate your flourishing beauty?

Lao Tzu's man is not prettier than you.

Li Mi vomits blood.


Shang Yuanyuan was brought into the palace, and without waiting for Li Mi's interrogation, she sold her parents out completely.

So when Mr. Shang got the news, his ineffective second grandson and his wife had already been invited into the palace by the imperial guards.

Mrs. Xie was able to teach a pair of grandchildren to be like that. Of course, the son is not a good person, and he is really a bully.

He also confessed clearly without waiting for torture to extract a confession.

Li Mi: It's a lonely trial.

It turned out that the head of Qi had no way to ask to see the emperor, and Mr. Shang avoided seeing him. In desperation, he had no choice but to start with Shang Yuanyuan's father, Shang Weicai.

Shang Wei is an ignorant person. When he was a child, he beat dogs and chickens to harm his neighbors. When he grew up, he bullied boys and girls and became a playboy.

Of course, his playboy is not the same as Cui Yao.

After all, Cui Yao is just talking about it, and fighting is only aimed at those who do not do good things.

Even if he went to the brothel to be happy, he just asked the girl to pour him a drink and play a tune, and then he fell down.

Therefore, although he is a dude, he doesn't have much infamy.

Shang Weicai was different, he was a veritable bastard.

Not only is he a frequent visitor to the brothel, but he also goes to the brothel too, and spends a lot of money all day long.

Although Mrs. Xie loves him, it is still difficult to accept her son's problem of eating all men and women.

Last month, she accidentally found out about him going to the brothel. Mrs. Xie persuaded him several times to no avail, so she gritted her teeth and broke his monthly deposit.

For Shang Weicai, who is used to being extravagant, this is tantamount to a bolt from the blue.

After a few days of stalemate with Mrs. Xie, seeing that she showed no signs of letting go, I had no choice but to give in first, and made an oath to heaven that I would never go to that kind of place again.

But this time Mrs. Xie seemed determined to correct his faults, and it was unprecedentedly determined.

Shang Weicai had no choice but to find a way to make money outside.

It just so happened that the mustache next to Head Qi found him, and promised to pay him 1000 taels for his help in persuading Mr. Shang to make another pass.

Or ask his niece in Prince Sheng's Mansion to bring a letter to Gu Nanyan.

Shang Weicai was afraid of his grandfather since he was a child, so how dare he mention this kind of money-taking to Master Shang.

As for sending a letter to Gu Nanyan...

Mrs. Xie urged him to avoid his elder brother's family recently, so naturally he would not dare to mention his niece.

But 1000 taels is not too much for him, nor is it a small amount. If it is saved, it is enough for him to squander it for two or three months, and wait for his mother to calm down.

So he thought of his own daughter whom he hadn't seen for many days.

This is how Shang Yuanyuan stuffed letters into Gu Nan's smoking room.

Master Shang listened to his grandson's explanation, his face turned purple with anger, and he almost didn't come up.

He only thought that this grandson was a bit of a mess, and he hadn't heard of him causing major troubles for so many years, so he didn't think he was too bad.

Who would have thought that he would even dare to go to a place like the Guanguan, if word got out, his old face would be forgotten.

Mr. Shang was so angry that he didn't care about Li Mi who was sitting above him, so he took off his boots and patted him.

The crackling sound of skin and flesh resounded in the spacious imperial study room, very pleasant to the ear.

Li Mi didn't stop him either.

He had already found someone to read it, and the letter that Gu Nanyan gave him did not have any logo, and the handwriting was wrong, so it was impossible to prove that it was written by Qi Dangjia.

Even if it can be proved, but he just wrote a letter, and was reported by Gu Nanyan before he could do anything. At most, it would be painless.

Li Mi didn't bother to bother.

The main criminal cannot be caught, and the accessory Shang Weicai is even more impossible to catch.

He can only let Lord Shang beat him up to teach him a lesson.

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for the sake of face, he would have wanted to do it himself.

It just added to his workload, so he deserves a beating.

Not to mention the punishment Shang Weicai would receive if he was dragged back like a dead dog by Mr. Shang, but Shang Yuanyuan was sent back to Gu Nanyan.

Li Mi personally sent it.

Li Mi expressed his frustration.

What can he do, this ancestor doesn't go out, he still has something to discuss with her, and if he doesn't come to the door himself, can someone tie her into the palace?
Let alone whether there is anyone who can tie her up, if he really thinks about it, he will be the one who will be unlucky in the end.

Sitting in the living room, Li Mi ate several pieces of chocolate pie under Gu Nanyan's unwelcoming eyes.

In order to take them in, 888 signed an unequal treaty to sell the goods in the mall at extremely low prices.

Just like this chocolate pie, it used to cost one tael of silver when it was expensive, but now you can buy a bunch of it for one tael of silver.

Gu Nanyan hadn't eaten junk food for a long time, and felt uncomfortable everywhere, so she cleared all the snacks she liked in the mall and put them in the space to eat slowly.

The chocolate pies in front of her were her afternoon tea, and she only ate one piece, when she heard that Li Mi came to the door with a tray.

After seeing it, Li Mi picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth.

I thought it would be okay to give him a piece of food if it was cheap.

But he couldn't finish eating. Seeing that the dim sum plates had bottomed out, Gu Nanyan endured and endured, finally gritted his molars and asked him: "What the hell are you doing here!"

You know how to eat when you eat.

Is there anything right!
It's troublesome to go out to the palace, and you came here for snacks?


Seeing the almost empty plate, Li Mi licked the chocolate at the corner of his mouth contentedly, and smiled sarcastically.

"Your snacks are delicious."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I use you to say!
It doesn't taste good, why do I buy it!

This guy hasn't seen him for so many days, why is he still in need of a beating?

Gu Nanyan: "If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and get out."

She couldn't tell what happened when she was late.

Li Mi: "..."

Why don't I just eat two pieces of snacks for you?

Li Mi snorted, and finally started to talk about business.

"That letter... what do you think?"

Gu Nanyan: "See with your eyes!"

So angry, the whole plate was emptied by him, and I felt like I had suffered a great loss.

Li Mi twitched the corner of his mouth, and said speechlessly, "I'm asking if you have any thoughts, or if you can see anything from it."

Look at you being stingy, like that, I know that I ate a few pieces of your dim sum, but I don’t know that I thought I ate your meat!
...But it's really delicious.

It seems that he has to visit Yi'er's place often, after all, they are brothers, so it is necessary to see each other often to enhance brotherhood.

(End of this chapter)

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