Chapter 577
Private salt trading is one of the main sources of income for the Qi family.

Mrs. Qi secretly promoted a lot of ruffians and hooligans, and praised them as the local tyrants.

Then use those people to give them bulk.

One of them was Ming Shan Cheng Yiba Jin Ye who was taken care of by Gu Nanyan at the beginning.

Since Master Jin was taken away, although the Qi family lost a piece of land, they have not moved their muscles and bones. The old man Qi didn't care at all, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​​​rescuing Master Jin.

In his eyes, a person like Jin Ye is just a tool to make money, and when he has no use value, he discards it like a shoe.

Jianan Kingdom is so big, Mr. Qi really didn't take the lost Mingshan seriously.

However, what he did not expect was that a new salt would suddenly appear on the market in the next few months.

The appearance of the new salt is as fine as sand, the color is white, and there is no bitter taste in the mouth. It is much better than that produced by Qi's family.

The most important thing is that the price is extremely cheap, even ordinary farmers can afford it.

Therefore, as soon as the new salt comes out, it is conceivable what kind of impact it will have on private salt.

Qi Jia's private salt has been continuously impacted, and the volume of bulk cargo is decreasing day by day.

How could Mrs. Qi be reconciled.

What's more, these new salts are related to Gu Nanyan.

So he teamed up with officials who had a good relationship with him and prepared to report that Gu Nanyan made salt without permission. Not only could he take away her salt factory to vent her hatred, but she might also get the salt factory.

Who would have thought that they could wait for them to make a move, and they would directly hand over the salt to the imperial court and divide half of the salt farm's benefits to the imperial court.

The low price of new salt is a good thing for the common people. How could the emperor refuse it?

Not only did he not punish Gu Nanyan, but he helped her run the saltworks.

Old Mrs. Qi almost fell ill. He watched helplessly that his family's salt industry became more and more sluggish, and the Qi family lost nearly half of their income.

Fortunately, news from his uncle finally came.

The Yang Kingdom has sent troops!
The country of Yang is separated by a large sea from the country of Jianan. Mr. Qi, the cheap father-in-law, is an important minister of the country of Yang. He was rescued by his father by chance.

Since then, the two have not broken contact.

In order to show friendship, the two even got married.

Old Master Qi recalled what his father had said to him.

Yangguo was built on a small island, with a small place and few species. Not only was it often attacked by tsunamis, but it was also common for earth dragons to turn over.

Moreover, there are many volcanoes in Yangguo, and every eruption will cause a lot of damage, not to mention the destructive hurricanes.

This is a tiny place, with scarce supplies and so many natural disasters, Yangguo has been in dire straits all year round.

Until the previous generation of kings succeeded to the throne.

He did not know who gave advice, and began to vigorously develop sailing and travel many times in an attempt to find a place with a large land and rich resources for the people of the country to inhabit.

However, the size of the ocean cannot be measured, and the search for it has been fruitless for decades.

Mrs. Qi's father-in-law is the official in charge of finding a new land.

After accidentally drifting here, he hit it off with his father and came up with the idea of ​​this piece of land.

It's a pity that the country of Yang is too far away, and given the national conditions at the time, it didn't have enough strength to cross the ocean to attack the country of Jianan.

Now decades have passed, and the Qi family has secretly assisted, Yangguo finally came to fight.

Old Mrs. Qi stroked his gray beard and smiled contentedly, the gloom of the previous days was swept away.

"If this is done, my brother will definitely have to contribute. I think the lord of your country will be more interested in you. After the Yang Kingdom moves its capital, please take care of the Qi family."

He raised his glass and drank it down without waiting for the other party to reply, looking in a good mood.

The same white-haired man sitting opposite him laughed loudly, and said in fluent Chianan language: "Brother Qi is serious, the day Yang Kingdom moves its capital is the day you become king, I should congratulate you first."

After he finished speaking, he nodded his head emphatically, and drank the wine in his glass at the same time.

These words obviously touched Old Master Qi's heart.

The Qi family contributed money and efforts for the throne, and now that a good thing is about to happen, how can it not be exciting.


Ishida Hao had a long ending voice, and said pointedly: "Brother Qi should also learn our language well, otherwise it will be bad if you don't understand the king's words when you meet the king in the future."

The two have always communicated in Jianan Mandarin, and Mrs. Qi can only speak a few simple Yang Guo dialects, which made Ishida Hao very dissatisfied.

However, I had to endure it before I asked him for it.

Now that their army has arrived here, in the future only when the Qi family begged him, Ishida Hao directly expressed his dissatisfaction.

Old Mrs. Qi paused for a moment, then restored his smile instantly, and nodded as if agreeing with his words.

"What uncle said is true, but I was negligent, thank you for reminding me."

Only then was Ishida Hao satisfied, and continued to discuss business with him.

"General Dong has prepared the supplies for the army and is ready to attack Dongfu County at any time. Have you received any news from the imperial court?"

The preparation he was talking about was the interception and killing of passing ships in the offshore a few days ago.

Mrs. Qi has already prepared enough food and grass for them through his own channels, and put them on the island where they stopped.

But Ishida Hao was not satisfied, and let his men go into the sea to plunder without saying hello.

Killing people and robbing money and supplies is nothing more than letting people make human flesh into jerky for grain storage.

Rao, no matter how calm old Mrs. Qi was, he was quite frightened by their actions.

He only heard from his father that there were many natural disasters in Yangguo, which led to food shortages, and the people in the whole country were not living well.

But it is appalling to be hungry enough to feed on human flesh.

Thinking of this incident, Old Master Qi felt chills in his heart, and couldn't help doubting whether his father's decision to cooperate with these lunatics was correct.

However, the matter has come to this point, even if it is wrong, it can only be wrong to the end.

"I received the news this morning that the Princess Protector of our country has invited herself to fight, and I'm afraid she will arrive in a few days."

"The princess protecting the country... is a woman?" Ishida Hao didn't take it seriously.

"It's just a woman, how can we talk about protecting the country, even if it comes, it will only be the fun of our generals, but that prince..."

Ishida Hiroshi narrowed his long and thin eyes. His eyes were not big when he was young, but now his skin is aging and his eyelids are drooping, and his eyes are even smaller.

"I heard that he has built a defense line near the pier in the past few days and organized the capital garrison to defend the coast. There has been a lot of commotion."

"From what you've seen, can this prince influence our actions?"

He didn't know much about the royal family of Jianan Kingdom, he only knew that this prince was good at fighting, and he was not defeated in any war he participated in.

"There will definitely be an impact, but at the beginning, the battle line was at sea. As long as your soldiers move fast enough and attack quickly with the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the opponent will be confused if they don't react in time, and it will not cause major obstacles."

Moreover, the soldiers of the Yang Kingdom are inferior to those of the Jianan Kingdom in terms of weapons and armor. Compared with the people brought by Prince Cheng, he is more afraid of Gu Nanyan who is in charge of the kamikaze team.

No matter how capable Mrs. Qi is, he is not a court official, and his understanding of the kamikaze team is basically collected from the folks.

People rumored that the members of the kamikaze team, as their name suggests, are like gods, able to summon wind, rain and order thunder and lightning, and no grass will grow wherever they pass.

Of course, he would not believe such nonsense.

But it is a fact that the kamikaze team repelled the Wei Yang army.

Old Mrs. Qi expressed his concerns. After all, it was about his throne and he had to be cautious in everything.

"The princess is the leader of the kamikaze team?" Ishida Hao asked with a frown.

"That's right." Mrs. Qi nodded.

"And from what your youngest son said, the other party probably has the same firecracker as yours."

Shi Tianhao's youngest son was the young cousin among those captured by Gu Nanyan in the northwest.

Ishida Hao's face darkened in an instant: "You mean, it was the princess who hurt my son at the beginning?"

He is not afraid of firecrackers, he has them as well as the other party has them, and there are only a lot of them.

But she, a mere woman, dared to hurt his son, she was looking for death!
 The elders in the family were hospitalized and asked for a day off at 27.

  This chapter is on the 28th, and Chapter 2 will be updated at night.

  ps: On the [-]th of next month, the two chapters that were owed before will be updated, and there will be additional updates.

  pps: The temperature in the north has dropped recently, so be careful to keep warm, little cuties.

  ppps: love you (* ̄3 ̄)╭
(End of this chapter)

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