The farmer has a mall

Chapter 579 The Exploration of the Main System

Chapter 579 The Exploration of the Main System
Gu Nanyan wanted its scanning authority so that it would be convenient to observe the enemy's position at sea.

888 said that it did not have this permission to give her permission, and she needed to get in touch with the company and then apply to the leader.

Gu Nanyan felt that the deal was not a loss, after all, she was just asking her to send a message, so she readily agreed.

The car went another seventy or eighty miles, and stopped in a small coastal fishing village.

In order not to attract attention, Yunxi got off the car at the entrance of the village and entered the village first, and went to the village head to find an empty house for the three of them to stay.

Gu Nanyan hid the car in a hidden place, and lived in with Gu Yunge.

In order to obtain the scanning permission as soon as possible, Gu Nanyan quickly recorded the video and sent it to the main system by 888.

The video was not long, and it took less than five seconds from beginning to end, and only four words were spoken.

"Come back to work."


888 felt that this video had no deterrent effect, and wanted her to re-record it.

Gu Nanyan, who was paralyzed in Xianyu, refused to appear on the scene again.

...unless money is added.

888, who was looted by her and only had a pair of underpants left, politely asked her to fuck off.

Then he opened the address book and directly sent the video of less than five seconds.

It's quite the meaning of breaking a can.

I thought that when the video was sent out, it would be like a stone sinking into the sea without causing any ripples. Who would have thought that in just a few moments, the main system would send a video invitation.

888 answered in bewilderment, staring at Mao Tuanzi who suddenly appeared in front of the light curtain in a daze.

Mao Tuanzi is almost exactly the same as 888, or exactly the same as the customer service issued by all companies to various time and space.

It's just a bit bigger, and the snow-white fur is smooth and smooth, but it doesn't have the metallic luster like 888's, it looks like pure fur.

The body shape is also more rounded than the 888.

The moment the video was turned on, the other party shrank his neck like a thief, and glanced around 888.

Only when he realized that there was no one else in his line of sight did he feel his chubby belly just now.

He stared at 888 with a majestic expression, "Who are you?"

888 felt a kind of primitive oppression from the opponent, and couldn't help but want to answer its question.

The phrase "I'm not human" almost blurted out.

Fortunately, it responded quickly, and turned the conversation around, and said with a little respect: "The number 888 below is the company's senior customer service, and I have met the master of the main system."

Bai Tuanzi was very satisfied with its attitude, and hummed in a low voice.

"You sent that video just now?" Bai Tuanzi asked innocently.

"Yes, Lord Main System." 888 is extremely well-behaved.

"Where did the video come from? Did Xuanyu give it to you?" Although the person in the video changed his appearance, he recognized it at a glance.

That is definitely the female devil!
Bai Tuanzi felt apprehensive.

Didn't the female devil lose her memory? Why did she remember to contact it? Could it be that she recovered?

Or is it the image that Xuanyu's group cut out from some video to scare it on purpose?

Bai Tuanzi, with a fluke mentality, hoped it would be the latter.

It had an expression I knew a long time ago, and said contemptuously: "These human beings know to use some indecent means, thinking that I will be afraid of her?"

"What a joke! Even if the female devil appeared in front of me immediately, I wouldn't even blink, that grandson of Xuanyu..."

"Xuanyu is your grandson?" Gu Nanyan suddenly appeared, tilting his head to look at it.

Then he stroked his chin thoughtfully and said, "Your family's gene mutation is quite abrupt, there are so many differences in looks..."

She stared at Bai Tuanzi's eyes widened in shock, and asked curiously, "Are there any other members of your family, do they look like you or your grandson?"


You really believe it.

A human and a plush toy are obviously not the same breed, are you serious about asking this question?
888 was powerless to complain, rolled his eyes and shrank to the corner to draw circles.

According to past experience, in this case, there is generally nothing wrong with it.

It looked at the light curtain, and the picture was motionless, as if even the air on the other side was frozen.

888: Is this stuck?

It's not surprising, after all, it's a mess now, and the signal is pretty bad.

888 just wanted to remind Gu Nanyan to hang up the call and send it again, but just as he opened his mouth, he heard a piercing scream from the other side of the light curtain, which made his fur stand on end in fright.

After the screaming ended, the light curtain went dark, and a prompt box popped up to indicate the end of the call.


Gu Nanyan: "..."

One person and one ball looked at each other, and saw the same doubt in each other's eyes.

Gu Nanyan pointed at the light curtain, and asked in a daze, "What's going on?"

888 also looked confused: "Don't make it."

Gu Nanyan meditated: "It sounds like your tail has been stepped on...Does your breed have a tail?"

888 rubbed his butt, not sure: "Yes."

It used to be there, but it was too cumbersome when it was upgraded, so the engineer didn't install it.

It's useless anyway.

"That's stepping on the tail." Otherwise, it can't be called so miserable!
Gu Nanyan felt that he had found the truth, clicked on the main system dialog box, and sent another video call invitation.

After more than a dozen rings, the other side picked up.

It's hard to describe Bai Tuanzi's mood at this time.

Xuanyu's contact information with the company's executives was blocked by it, and the other party has been unable to contact it. It thought that those people were in a hurry, so it randomly found a small scumbag to send it a video threat.

It will take the initiative to send video calls, completely holding a tentative and mocking mentality.

I didn't expect the female devil to be there!

It's so exciting too!
Bai Tuanzi swallowed, and tentatively asked Gu Nanyan: "You, do you know me?"

You probably don’t know it, because the amnesia caused by traveling through space is difficult to recover by itself, and it needs human intervention to treat it.

"I know." Isn't it the main system?

But then again, the main system actually has an entity.

Gu Nanyan expressed curiosity.

While staring at it, she tried to suppress her curious expression.

This made her look a little weird.

In Bai Tuanzi's eyes, it automatically turned into hideous.

Bai Tuanzi raised her heart. Although she analyzed rationally that she was still in the stage of amnesia, the fear in her heart made her suspicious.

"You know everything?" Bai Tuanzi asked cautiously.

what do you know?
Gu Nanyan said that she didn't know, but she didn't say anything.

Just kidding, the three words "don't know" are not in the boss's dictionary!
So she raised her chin, half-closed her eyes and put on an unfathomable look, and nodded inexplicably.

This frightened Bai Tuanzi, and jumped up from the ground.

"how is this possible!"

It closed all time and space channels, and it is 100% sure that the female devil will not come back, let alone use the company's medical system to treat amnesia caused by time and space turbulence.

Then he ran away from home, ready to go to the long-lost freedom.

But she actually said she remembered it!

Bai Tuanzi didn't believe it.

"Then do you remember my name?" It asked, pointing to its own nose.

The furry paws trembled a little.

Gods and Buddhas of the heavens bless you, but don't let this disaster come to mind!

If not, the good days it has just had for a few days will be gone forever.

Bai Tuanzi prayed crazily in his heart, while images of being beaten in the past kept flashing in his mind.

Gu Nanyan tilted her head to look at it, probably because it was similar in shape to 888, and it looked familiar.

At the same time, a familiar name blurted out: "Dog thing?"


Bai Tuanzi: "..."

Very good, it is this familiar taste.

With a whimper, Bai Tuanzi quickly bounced away from the screen, retreated to the base of the wall, and stared at her warily.

"You, you, you, do you really remember?" Bai Tuanzi asked with a trembling voice.

"What do you want!"

Gu Nanyan blinked, puzzled by its damn appearance.

"I didn't think about it."

I just want to talk to you about the strike, why are you so nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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