The farmer has a mall

Chapter 593 You are blind

Chapter 593 You are blind

Cui Yanping would never have thought that she was going to the treasury, she just thought that this girl had a big heart and was not afraid of Xiao Chong's tricks.

It is one thing that she is not afraid, but Cui Yanping, as a courtier, has to think about her safety.

So after discussing with her, he immediately ordered his lieutenant general to select two thousand Pingnan troops and escort the envoys to Daliang.

The deputy general led the order to retreat, and Cui Yanping turned around and saw Gu Nanyan sitting opposite him, smiling wickedly for some reason.

Even though he has experienced many battles and has already practiced the ability to remain calm, he has to sigh at this moment——

This girl is a real tiger!

Speaking of business, what are you laughing at?

Do you know how dangerous this road is!
Then Xiao Chong hated you so much that he almost tore you up with his hands. In case something happened to him, the general would ask someone for a car!
Cui Yanping was heartbroken, but the person on the opposite side didn't care at all, and walked out the door.

One foot has already crossed the threshold, and I still don't forget to ask him where the nearest sea is.

Gu Nanyan said that she didn't eat well on the way, and now she wants to eat seafood.

Cui Yanping: "..."

Fart's eating and sleeping in the open!

A total of two days of driving and sleeping in the open air?
What about those who travel on two legs?

And don't think he doesn't know.

The steam car ran so fast, if she hadn't been doing business along the way, she led a group of envoys running around eating, drinking and having fun.

Arrived early!
Cui Yanping had a heart attack, forced a smile and told her that there was no sea nearby.

And very politely asked her to leave quickly.

Gu Nanyan stood at the door, staring at him silently for a long time.

Cui Yanping felt uneasy in his heart, thinking that she was about to violently beat someone up, and couldn't help but regret his tone of voice just now.

Just as he was thinking if Gu Nanyan rushed up, would he run or not.

Can you resist without running?

Will I lose face if I run away?

Gu Nanyan suddenly sighed.

Then he took out a box of Liuwei Dihuang Wan from nowhere and stuffed it into his arms.

"Take medicine when you are sick." Liuwei Dihuang Wan is a good thing, not only can strengthen the kidney, but also has curative effect on menopausal men.

Especially the kind of menopausal men who are weak and weak.

She glanced at the sweat on Cui Yanping's forehead, shook her head and sighed sympathetically.

And patted him on the shoulder to show comfort.

Cui Yanping:? ? ?


In view of the importance of this mission, several ministers decided not to stop at the Pingnan Army garrison after discussion, and set off early the next morning.

Gu Nanyan also wanted to arrive earlier, so she didn't object.

The next morning, the envoys set off again.

Cui Yanping ordered the selected two thousand elite soldiers to escort him along the way, but Gu Nanyan thought it was troublesome, so he refused without thinking.

Unexpectedly, Cui Yanping persisted uncharacteristically, and told her seriously that this was his responsibility, and she had to take it with her.

In view of the capriciousness of menopausal men, Gu Nanyan shut up very sensiblely, and took the two thousand elite soldiers with him very obediently.

She slowed down the speed of the car to the minimum, held the steering wheel with one hand, rested her elbow on the open car window with the other hand, and drove slowly and bored at the front.

Followed by envoys who also slowed down.

And Ping Nanjun trotted hard behind.

After leaving the last gate of Jianan Kingdom...

Gu Nanyan rode away in a gallop.

Seeing this, the car behind had to speed up and catch up with her.

The fallen Pingnan Army: "..."

The leading lieutenant general chased after him out of breath and failed to catch up, so he had to return to the station to ask for instructions in desperation.

The customs clearance documents are in the hands of Gu Nanyan, without her they would not be able to enter the gate of Daliang Kingdom.

After Cui Yanping found out, he was quite calm, and asked the deputy general to take him back to the barracks, and wrote a military report to send him back to the capital in [-] miles, and he didn't mention this matter after that.

It seems that this result was known early on.

Anyway, he had already done his duty, and he couldn't do anything if he didn't need them to follow him.

The Daliang Kingdom has a vast territory and is the country with the largest territory in the Three Kingdoms.

It's just that although the country is large, there are many mountains and mountains, and there are many undeveloped wastelands, so it looks relatively desolate.

And Jiaoping County is the county seat closest to Jianan in Daliang Kingdom, and it is also one of the most desolate counties.

There is a hundred miles of wilderness between it and the next town. In this era when transportation is basically based on walking and communication is basically based on roaring, few people come to this place through the wilderness.

Therefore, when Gu Nanyan and his party arrived, they became the objects of onlookers in Jiaoping County.

Their steam car even aroused the curiosity of everyone. Many brave people rushed to the front of the car and touched it regardless of the danger.

Although the speed of the car has been set to the slowest, but a person rushes out suddenly, if the brakes are not timely, there is still a possibility of injury.

In desperation, Gu Nanyan could only let the two hundred guards get off the car to disperse the rushing civilians, and escorted the convoy forward slowly.

Fortunately, Xiao Chong showed up in time with someone.

They were all dressed in iron armor with sabers on their waists, and they were driving tall horses aggressively. They could be seen as members of the army at a glance.

The people knew that these people were not easy to mess with, so they immediately dispersed.

Xiao Chong clenched the rein of the horse with one hand and turned over, walked gloomyly to the head of the car, and looked at Gu Nanyan "affectionately" through the windshield.

"His Royal Highness, long time no see." He gritted his teeth and almost squeezed out the words.

Gu Nanyan waved and greeted him with a smile: "Long time no see, General Xiao is still so majestic and majestic."

It's just a little asymmetrical.

She stared at Xiao Chong's intact left arm, feeling itchy in her heart.

Gu Nanyan: Why do you suddenly feel that you may have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Her attitude was so good that Xiao Chong was stunned for a moment, and then his face became more gloomy.

"Thanks to the princess, Xiao Chong is doing well."


Beheading his arm and making him a useless person, as the chief culprit, she can still laugh!
She knew how much ridicule and ridicule he had suffered since returning to Daliang country.

You can see how he survived these days!

Seeing Gu Nanyan staring at his broken arm without any scruple, Xiao Chong gritted his teeth and his eyes were red.

He grinned viciously and sneered, "But I see that the princess's complexion is not very good, and the Yintang is covered with black clouds, and there may be disasters coming. Does the princess know why?"

"You're blind." Gu Nanyan said leisurely.

Immediately, he waved his hand impatiently: "Aren't you here to pick me up? What are you waiting for like sticking to that wooden stake, and still not leaving."

Hurry up, there's so much nonsense.

Xiao Chong squinted his eyes, and suddenly stretched his eyebrows and moved aside.

"What the princess said is that since you are in a hurry to get on the road, I will personally give you a ride." The meaning of these words is unclear, and it is obviously malicious.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes, too lazy to listen to his eccentricity, restarted the car and drove forward.

The beam cavalry in front consciously separated from the two sides, allowing Gu Nanyan and his party to pass.

"What should we do next?" Lieutenant General Li asked as he rode forward.

He is the deputy general next to General Xiao, and this time he also came to assist Xiao Chong under the order of General Xiao.

Xiao Chong smiled sternly: "What else can I do, let her be proud for a while, and wait until I get out of Jiaoping County... Has our people been arranged?"

Lieutenant General Li nodded: "Don't worry, our people are waiting fifty miles outside the county seat. As long as they get there, they can't escape even if they have wings, but..."

Looking at the convoy that was drifting away, he said with some uncertainty: "Their cars are really weird. If they are really as invulnerable as the rumored ones, it may take some effort to take them down."

Although he had never seen the steam cars of Gu's Automobile Store before, since Anyang also had a branch of Gu's Automobile Company, it has become the hottest topic in the two countries, even when he was in Daliang.

And he just observed it at a close distance, the whole car looks like iron but not iron, it looks very solid, and the speed is extremely fast.

If they hide inside and can't come out, it will be difficult to get people.

(End of this chapter)

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