The farmer has a mall

Chapter 596 Take what you need

Chapter 596 Take what you need
"I know about this." Emperor Liang said slowly.

"Since you are sincerely serving me, I am not the kind of foolish lord who grabs other people's mistakes... Tomorrow morning, I will reveal your identity to the public. You just say that I cherish talents and let you stay incognito in the court." .”

After finishing speaking, he rubbed the center of his brows as if a little tired, and waved his hand at Wei Hong: "That's all, if you have nothing to do, go back, I'm a little tired."

Wei Hong burst into tears of gratitude, and with tears in his eyes thanked him and withdrew.

After he left, the originally sluggish Emperor Liang looked thoughtfully at the direction in which he left.

"Do you think what he said is true?" Emperor Daliang asked Eunuch Meng who was standing behind him with his head bowed.

Eunuch Meng lowered his head even lower, "I don't dare to speak indiscriminately about the Prime Minister."

Emperor Liang squinted at him when he heard the words: "Tell me, I forgive you for your innocence." He wanted to know how to view this matter from an outsider's point of view.

Eunuch Meng thought for a moment, organized his words before saying: "This servant is stupid, I can't tell the truth from the prime minister's words, but according to this servant, the prime minister should have something to hide."

Emperor Liang narrowed his drooping eyelids, and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Even an eunuch can see that the other party is hiding something from him. It seems that he, the prime minister, is not as honest as he appears on the surface.

A while ago, he heard that the prime minister had gotten close to Lao Wu recently.

He didn't take it seriously at first, after all, he has always stood by the prince's side and never concealed his position.

But at this moment, it seems that it is not so sure.

Emperor Liang's face darkened.

Over the years, his health has been getting worse and worse, and the private fights between the princes have become more and more intense, as if he was about to die.

And the fifth child is the most inconspicuous of these princes, who has been living in a corner and unknown, and he has never paid much attention to it.

But what if he had already hooked up with the prime minister?
With the prestige of the prime minister in the court, it is not difficult to help him to the position of crown prince.

Even the seemingly foolish fifth prince dares to covet his throne, what about the other princes?
I'm afraid I wish he could ascend to bliss early!
Emperor Liang's face was very ugly, and a surge of anger welled up in his heart.

"Aren't all the courtiers like this? They say half will be kept, and the rest will be left to the emperor to guess for himself." Eunuch Meng said suddenly, with the tone of someone who has experienced it.

"Although the slave is stupid, but according to common sense, you can guess that the prime minister must have something to hide from you."

The anger that had just been raised by Emperor Liang suddenly froze, and he turned his head to look at him in disbelief.

"You guessed it all?" Didn't you hear something wrong from the prime minister's words?

How dare you guess this kind of thing? !

"Of course the slave guessed, but the slave is not as wise and powerful as you..."

Eunuch Meng hadn't finished his flattering words when he saw Emperor Liang's face darken, his legs went limp from fright, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"The emperor atones for his crimes, the slave speaks arbitrarily of his courtiers, the slave deserves to die, the slave deserves to die..."

Emperor Liang didn't make a sound, and he didn't dare to look up, he slapped himself tremblingly, the fear on his face didn't seem to be fake.

While pleading guilty, he also chattered wanting to cry without tears.

"The servant has already said it. The servant is stupid and dare not talk nonsense. You have to let the servant speak. If the servant tells you, you will be angry again. If you get angry and lose your body, how can the servant live?"

He rambled on, took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket in a hurry, raised his head nervously and stared at Emperor Liang.

It seemed that he was afraid that he would get angry and get sick.

Emperor Liang looked at his cowardly and worried expression, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the anger in his heart suddenly dropped a lot.

"Enough, I didn't say anything, you get up for me."

"A great eunuch knelt on the ground at every turn, letting the people below see what he looked like."

He glared at Eunuch Meng angrily: "It's because I am asking you too much, what do you know as an eunuch?"

It's because he has too many troubles recently, and his mood is not peaceful enough, so he actually discussed court affairs with an eunuch.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Eunuch Meng let out a long breath, stood up on his knees as if he had received an amnesty, and said flatteringly: "This slave is kneeling down to the emperor, and if I have the honor of serving the emperor, I have cultivated the blessings of several lifetimes. People can only envy them when they see it.”

Emperor Liang was very comfortable hearing these words, and let out a soft hum from the tip of his nose.

After that, he tapped his finger on the imperial case twice, remembering something, and sighed faintly.

"All these years, you are the only one who has been sincere to me."

He looked at Eunuch Meng whose face was red and swollen, and said with emotion: "It's a pity that you are an eunuch and don't understand anything."

If he was smarter, he might be able to share his worries.

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in Eunuch Meng's drooping eyes.

After a while, he raised his head, but still with that flattering look.

He said cheerfully: "The slave doesn't know much, and he can't share the emperor's worries, so he really should fight."

After that, he raised his hand again and patted his red and swollen face lightly.

Emperor Liang gave him a blank look: "Okay, if you slap your old face again, you won't be able to see it. Remember to apply some medicine before going out."

"Just use the golden sore medicine sent by the prime minister."

The medicine is very effective, it can not only heal the wound but also reduce the swelling, otherwise people will see his face and think that he is a tyrannical person.

Eunuch Meng thanked him happily.

Then he sighed: "Although this slave is a little stupid, but I have been in the palace for many years, and I still have the ability to judge people."

"Oh? What did you see again?" Emperor Liang asked casually, and resumed his writing to continue reviewing the memorial.

"The servant sees that the prime minister is really worried about the emperor's dragon body, otherwise he would not have traveled thousands of miles to bring back such an elixir. This kind of thinking is not much worse than the servant's."

While he said good things for the prime minister, he did not forget to lift himself up, and Emperor Liang couldn't laugh or cry.

In my heart, I agree with what he said.

Over the years, people who cared about him verbally were like crucian carp crossing the river, but no one was like the prime minister, who always wanted to find medicine for him wherever he went.

"Hong Wei really has a heart."

He stopped the pen in his hand, thought for a while and said: "In a while, you can go to my private treasury to pick some good things, deliver them to the prime minister's mansion in person, and say that I congratulate him on finding his relatives and reward him."


As soon as Wei Hong left, the reward from Emperor Liang was delivered to the mansion.

Eunuch Meng came to the door in person, and with him was the imperial cook in the palace.

"Thank you, Eunuch." After arranging the royal cook, Wei Hong welcomed Eunuch Meng into the study room, and asked the servants to serve him good tea and talk to him alone.

"This is what miscellaneous people should do, and the prime minister can't be called hard." Eunuch Meng waved his hands hurriedly.

"However, Rong Zajia reminds you that although this matter has been cleared by the emperor, you still need to be more cautious in your words and deeds, and don't make it difficult for the emperor."

Wei Hong paused his hand on the wheelchair when he heard the words, "Thank you for reminding me, father-in-law."

He took out a wooden box from the cabinet behind him and handed it over.

"It's really hard work for the eunuch to share the emperor's worries all day long. The things here are Hong's kind wishes, please accept them."

Eunuch Meng didn't refuse, and took it with a smile. He opened the box and saw that there were more than a dozen bank notes in it.

He took out the banknote and stuffed it into his sleeve, and handed the box back to Wei Hong.

"The prime minister's favorite miscellaneous family has accepted it, and the emperor's miscellaneous family knows how to do it, so you can just rest assured."

Wei Hong thanked him again, and personally sent him out of the mansion, and then pushed the wheelchair back to the study.

He closed the door of the study and opened the dark room, where Huangfu Yi was waiting.

Huangfu Yi scratched his head, and said in admiration: "I didn't expect that Eunuch Meng is also Mr.'s man."

Eunuch Meng has been with his father for decades, he is an old man in the palace, unexpectedly he was bribed by his husband.

Mr. is really great!

Huangfu Yi stared at his husband, his slender eyes were full of admiration.

"Having money can make ghosts turn the millstone, everyone gets what they need." Wei Hong said lightly.

As if he didn't want to talk about it, Wei Hong turned to Gu Nanyan.

"Tomorrow our people will write a letter to the emperor to ask you to go out of the city to meet Miss Nan. You go back and get ready. Miss Nan should be here too."

(End of this chapter)

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