The farmer has a mall

Chapter 599 Find a Bodyguard

Chapter 599 Find a Bodyguard

"Princess Sheng, this is..." Lieutenant General Li breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Liu Zhenzhen and his brother approached and were not attacked by a tiger, and asked Gu Nanyan cautiously.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, and said in a casual tone: "It's nothing, I just feel that this journey may not be very safe, so find a bodyguard to escort me."

Escort what?
Let it escort rations for itself!

Vice General Li twitched the corner of his mouth, "The princess is joking, we will protect your safety."

It's even less safe with this tiger around.

How is that different from throwing a mouse into a granary.

"Well, then I wish you a happy cooperation with it." Gu Nanyan smiled.

Lieutenant General Li: "..."

Who wants to cooperate with it!

Could it be that the concubine is mentally ill, and she cooperates with a tiger, what if the other party cheats on her?
Have you considered the feelings of our rations! ! !
Um?There seems to be something wrong...

Lieutenant General Li was in a mess, looked down at the tiger, and said bravely: "What this subordinate means is that it is inconvenient for so many of us to carry a tiger, and it would be bad if it scares people, you see Can you let it go?"

Gu Nanyan nodded upon hearing the words: "Yes."

"Go and discuss with it. If it is willing to leave, I will not stop it." Gu Nanyan pointed at Huhu's head and said very easily.

Lieutenant General Li: "..."

How about you let go of its tail before you say that?

Lieutenant General Li refused to communicate with Huhu.

But he couldn't communicate with Gu Nanyan, so he turned his attention to his own general.

Xiao Chong: "..."

what to see!

what can I do!
The general is not a tigress, how can he communicate with this thing!
Xiao Chong was very desperate. Originally, he couldn't beat Gu Nanyan, and with the addition of a tiger...

Ha ha……

Xiao Chong turned around resolutely and went back to his place to sit down. He suddenly felt that the purpose of this trip was a bit difficult.

Seeing him go, the Daliang soldiers looked at each other and backed away one after another.

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes, and brought Huhu back to the envoys.

All the envoys: "..."

Can you stay away from us!
Sin ah.

How could such an errand be put on the table, is it too late to resign now?
Obviously it was too late.

Seeing a group of people trembling and hiding in the car, Gu Nanyan gave them a look of disdain.

"What are you afraid of? This thing is vegetarian and won't bite."


You are afraid of even a big cat, what can you expect from you?
Ning Tianlu asked everyone's doubts.

"When did the tiger become a vegetarian?"


Just look at this body type.

From a glance, one can tell that the usual food is good, otherwise it would not be able to grow such a big one.

Gu Nanyan sat down by the bonfire, patted Huhu on the head, and said with a smile, "Now."

How dare you bite someone, skinned you, ripped off your bones, boiled your meat, cut up your little tiger and soaked it in wine!

Huhu: "..."

Ning Tianlu: "..."

Tiger had to bow his head under the eaves.

A quarter of an hour later, the tiger hugged a basin full of grass leaves in its paws, eating very (tears) divided (flowing) fragrant (full) sweet (noodles).

When the envoys saw that it was really grazing, and that Gu Nanyan had let go of its tail at this time, but they didn't see it attacking humans, they were relieved a lot, and climbed out of the car tremblingly one by one.

No wonder they are so calm.

Are there still few strange things that happened to this ancestor?
They have long been used to it!
It's just a tiger, compared with this ancestor...

Hehe, I don't know who is more terrifying.


The envoys and Daliang opened fire separately, and the smell of meat from the other side wafted down the wind from time to time.

Gu Nan smoked the tip of his nose, and looked down at Hu Hu with an ugly expression.

Huhuhuhuhushu trembled, pretending not to feel her malicious eyes, took a big mouthful of grass with a whimper, chewed twice, then obediently rubbed Gu Nanyan's leg, and attached A meow.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I believed your evil.

Angrily, she pushed it away with her foot, and took the boiled steamed bun from Liu Zhenzhen.

Gu Nanyan: What should I do if my mood gets worse.

Xiao Chong sat on a rock with a calm face, looking in Gu Nanyan's direction from time to time.

Lieutenant General Li leaned over, squatted beside him and said in a low voice, "General, what should we do next?"

So far the plan has been going smoothly, the only uncertain factor is Gu Nanyan...and the tiger.

Xiao Chong looked across to a group of guards who were chatting and laughing while eating together.

"Wait a minute, Gu Nanyan hasn't eaten yet."

He put a heavy drug in the water he sent, even if he took a small mouthful, he would be hit.

As long as Gu Nanyan collapsed, the others would have nothing to fear.

As for the tiger...

Let's talk about it then.

Xiao Chong glanced at Gu Nanyan viciously, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

Gu Nanyan held the steamed bun in boiling water in his hand, and it was a bit difficult to swallow.

She glanced at the vegetarian tiger with green eyes, and was about to pour the contents of the bowl into its basin when no one was watching, when Liu Zhenzhen walked over with another bowl, Shi Shiran.

Liu Zhenzhen felt that Huhu was a bit pitiful, and this bowl of paomo was for him to eat.

She carefully put the bowl in front of Huhu, and seeing it listlessly raised her eyelids, she had no intention of attacking herself at all, her heart softened, and she put her hand on its head tentatively.

Huhu still didn't respond, Liu Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, and she gently touched it.

"Come to the town tomorrow, how about we go buy some meat for it?"

It was the first time for her to touch a tiger. Although the fur was a little stiff, it was still so cute.

Liu Zhenzhen's eyes were filled with care, watching Huhu rolling his eyes while being choked by a mouthful of grass, she couldn't help feeling even more distressed for it.

"If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it. I'll give you this bowl. If it's not enough, I'll get it for you." She said as she dragged away the basin in front of Huhu, and pushed the paomo in front of it.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes, feeling very uncomfortable.

I still want to eat meat, and I don't see you feeling sorry for me.

She hummed twice, just about to say no to Liu Zhenzhen.

Before she could speak, Hu Hu suddenly jumped up, knocked over the bowl of paomo with one paw, and grinned at the soup all over the floor.

Liu Zhenzhen's face turned pale when she was frightened by its actions, thinking that it was too greedy and wanted to eat people.

Seeing that it was just calling out and not doing anything else, Liu Zhenzhen patted her chest to comfort the little heart that was about to jump out of her throat.

"It scared me to death, you don't like this?" She asked Hu Hu.

Huhu ignored her, still whining in a low voice, with a gurgling sound in his throat.

Liu Zhenzhen just thought it didn't like to eat steamed buns, and didn't think much about it. Ning Tianlu pulled her away, fearing that the tiger would go crazy and bite her.

Gu Nanyan frowned and looked at the steamed buns scattered all over the floor in front of Huhu, then looked at the bowl in his hand, and lowered his head to the side of the bowl to smell it.

Then his face immediately became ugly.

She looked back.

Most of the people have almost eaten their food, leaving only the bottom of the bowl.

What's more, someone has already covered their foreheads, and the whole person is swaying, and the effect of the medicine is obviously onset.

Ning Tianlu had already put the bowl to his mouth, Gu Nanyan slapped it, the bowl hit the ground, the porcelain bowl hit the ground and shattered.

Ning Tianlu was stunned for a moment, and looked at her blankly.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that her expression was not right, Liu Zhenzhen hurriedly asked.

"There are ingredients in it." Gu Nanyan said in a deep voice.


What did you add?

Hearing this, Liu Zhenzhen followed her line of sight and just saw an envoy fell to the ground, and immediately understood what she meant.

"How could it be!" Liu Zhenzhen turned pale with shock, "We all eat our own food."

Ning Tianlu's face also sank, and he walked a few steps to the side of the minister who fell on the ground.

This minister is about 50 years old, and he is the oldest among them. Although he doesn't eat much, he is the fastest to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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