The farmer has a mall

Chapter 739 Find a Good Grave

Chapter 739 Find a Good Grave
Grand Master Sheng pondered for a moment, still thinking about how to say it in order not to be so ostentatious, but also to let Gu Nanyan understand the position of the Sheng family.

He didn't believe that Gu Nanyan didn't want to replace Fu Tuo in that position.

"I have a question in this palace, I wonder if Mrs. Sheng can answer it."

Gu Nanyan straightened up and looked at him suspiciously.

"Given your current status in the imperial court, even the emperor brother will give you three points of courtesy. Why do you need to spend so much time to find an alliance with the palace?"

"Old Grand Master, isn't he afraid that a mistake will cause the Sheng family to be defeated forever, and even lose their glory today?"

"Or is it false to say that your alliance with Ben Gong is false, and it is true that you want to use Ben Gong to be the master of Anyang Kingdom?"

As if expecting that Gu Nanyan would ask this question, Grand Master Sheng chuckled twice, his old and deep voice filled the entire front hall.

"That's right, even the emperor is courteous to the veterans, but the princess doesn't." He sighed, looking at Gu Nanyan with complicated eyes.

It seems to be envious, but also seems to be regretting something.

"So you want me to be respectful to you, so you come to form an alliance with me to win my respect?"

Gu Nanyan sneered: "You think too much."

The word respect must come from the heart, and she doesn't bother to pretend to be superficial.

Her rebellious appearance made Old Master Sheng laugh out again.

"The princess misunderstood, and the old minister didn't mean that."

"And the old minister knows that even if I sit on the highest position in the Anyang Kingdom, if you don't want to, you won't give the old minister a good look."

Seeing Gu Nanyan squinting at him, Mrs. Sheng smiled even more heartily.

Gu Nanyan looked at him making himself happy, and said nothing with a blank expression.

This old man has a lot of eyes, and his character is not very good, but he is quite good at entertaining himself.

And quite self-aware.

Just know that I don't want to see you.

Gu Nanyan twitched her lips: "You are so old and you still want to think about good things, the highest position?"

"Sit on and try."

See if I don't give you a big ass squat!

She promised Fu Tuo to help him stabilize the country, and no one would cross the line before he died of old age.

Unless one day he doesn't want to play anymore.

"The veteran dare not. Although the veteran is a grand master who has taught the way of governing the country all his life, he is not interested in these things."

"Since you're not interested, why come to me again?"

Are you full?

Gu Nanyan was a little impatient, and waved at him to drive away.

"Let's go if you have nothing to do, or you won't be in time for dinner if you are later."

Grand Master Sheng didn't get up when he heard the words, instead he picked up the teacup on the small table and sipped the tea leisurely.

When Gu Nanyan's patience was about to run out, he opened his mouth slowly.

"It is said that thousands of years ago, there was a grand master in the land of Anyang Kingdom. This person was very good at governing the country, and he was loyal to the emperor at that time and assisted him all his life. Princess, guess how this person will end up?" He asked Gu Nanyan. road.

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes: "Killed by the emperor at that time?"

Is this to tell her a historical story?
Sure enough, he is worthy of being a grand master.

Gu Nanyan was fiddling with the teacup in boredom, and really didn't want to hear the story of such a cunning rabbit on the street.

"Princess guessed wrong." Grand Master Sheng said with a smile.

"On the contrary, the emperor respected him very much, and with his assistance, he successfully conquered the surrounding countries and became the first and only holy king in history to unify the countries."

"As a result, that grand master received extremely high treatment, and was even given the gift of being buried in the imperial mausoleum a hundred years later, alongside the emperor."

"The common people are grateful for him for saving the country from the flames of war, and they cast statues for him spontaneously in various places, and named him Taishi Temple, which has been passed down through the ages. It is a model for our generation."

Grand Master Sheng looked yearning, as if he respected the grand master who unified the kingdoms.

Gu Nanyan was speechless for a while: "So you also want to be buried in the imperial tomb?"

He circled around his feelings for a long time, just wanting to have a good cemetery after death.

Gu Nanyan really wanted to mock him by saying that his hair is long but his knowledge is short.

What's so amazing about being buried in an imperial mausoleum, and what's so enviable about building a few statues.

Don't you see the terracotta warriors and horses in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, that is truly magnificent.

"The veteran does not value power, nor does he seek high positions, but he values ​​prestige very much. He only hopes that in his lifetime, he can be like that grand master, helping Anyang to unify the four fields and dominate the world. It will also be passed down for thousands of years."

His tone was sonorous and powerful, and he was full of pride and ambition, like a great hero who never feared death. His enthusiasm did not reveal that he was an old man who had passed his sixtieth year.

Gu Nanyan: Hehe, those who are in broad daylight know how to daydream.

She still wants to monopolize the world's delicacies, but she has never seen her go crazy like him.

"Since this is the case, you can go to find the emperor's brother. If you can't, go to the Supreme Emperor."

It just so happened that Fu Jingqi had no face to go out recently, so it would be good to discuss the world's major affairs with this old man, so as not to have to run out all the time.

In short, don't run away from her to talk about these useless things.

What's the matter with being full, delaying her eating!

Grand Master Sheng sighed quietly: "It's not that the old minister never thought of assisting the Supreme Emperor, but although the Supreme Emperor is courageous, he is very suspicious, which prevents the old minister from delivering it wholeheartedly."

"But today, the Holy Majesty is not close to the old minister, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to have a heart-to-heart relationship with him."

As he spoke, he narrowed his wise presbyopic eyes and looked at Gu Nanyan.

"The matter has come to this, and the old minister can only put his hope on my great-granddaughter, hoping that she can give birth to a dragon child as soon as possible after entering the palace. If the emperor can also abdicate earlier like the Supreme Emperor, it is impossible to say that the old minister will have more in his lifetime." A chance to fulfill a long-cherished wish."

"But this is just a helpless move. After all, the old minister is very old. Although he has taken great care of himself on weekdays, he can't guarantee that he can live until the day when his long-cherished wish is fulfilled."

"However, just when the veteran was in despair, the princess showed him another hope."

With Gu Nanyan's status in the Three Kingdoms, if he could sit on the throne, how difficult would it be to unify the Three Kingdoms?
As long as the three countries can be unified, the neighboring small countries will have nothing to fear.

Mrs. Sheng felt that as long as Gu Nanyan was willing to do what he said, it would be possible within five years at the earliest since she ascended the throne.

"The princess was born in the family of generals in Anyang and raised in the family of generals in Jianan. She must want to see the grand scene of the unified world more than anyone else."

"As long as you promise, this old minister is willing to give everything to help you become an emperor through the ages." Grand Master Sheng solemnly swore, stood up and bowed deeply in front of Gu Nanyan to salute.

Gu Nanyan: "I heard you fart!"

Gu Nanyan sneered coldly.

"It's nice to say, but you just want to use this Palace to achieve your own goals. What are you giving away, what is yours?"

She got up and walked slowly in front of him, looked down at the back of his head full of white hair and said sarcastically: "Connections or power? I have all these, and you don't need to add more flowers."

This old fox actually provoked her to turn against Fu Tuo!
It's really a weasel who is uneasy and kind to give a New Year greeting to a chicken.

When she is stupid!

What's so good about being an emperor?
Didn't you see that Fu Jingqi couldn't shake it off?

I knew this old man was going to kill her! !

Gu Nanyan gritted his teeth angrily, and stared at him with a pair of round black eyes full of anger.

It was as if the other party had robbed her pork knuckle...

"You're just looking for a handy tool."

Gu Nanyan snorted coldly: "It just so happens that this knife in this Palace is both sharp and resistant to forging. With my magical weapon, you don't have to worry about it, and you have the Weiyang Army at your disposal. It really is a good plan."

(End of this chapter)

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