The farmer has a mall

Chapter 752 Drinking Friends

Chapter 752 Drinking Friends
"It's useless for anyone to say that the girl doesn't eat oil and salt."

Mrs. Sheng was very concerned about the fact that Gu Nanyan had made a fool of him, and she didn't want to bow her head and admit her mistake.

"It's always good to try." Shengde first continued to persuade.

"With her current position of power, our Sheng family really shouldn't have any grudges with her."

"So what about grudges, I'm still afraid of her failure!" Grand Master Sheng blew his beard and stared, very dissatisfied with his son for saying such spineless words.

"Father is not afraid, but you have to think about the juniors below. No one else will tell, Rui'er is in the palace now."

Gu Nanyan can even interfere in the emperor's draft, so it's not easy to deal with any concubine.

Grand Master Sheng thought of his own lofty ambitions, although he was still not convinced, he did not refute.

It's just that his face turned green again visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that he did not speak first, Shengde knew that he had agreed, so he did not bring up this topic again, so as not to make him angry again.

We've only been together for a few days, and the master's behavior is infinitely moving closer to the princess.

If the Supreme Emperor sees it...

Immediately, he carefully handed over his daughter to the nurse beside him, rubbed his daughter's tender face twice with his fingertips, and hurried out of Yilan Palace without even changing his clothes.

"Gudong Gudong..."

Mingyue followed her closely, for some reason, she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Is the little princess asleep?" Gu Nanyan asked suddenly.

Mingyue's sadness flows upstream into a river.

Without even opening the envelope, after a quick glance, someone handed it to Gu Nanyan.


Thinking of the peculiar taste of "fart wine" and the feeling of the bubbles bursting in his mouth, Sheng Zhixin swallowed unconsciously.

"The master said that she only lives for herself now, and no one can touch her heart except the little princess, it doesn't matter if she doesn't read the letter from the Sheng family." Mingyue said respectfully.

It was rare for Sheng Zhixin to receive a letter from her elder brother, but there was no joy in her eyes.

"Master, drink slowly."

The fire was finally ignited, and Yunxi took a few young maids to put it into the prepared barbecue rack, and then brought out the skewered meat.

Mingyue saw that they were very busy, so she wanted to bow and leave.

The servants of Weiyang Palace are coming out of the cellar of Weiyang Palace with seven or eight wine jars in their arms.

These drinks are the beer that Gu Nanyan bought from the mall, and he doesn't drink it often on weekdays.

As if he was afraid that Gu Nanyan would go back on his word.

Mingyue stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

So they sat down and chatted with Sheng Zhixin while drinking.

This jar is not the kind of small wine jar that is as big as a head in a restaurant. Visually, each jar can hold about ten catties of wine.

Now she only concentrates on raising the big and small princesses, as long as her daughter is safe and well, she is enough.

Liu Zhenzhen, the cook, was not around, so she had to end it herself.

Sheng Zhixin nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, and couldn't wait for someone to open a jar and taste it first.

"It's delicious!" Sheng Zhixin praised without hesitation, and in the blink of an eye, two bowls went down.

"No, Ben Gong has prepared a lot of drinks. I saw her last time and liked to drink."

Under the moonlight, in the Yilan Palace, Sheng Zhixin patted the daughter in his arms lightly, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her ruddy mouth.

When Mingyue delivered the letter, she happened to set up a fire in the yard, planning to roast some meat.

Of course, it's not that she doesn't like drinking, but that it's boring to drink this kind of thing alone.

Before that, the Sheng family had never even discussed with her.

Gu Nanyan nodded, but didn't say anything.

Mingyue: Pills.


She drank a pot last time, and at most it was hiccups...

Sheng Zhixin showed a strong love for this kind of wine with a peculiar taste and bubbling and hiccupping. After drinking a pot of wine, his eyes sparkled.

Although Mingyue was surprised when she saw this, she didn't make a sound.

Even better than Lao Tzu.

But he didn't open the letter, instead lit it with a torch and threw it into the charcoal.

You drank it yourself before the princess finished roasting the meat, so you can pay it back later?

Then look at the knee-high table in the courtyard, and her mother's sleeves rolled up like a model...

There was all the wine and meat, but Gu Nanyan still felt that something was missing, so he took out two sieve cups from his arms like a magic trick.

The "fart wine" Gu Nanyan mentioned should be the kind he drank last time.

The grandfather knew that she still wanted to point Gu Nanyan at the moment to protect the two of them, but he still chose to oppose Gu Nanyan, clearly not caring about their lives.

Sheng Zhixin didn't want to read the letter, let alone Gu Nanyan.

Mingyue backed off and paused, bowed her head and said, "Yes, the little princess just fell asleep when the maidservant went out."

She pouted her chin and motioned to the low table beside her.

Gu Nanyan nodded: "In that case, I will call your master over to help. After all, she is fine in the palace."

It can be said that Sheng Zhixin was very disappointed with the Sheng family, and she no longer wanted to meddle in their affairs.

How about the servant of the household department, is it worthy of your status as in charge of the country's finances!

Also, you are a concubine anyway, can you pay attention to your image and stop hiccupping in front of so many people!

Coincidentally, today Gu Nanyan decided to grill some meat on a whim, and thought of this woman who is suspected of being a future alcoholic...a future alcoholic.

Thinking of Gu Nanyan's unpredictable temperament, she couldn't care less about these things.

You can't blame her for being ruthless.

... At least one must have a drinker.

What a torn envelope, even a bit of gold leaf is reluctant to stick it.

Hearing Mingyue's intention, she scratched her head irritably, and grabbed the letter in her hand.

Sheng Zhixin couldn't figure out why Gu Nanyan called it "fart wine".

A miser can't make a fortune! !

Facts have proved that a woman's sixth sense really should not be underestimated.

"Fart wine" is a good thing, she has never drank such a magical wine before.

Mingyue's face turned pale.

Mingyue retreated in response, and when she returned to Yilan Hall, she told Sheng Zhixin about Gu Nanyan's invitation.

When he returned to his own yard, he hurriedly went to the study to write a letter, which was rushed into the palace.

Perhaps because of motivation, she walked extremely fast.


She has been hungry for several days, how could she not go!

Gu Nanyan waved his small hand, and said very cheerfully: "Today I treat guests!"

Two days ago, when Sheng Zhixin came to deliver food to her, she bought two cans from the mall on a whim and poured them into wine jugs, and she drank a jug with Sheng Zhixin.

I'm afraid I'll be a widow for the rest of my life!

Looking at the master who was still holding the child in his arms with a loving face, Mingyue hesitated and said: "If the master doesn't want to go, why don't I refuse it for you..."

Mingyue wants to cry but has no tears, so it's not that I don't stop it.

The corner of Sheng Zhixin's mouth twitched.

Gu Nan smoked a few thoughts and added a very malicious curse.

She saw early in the morning that her grandfather had planned those students' actions against Gu Nanyan.

Just like what happened to Dr. Sun before.

Gu Nanyan rolled up her sleeves to reveal her white forearms, and became a barbecue chef with a bunch of meat skewers in one hand.

But it couldn't catch fire.

"Go, why don't you go!" Sheng Zhixin hurriedly said before Mingyue finished speaking.

Gu Nanyan only roasted the meat, leaving the rest of the vegetables to Yunxi.

Is it because drinking it will fart?

"Your master really doesn't read it?" She took a look at both the front and back of the envelope, shrugged her nose and clicked her tongue twice.

...It's just that the name is a bit ugly.

Generous enough, I don't even care if the letter you send is not covered with gold leaf.

Could it be that the princess wants to drink her master to death, otherwise why move so many out?
"Even if you drink it, there's not enough left in the cellar."

Mingyue: "..."

"Let's play a game, and those who lose will be punished with alcohol." Gu Nanyan said with raised eyebrows.

However, Sheng Zhixin was staring at her suddenly deflated chest, with a face full of indescribable words.

She said why this girl's figure suddenly improved a lot, it turned out to be a fake...

Don't you have chest pain?

(End of this chapter)

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