The farmer has a mall

Chapter 779 Wronged You

Chapter 779 Wronged You
"That's right, I beg the master to spare these two girls, you know Madam's temper, if she knows..." Dongxia wiped her tears cooperatively.

"Our aunt will definitely be punished!"

Very good!
She said that the young lady loves the young lady so much, why did she ignore her this time.

It turned out that he was holding back his big move!
Look at the master's face, tsk tsk.

It was as if his face had been covered with pot ashes, and it was completely black.

Dongxia was overjoyed, and the corners of her mouth started to rise unconsciously.

Zhao Shi quietly glared at her angrily when she found out.

Dongxia hurriedly restrained her expression, her face flushed red, she looked like she was in a hurry.

"Stop talking nonsense, madam has always been sympathetic to servants and loves your aunt, how could you punish her!"

Sun Qi scolded with displeasure on his face, but his tone did not imply any displeasure.

It is extremely rare for officials' families to promote their wives, but it is not uncommon.

But although the beauty is good, she is the one who Wu Zhi placed beside him with ulterior motives.

So she never stopped Dongxia from calling her Miss.

From the unrestrained words of the two servant girls just now, and Zhao Shi's humiliation, it can be seen what kind of fear Wu Zhi's actions these years have left in her heart.

His tone was full of powerlessness, and he suddenly felt haggard.

In desperation, Mrs. Zhao had no choice but to go back temporarily and ponder over the deep meaning of his move.

"It's just that I also have a lot of last resort."

"I have wronged you all these years, I am sorry for you." Sun Qi looked at her and said in a deep voice.

Sun Qi didn't allow her to refuse, and promised without hesitation: "You just accept what is given to you, and you don't have to worry about irregularities."

Zhao shi smiled and nodded slightly at him.

People in their line of work already pay attention to maintenance, not to mention that the two of them are only seventeen or eighteen years old.

"At that time, you will have the same status as Wu Zhi. You don't need to look at her face anymore, and you can go to the palace to see Ying'er from time to time."

He didn't believe that Wu Zhi could turn against him because of two sluts.

It is an eternal truth that a woman and her husband are heaven. He used to give in to each other everywhere, but he just didn't want their husband and wife to get along.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, following her movements, the already loose skirt slowly slid down, revealing half of her fragrant shoulders.

"Master..." Mrs. Zhao seemed to want to persuade.

"Is...isn't this out of order?"

He sighed and asked, "Maybe you understand?"

The concubine's room is not allowed to enter the palace without an edict, which is also the reason why Mrs. Zhao misses her daughter but never sees her.

When he said this, everyone was surprised.

These two people were really scared.

The master actually said that he would raise her young lady to be his equal wife!
How is it possible, is this still the old master!
Did she hear wrong?

Zhao Shi was also a little surprised, but she was not as obvious as Dongxia.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of venting their anger, the crimes committed by these two people who talked about the concubines were enough to bring their heads to the ground.

"It's good if you can think like this, don't worry, I will never let you be wronged again in the future." He seemed to promise.

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Mrs. Zhao sighed quietly and didn't dare to say anything more.

And these two reminded him one by one, probably thinking that he was really afraid of her!

This man is not so affectionate, could it be that there is something tricky in it?
Mrs. Zhao was very suspicious of what kind of tricks he was going to play, and wanted to refuse with a embarrassed face.

The maid with a slightly lower voice gritted her teeth, knelt and crawled to Sun Qi's feet, climbed his legs and looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"You needn't say it, the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people, not to mention the two maids, my grandson's family can't tolerate such a disaster!"

She and Sun Qi had no relationship at all, and it was purely an accident that she entered the mansion, and she never regarded herself as a member of the Sun mansion.

Sun Qi was very pleased when he heard the words, his eyes were full of pity.

Is the sun coming out from the west today?

Even if she was brought up by Mrs. Sheng herself, he is still her husband!

Sun Qi didn't like this, and pulled back his feet in disgust.

"Please forgive me, my lord. The servants are entrusted by my wife to stay in the concubine's courtyard to assist my concubine in housekeeping. If you drive our sisters out of the house, my concubine may not be able to do it alone."

Although it was her wish to see her daughter, she had to be careful not to be tricked by others.

He is not Liu Xiahui, and his heart is certainly moved by the temptation of a woman.

That being the case, why should she understand him, it's just a waste of time.

He only asked them to beat them up and drive them out of the house, which was already a great tolerance.

It wasn't that they were afraid that Sun Qi would beat them again, but that they were originally from brothels, so they entered the gate of Sun's mansion because of Wu's fancy.

The two were taken away, and Sun Qi lost interest in chatting, and turned around to go to the main courtyard.

Although both of them are red cards in the brothel, and it is not enough for thousands of people to sleep on thousands of people, it is still a shameful business no matter how you say it.

It mainly depends on whether he, the head of the family, is willing.

"I know it's not easy for the master, I don't feel wronged, I know that you have a concubine in your heart."

I originally thought that the sparrow would turn into a phoenix, and become the concubine of a second-rank official, which would be regarded as a glorious ancestor, and she would get rid of her humble status.

If you are kicked out, you will have to go back to your old job if it is not good.

still sir...

After all, the status of the daughter is different now, and this person in front of him is the best at using the people around him to achieve his goals.

Faced with the sudden apology, Zhao's heart was not disturbed.

Sun Qi's self-esteem as a man was late for nearly 20 years, and at this moment he finally awakened.

"My word is the rule."

Especially Dongxia, she couldn't believe her ears.

How can I feel comfortable staying here as a concubine!

"Master, please forgive us, we will never dare again, and we will take good care of you and your wife in the future."

Seeing this, the two servant girls who had been kicked knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Come here, lock these two people into the dark room for me, and teach them a good lesson!"

Looking at Mrs. Zhao, who was harmless to humans and animals, Sun Qi suddenly felt guilty for some reason.

"After a few days of busy work, I will tell the clansmen to raise you as a flat wife, okay?"

Dongxia couldn't hold back her ears, and looked at her young lady with a dazed expression.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and looked at Mrs. Zhao.

Presumably he is clear about Wu Zhi's virtues.

But this is not the reason for her to push forward!

She lowered her head, seeming to be very embarrassed, the smile in her eyes flashed away.

Possessed by which little ghost?

Sun Qi waved his hand decisively to interrupt her.

As soon as Ruyu's skin was exposed to the air, there was a gasp from the servants waiting at the side.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, without giving Mrs. Zhao a chance to refuse.

When Sun Qi returned to the study, he called the housekeeper over.

"Master, those two girls have already been locked in the dark room. How far do you think they will be beaten before they are driven out of the house?"

The butler, also surnamed Sun, was a house slave who was given a family name.

He basically dealt with all the shady things in the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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