The farmer has a mall

Chapter 795 1 branches of red apricot

Chapter 795 A branch of red apricot

In Weiyang Palace, Yun Xi looked at Gu Nanyan speechlessly.

"When did the master start running the restaurant, why didn't I hear you mention it?"

Gu Nanyan leaned on the couch with her temples propped up, and rolled her eyes when she heard this.

"Don't talk about you, I just heard about it."

She swallowed a mouthful of snacks, got up and wiped off the crumbs on her fingers.

"Chunyi Tower used to be the property of the Ning family, but it came into my hands later."

Chunyi Building was used by Ning Zongyuan to pay off her debts.

It's just that she didn't have much interest in the way of management, and she handed over all her brains to Cui Yao to take care of it.

However, that fellow never told her that there was such a place under her name.

It wasn't until a few days ago when she looked through the ledger that had just been delivered from Mingshan that she discovered that there was actually a family under her name that was engaged in the skin business.

She wrote to Cui Yao at that time, asking him why he still kept this kind of business.

But that guy actually said that he stayed because of her.

He said that he was afraid that when she returned to Anyang in the future, Li Yi would not be by her side, and she would have no one to accompany her when she was lonely!
After reading the letter, she almost didn't come up in one breath, and went straight down to see her ancestors!
Look at what he said is human language!

What kind of nerve did she make wrong to go to that kind of place to relieve her loneliness...

If she really dared to go, Li Yi, that bastard would probably blow up the Chunyi Building, even the people who led it to nothing left!
Gu Nanyan sighed sadly.

The saying that marriage is a grave is exactly what it says.

Just look at her.

After getting married, the freedom to visit brothels is gone...

"Can you send him away?" She suddenly asked Yun Xi.

Yun Xi: "Master, Nan Mei has already sent people outside the city, and they must arrive at Mingshan early tomorrow morning."

"That's good, you write a letter to Yunchu and ask her to help take care of it."

It is true that Ning Zongyuan is a manly man.

He didn't attack Wei Tianlu at the beginning, not because he had too much integrity, but because Wei Tianlu had entered the Ning family at that time and was the adopted son of the Ning family, so he couldn't force him.

But for people outside the Ning family, he was not so easy to talk to.

The young man in Chunyi Building was originally a scholar. He had studied hard for many years and finally passed the provincial examination. Accompanied by his parents and younger brother, he came to the capital to take the examination.

With his talent and learning, if it goes well, it is absolutely no problem to enter the top three.

Unexpectedly, the day before the scientific examination, he met Ning Zongyuan who had just returned to Beijing after suppressing the bandits.

The young man looks good, even better than ordinary women.

When Ning Zongyuan saw it, he became lustful immediately, and took him back to the mansion forcibly on the grounds of arresting the remnants of the bandits.

The young man refused to follow suit. He went on a hunger strike and tried to commit suicide. Ning Zongyuan finally lost his patience and arrested his family members and threatened him to submit.

For the safety of his family, the young man had to bear the humiliation and agree.

Later, when his parents and younger sister found out the truth, they couldn't bear his humiliation, and took advantage of the unpreparedness of the Ning family's servants, they all wiped his neck.

The young man wanted to avenge his family and tried to kill Ning Zongyuan many times.

But he is a weak scholar, how can he be against Ning Zongyuan who has killed people on the battlefield.

The young man failed to assassinate, but was disgusted by Ning Zongyuan, who threw him to Chunyi Building to pick up guests.

He endured humiliation in Chunyi Building for many years, only hoping that one day he would have the opportunity to avenge his family.

But he also knew that it was almost impossible to kill Ning Zongyuan with his own ability.

Just when he was desperate, Gu Nanyan appeared.

She subverted the entire Ning family with her own power, dragged Ning Zongyuan down from the court, and received the punishment he deserved.

From then on, Gu Nanyan became his benefactor.

The benefactor who avenged his family!
So when Nan Mei found him, when he learned that she was Gu Nanyan's person, although he was surprised, he agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Gu Nanyan sighed quietly.

It's a pity that his face...

How much he hated his face to be able to go down so cruelly.

"Master, don't worry, I will write a letter to Yunchu tomorrow." Yun Xi said.

She finished speaking and glanced out the window.

It was almost dawn at this time, but except for Nan Mei and Nan Chi who had already returned, the other seven people were still missing.

"Nan Yao and the others haven't returned yet, why don't you let the servants go out to look for them."

Nan Mei and Nan Chi are responsible for taking the grand master captive to Chunyi Building, and the other is responsible for leading Sun Qi into the game.

As for what the others did, Yun Xi didn't know.

She didn't ask, but she was a little worried that something happened to them.

Gu Nanyan saw her uneasiness, and patted her on the shoulder reassuringly.

"No, they are going to plant trees, and they will be back before dawn."

"Planting trees?" Yun Xi was taken aback.

"Where are you going to plant trees?" She asked blankly.

With great fanfare, the master dispatched all nine hidden guards. She only thought that the master wanted to play a big game, and let them deal with the old master.

But...there are seven people who went to plant trees?

Did she hear it right?
"Where else can I go, of course I will go to the Grand Master's Mansion."

For some reason, Gu Nanyan proudly walked to the window, rolled up her sleeves, pinched her waist with one hand, and pointed at the moon.

"The garden is full of spring scenery, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall."

No one knows how to recite poems, she is also a cultural person!
Yun Xi: "..."

What a mess.

Hong Xing cheated... What do you mean?
Could it be what she thought...

Thinking of something, the corner of Yun Xi's mouth twitched, and she looked at her master's back speechlessly.

Take the bamboo shoots!

You want to piss that old man of the Sheng family to death!


Mrs. Sheng spent a thrilling night, and after returning home, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

On the contrary, it was his old wife who for some reason slept so soundly that night that she didn't even get up at night.

In the morning of the second day, when it was just dawn, Mrs. Sheng was in good spirits and was washed by her maid, then she sat at the table and waited for the servants to bring her breakfast.

However, before breakfast was served, there was a scream outside the door and the sound of dishes breaking.

Old Madam Sheng was startled, she covered her chest with shaking hands and gasped for breath.

"How decent is it to yell so early in the morning!" Mrs. Sheng slapped the table angrily.

"Go and see who it is, and kick her out of the house with [-] boards!"

Don't know if she is too old to be frightened!

Guihouguigui wants her old life!

She asked the nanny who was rubbing her back behind her to go out and have a look, and the nanny answered yes, and trotted out aggressively.

I plan to teach that bastard who doesn't understand the rules a good lesson.

However, before she could say the reprimand, she gasped in shock at the scene in front of her.

Under the hazy morning light, a tall apricot tree as thick as a washbasin suddenly appeared in the corner of the opposite wall, which was originally empty!
The branches of the apricot tree are covered with scattered flower buds, and the branches protrude obliquely out of the wall.

The most shocking thing is that on the white fence next to the apricot tree, someone wrote two lines of big red characters that looked like blood!
The garden was full of spring scenery, and a branch of red apricot came out of the wall.

The font was crooked, and the bright red color flowed all over the wall along the strokes, which looked like human blood.

It is particularly dazzling in the morning when the sky is not yet bright...

And scary.

(End of this chapter)

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