Chapter 804
"Mentality! The most important thing is mentality!"

"No matter what the status of the customer is, even if he is the emperor, you have to treat him with a normal heart." She pointed to Fu Tuo beside her.

Fu Tuo smiled and patted her on the head.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Don't mess around, didn't you see Lao Tzu's education staff?

It's embarrassing to be slapped on the head, okay?

Gu Nanyan dodged Fu Tuo's big hand and continued to teach by precepts and deeds.

"Even if it's a ghost, you have to make it feel at home! You want to come a second time after you come here, understand?"

Guan Cai: I don’t want to understand…

Why can't you talk about it without ghosts? Is it possible that the owner really wants to call a few little ghosts to sit in the town?
Guan Cai: "The villain understands."

Compared with ghosts, the emperor still looks kind...

Guan Cai, who didn't want to see ghosts, suddenly became less afraid.

He sorted out his mentality, and introduced the ghost building to everyone according to the process of receiving guests on weekdays.

Then start cashing in.

I suddenly thought of a question while I was keeping it.

"I don't know which floor the master plans to let these officials go to?"

Their ghost building has three floors in total.

The first floor is entry-level, and the fee is ten taels.

The second floor is a medium level, and the fee is 20 taels.

The third floor is of advanced difficulty, and the fee is 30 taels.

And the boss just asked him to charge 50 taels per person...

"Send them to the third floor."

She nodded with her fingertips, as if she was saying to send them to die...

"They're all old fritters from the imperial court. I haven't seen any big storms and waves. The ordinary level can't scare them."

Haunted house play is a thrill.

Not scary much boring.

Guan Cai responded with a complicated expression, and continued to go back to collect the money, and asked Xiao Qi to take out all the anti-convulsion medicine that Gu Nanyan had stored here.

He didn't know how these people offended his boss and let her be so cruel.

He is just a shopkeeper, he will listen to what the boss says, if something happens...

There is also the support of the owner.

All the ministers followed Fu Tuo and went down to the third floor under the leadership of Gu Nanyan.

As soon as he reached the stairs on the third floor, there was a gust of cool wind blowing down from the top of his head, and it went straight into the skirt of his clothes.

The ministers trembled in unison. Looking at the broken and damp walls and hearing the creaking of the floor under their feet, they suddenly had the urge to turn their heads and run back.

Sheng De first followed behind his father, looking at the long and narrow corridor ahead, swallowed unconsciously.

"The way of children!" Grand Master Sheng disdained it.

Sheng De first leaned against his father.

"Father, it's better to be careful. My son heard that this place is scary to death."

It is impossible to scare people to death.

It's just that people who have been here once said that there are really ghosts here.

The result became more and more mysterious, and in the end it was directly said that someone had died here.

Grand Master Sheng still disdained, and walked behind Fu Tuo with his hands behind his back, swaggering and showing no fear at all.

Several people entered the corridor.

The candles in the tunnel were dimly lit, and were shaken by the wind that came from nowhere, and the shadows that were illuminated also swayed back and forth, flickering like ghosts.

The scene was as quiet as a chilling cicada, no one dared to make a sound, only the creaking sound of the floor.

"Ah!" Someone suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence.

Everyone was startled by the sudden sound, and they all condemned and looked towards the source of the sound.

The one who called out was a man in his thirties. He was wearing a blue robe and his official position was not high.

So go last.

"What are you yelling for!" His superior scolded in a low voice, dissatisfied.

"Didn't you see that the emperor is here? Can you afford to surprise the holy car?"

The man in the blue robe swallowed, and looked around the top of his head.

"Fang...something seemed to touch Weichen's neck just now." He touched the back of his neck while talking.

"It's cold, like... like a human hand..."

Shangguan: "..."

Shangguan also glanced at the top of his head.

I don't know if it was because of the environment, but after the blue-robed man said that something touched him, he suddenly felt as if someone was staring at them.

It felt... clammy and gloomy.

"Maybe it's your illusion, there is no one else behind us."

They are ranked according to their official positions, and he and his blue-robed subordinates are at the end.

The blue-robed man thought about it, and felt that it might be his own illusion, so he apologized to everyone in embarrassment.

The rest of the people also got goosebumps from the atmosphere, wishing they could reach the exit immediately.

So he didn't have time to blame him, so he quickened his pace and followed Fu Tuo and Gu Nanyan.

However, just after walking a few steps, there was another movement from behind.

"Don't pull me!" The blue-robed man's superior said dissatisfiedly, shaking his arms.

The line of sight is still looking forward.

The man in the blue robe was confused: "I didn't drag you..."

"It's just you and me here, you won't be able to drag the ghost!" Shangguan looked impatient.

This man was too timid, the surroundings were only a little darker, so he pulled his sleeve in fright.

In front of the public, there are so many bosses, how decent it is!

Shangguan felt that he had lost face to himself, and felt that the tension on the sleeve was still there, so he got angry and pulled it hard.

With a "stab", a hole was pulled out of the sleeve.

Shangguan gritted his teeth and looked at the man in blue robe.

The man in the blue robe hurriedly waved his hands.

"Weichen really didn't tease you!"

As he spoke, he subconsciously looked up Shangguan's sleeve.

Seeing this, he froze immediately, and his pupils dilated instantly.

Shangguan followed his line of sight suspiciously.

What caught his eye was a blue-purple severed hand covered with corpse spots!
The severed hand was tightly clutching his ripped sleeve, and the nails painted with blood red Danko were one inch long, thin and sharp...

When Shangguan looked over, the fingertips of the severed hand moved slightly, as if they wanted to climb up his sleeve.


The officials who were closer to him also saw the severed hand hanging on his arm, gasped suddenly, and all stepped back a few steps.

The screams echoed in the corridor, jumping on everyone's nerves.

"Don't panic, this is just a trick of the ghost building."

Grand Master Sheng came from the front calmly, and when he walked in front of the Shangguan, he gave Gu Nanyan a disdainful look.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Cat cake, I have provoked you.

Gu Nanyan didn't want to be as knowledgeable as him, so she rolled her eyes, folded her arms around her chest, and leaned against the wall leisurely.

Old Master Sheng snorted coldly in his heart.

Secretly thought that she had been exposed by him, so she didn't speak because of a guilty conscience.

Otherwise, according to her temperament, I'm afraid she would have refuted it long ago.

That Shangguan crouched in the corner trembling, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Asking for help, he usually looked at Mrs. Sheng.

Old Master Sheng was also unambiguous, bent down and wanted to take off that hand.

"Hey... Please old man, how about returning the hand of the slave..."

A desolate and mournful cry came from behind.

Old Master Sheng paused.

(End of this chapter)

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