The farmer has a mall

Chapter 913 Headshot

Chapter 913 Headshot

Although the ministers did not get involved in the duel between the queen and the favorite concubine, they only commented on the matter fairly from the perspective of a bystander.

But they are still afraid!

Just ask, who would not be afraid to see five live tigers walking towards him!

Gu Nanyan led Huhu's family of four, and walked to the stands under the trembling eyes of everyone.

His gaze swept over Concubine Yan lightly, and landed on Li Mi.

"Whose feet are you going to fasten?" she asked again.

Cold sweat dripped down Li Mi's forehead.

"I'm not, I don't, don't slander me!"

The body's self-protection mechanism was activated instantly, and he didn't care about the problem of losing face, so he pulled his arm hard.

Under Concubine Yan's surprised gaze, she pulled her sleeves out of her hand.

Then he pointed at her without any hesitation and said, "It was she who wanted to restrain the feet of the empress and concubine Cui, and I didn't say anything!"

"Really!" As if afraid that Gu Nanyan would not believe him, he nodded vigorously at the end to increase his credibility.

Civil and military officials: "..."

They are afraid that they have encountered a false emperor...

Gu Nanyan: "..."

If you say that, I will not be able to perform well!

Concubine Yan: %@#$^&%!$...! !

Li Mi: I don't want to, and I feel wronged.

But thinking back to the incident of a certain concubine back then...

Forget it, I can’t think about it, but I’m afraid when I think about it.

Li Mi said that one must be responsible, and whoever makes the trouble will clean up the mess.

It's none of his business anyway! !

Concubine Yan couldn't believe that she was betrayed by the emperor like this.

The ruddy cherry lips opened and closed, and a greeting to Li Mi's family got stuck in his throat, unable to get out or get out.

Gu Nanyan looked at Concubine Yan, who was about to collapse in the sky, but didn't make things difficult for her.

Still asking Li Mi: "Then you want to restrain their feet?"

"What's the crime if it's forbidden?"

"We can get a lawyer... no, a lawyer?"

"If possible, I'll let someone go home and call my second brother."

Crowd: ? ? ?
It's just a dispute in the harem, why do you have to hire a lawyer?

If you dare to ask, who dares to accept it!

Gu Nanyan felt that she was a reasonable and good person, and it was reasonable for her to hire a lawyer if someone sued her.

In terms of verbal skills, among the people she knew, only Gu Yunze, a rookie at Yushitai, was the best.

Gu Congyuan is not bad, but his mouth is a bit broken, and he is not suitable for such a formal occasion.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her chin, her gaze involuntarily fell on Yan Yushi, who was eating melon seeds and watching a play.

Thinking about whether to let this old fritters join in.

Everyone couldn't keep up with Gu Nanyan's train of thought, and it took a long time for them to come back to their senses.

The hairy Yan Yushi who was watched by Gu Nanyan fell silent, stood up and slapped off the melon seed shells all over his body.

"Your second brother is very busy, how can he have time to take care of such trivial matters."

Gu Yunze is a new generation pillar of their Yushitai, so we can't let this girl lead me down.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him sideways: "Then you come."

The old man cheated her of so much money last time, even if it was all used for the people, it wouldn't stop her from feeling sorry for her.

And she didn't care where the money was used, she only knew that he was the one who asked her for the money!
It is also reasonable to do things after receiving money.

Gu Nanyan smiled at him meaningfully, and Yan Yushi immediately understood, remembering how he asked her to donate money before returning from Daliang.

This girl...wouldn't she want him to be the censor of Yushitai as a lawsuit against her?

Yan Yushi: "...the profession of lawyers was banned more than a hundred years ago, I am afraid that I will not be able to do what the princess wishes."

After saying that, he immediately sat down and continued to eat melon seeds.

Lao Gao has a pair of ears pricked up, and his eyes are wandering around, but he just doesn't look at Gu Nanyan.

A pair of Mobai Laozi look.

Gu Nanyan scorned, slowly raised his arm, and stretched out his middle finger to him.

Yan Yushi was startled when he saw this.

Seeing her smiling, after thinking about it, she gave Gu Nanyan a middle finger.

"You're welcome." Yan Yushi said.

The princess is well-informed, so this should be a way of saying thanks in some region.

Gu Nanyan, who was counter-killed, turned his head away with a wooden face.

Forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as a fool.

"Sister Nan's kindness is appreciated by me." The queen said softly.

"The emperor decides which is right and which is wrong. No matter what the result is, this palace and Concubine Cui will just accept it."

This matter started because of Gu Nanyan, and the queen didn't want her to get involved in order to avoid being criticized.

Concubine Cui also thought the same way, and said angrily: "You don't need to worry about this matter, the empress and I can be bullied by a goblin, let alone..."

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Mi: "Just like what the queen said, the emperor is not deaf and blind, he will distinguish right from wrong, and will not blame us."

Concubine Yan, the little fairy:! ! !

Who are you calling a goblin?

You are the goblin!

Now you are starting to bully her openly, right?

Concubine Yan almost passed out in anger, and bit her lip bitterly.

If eyes can kill, I'm afraid that Concubine Cui Gui has been delayed several times.

Li Mi who was stunned invisibly: "..."

What do you mean, if they were punished, he would be blind?

Li Mi was so depressed that he was dying.

One or two are going to go against the sky, he is the emperor, how dare he say anything!
"Hey, we'll discuss this matter later, I will make a clear decision, let's talk about Xia Lie first."

If I go on, I'm afraid it will be bad.

Li Mi looked behind Gu Nanyan, only seeing the four tigers she raised.

I couldn't help being taken aback: "Miss Nan didn't catch any prey?"

The hunting team all returned empty-handed, at first he didn't understand why, but when he saw these four fat and strong tigers, he understood immediately.

It is estimated that the prey in the paddock were scared and hid. These people all came out when they couldn't find the target.

You can't leave early because you are scared by the tiger.

The sons and daughters of his Jianan Kingdom are all brave, and they will definitely not be cowardly when they meet a tiger!

All brave sons: face hurts.

Gu Nanyan didn't bother with the queen's affairs: "Li Yi is walking behind with his prey, and it will be here in a while."

That guy was very curious about dogs, and he hated meeting each other one by one, so they walked around to exchange feelings.

She thought they were ink stains, so she came back first.

I just didn't expect to see a good show.

Gu Nanyan looked at Concubine Yan, who smiled stiffly when she saw her looking at her.


Li Yi's appearance was a bit shocking.

He was the first to walk in front, with a lump of fluffy, pink and tender thing lying on his shoulders, behind him... followed by a living bear, and a wild boar with canthus and fangs...

It is also alive!

The key is that these two followed Li Yi obediently, without any intention of attacking him.

Instead, he looked at the pink lump on his shoulder from time to time, and fear flashed humanly in his eyes.

It seems that he is still a little downcast, like a concubine...

There were a few tigers in front of them, but the crowd didn't panic, but they looked at Li Yi with complicated eyes.

Since getting married to Gu Nanyan, the prince has also started to let himself go.

One of the couple is not afraid of death, the other is not afraid of death, and the aura is 1.8 meters away.

Now that even wild beasts dare not provoke them?
The officials are trembling...

They asked themselves that they were not as rough and thick as wild boars, so they should keep a low profile in front of this couple.

Didn't you see that wild boar's front hooves were shaking, and it was trembling after three steps and fell, with tears in its eyes!
It makes people look like there is an illusion of sympathy for each other...

Gu Nanyan ignored the people with different expressions around him, and proudly glanced at the hunting teams who had returned empty-handed, receiving a sad look.

"My prey has arrived, let's present the prize!"

It was inevitable that other people had caught more prey than she did, so she deliberately didn't try to stop the dogs from threatening people.

It seems to work pretty well.

I just don't know if the golden bow is made of pure gold, if you dare to give her a whole hollow bow...

Then she will definitely blow Li Mi's head off!

(End of this chapter)

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