Li Yi almost said that Concubine Yan is a troublemaker.

Li Mi was a little embarrassed. He was not angry when his younger brother called him his woman so bluntly, but he felt that what he said was right.

He became even more displeased with Concubine Yan, and even complained a little more.

Originally, according to folklore, except for the queen, the rest of his harem were concubines.

What are the duties of a concubine?
Naturally, it made him happy.

Just like what my younger brother said, today is a happy day, and Concubine Yan not only did not make him feel happy, but always added to the trouble.

"What Yi'er said is that I really should give an explanation to Prince Cheng's residence."

It is pitiful enough for his younger brother, who was brought up by shit and piss, to marry a tigress.

You can't let him suffer from other women's idleness.

Even if this woman is his concubine!

Li Mi's eyes swept across Gu Nanyan, feeling extremely complicated.

This girl is good in everything, but she has a bad temper, and now she has four large pets with worse tempers than her.

His poor brother.

What a day from now on!
"Concubine Yan's words are rude, and she will be fined to shut up and think about it for a month!" Li Milang said.

Concubine Yan was shocked.

This is the first time she has been punished since she became pregnant.

In the eyes of women in the harem, thinking about mistakes behind closed doors is already a sign of falling out of favor, let alone a whole month!

There are quite a few women in the harem who are more knowledgeable and interesting than her. With the emperor's unprincipled temper, who knows what little goblin the emperor will be seduced by in a month's time!
Concubine Yan was in a hurry, seeing Li Mi's seriousness, she immediately got up and knelt on the ground to beg for mercy, regardless of the fetus in her womb.

"The concubine knows it's wrong, I beg the emperor not to punish the concubine."

Li Mi glanced at her indifferently, unmoved.

"It's time for you to restrain your temper, and stay in your palace for a month to meditate on your own past."

It's just a woman, there are many in his harem, but she can't make his Yi'er's heart cold because of her.

Li Mi's ruthless scumbag appearance provoked Gu Nanyan's contempt for a while.

As the saying goes, three years old will make eighty, and the dog emperor's scum attributes are as stable as the needle of the sea, and I am afraid that he will not be able to change it in this life.

But fortunately, this is not her man, her man is still very good.

It's just that the empress and concubine Cui are pitiful, and they are hung on the same household registration book with the dog emperor, and there will never be a day of recovery...

Gu Nanyan looked at Li Yi's back who was seeking justice for him, and suddenly felt that this guy was much more pleasing to the eye.

"The concubine knows that the concubine should be punished, but Doctor Dou once said that it is good for the little prince in the belly to let the concubine go out and walk around more every day."

Concubine Yan was naturally unwilling to accept the punishment like this, and wanted to use the child in her womb as an excuse.

She wasn't lying.

When she found out that she was pregnant, she begged Li Mi to invite Doctor Dou to come into the palace to feel her pulse.

Doctor Dou has excellent medical skills, and Dang even diagnosed that she was pregnant with the little prince.

He also told her not to stay in the house all the time when she had nothing to do, go out for a walk appropriately, and do things that make her feel happy, so that the little prince born in the future will be healthy.

Concubine Yan has always regarded his words as an oracle, and if she doesn't want to move, she will go to the Imperial Garden for a stroll for half an hour every day.

In addition, after taking the birth-protecting pills given to her by Li Mi, she didn't feel any discomfort at all during the first period of her pregnancy. On the contrary, she felt better than when she was not pregnant.

The fetus is naturally very stable.

Li Mi also knew all of this.

Although he was angry at Concubine Yan for causing trouble, he couldn't ignore his own flesh and blood.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "I remember that your palace is not small, and there are several courtyards that are empty. Tomorrow, I will have someone transplant some flowers and plants from the imperial garden. You can stroll there this month."

He knew what Concubine Yan meant, but in comparison, he, who already had two princes and was still young and strong, cared more about his younger brother's feelings.

He could see that Gu Nanyan was getting a little hairy, and it was just an excuse to deliberately talk about the golden bow he rewarded.

What she really didn't like was Concubine Yan.

He was also venting his anger for the Queen and Concubine Cui.

Li Mi sighed secretly.

He should be thankful that there are two sensible people in the harem, the Empress and Concubine Cui. If they were all like Concubine Yan, he might have been beaten to death by that girl long ago...

Li Mi didn't want to be pestered by Concubine Yan any longer, so he ordered Eunuch Zhao to send him back to the palace first.

Although Li Yi was a little dissatisfied with the result, he didn't continue to embarrass him.

Concubine Yan is pregnant with the emperor's brother's child and is the prime minister's wife's cousin and niece, so the punishment for a few quarrels is already severe.

Seeing his younger brother smiling, Li Mi was also very happy.

Looking behind Gu Nanyan, there was a bear and a pig shivering with a dumpling.

In a good mood, he said: "Prince Sheng and the concubine have gained a lot, and today I am lucky."

He didn't pay attention to the pink chaotic beast, he just thought it was Gu Nanyan's rare pet.

On the contrary, he is very interested in the bear that is much taller than an adult.

Swallowing at the bear's paw.

Ever since he got on the thief ship of Gu Nanyan, his small coffers have shrunk rapidly, and they have been drained long ago.

He hasn't tasted something like a bear's paw for a long time.

Braised or steamed?

Braised in soy sauce is tender and not fishy, ​​and steamed is authentic.

The fried ones are also good, crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, and a pot of wine...

"Gudong!" Li Mi swallowed unconsciously.

Li Yi beside him: "..."

Gu Nanyan, who has excellent hearing ability: "..."

Xiong Xiong, who was missed by the little hand: "..."

Xiong Xiong: I feel ten thousand points of malice!

Xiong Xiong trembled even more violently.

Why did it feel that the high-ranking man's eyes were extremely hot, as if he was going to strip him naked?
Is it possible to see it?
But it doesn't like this ugly human being at all!
Xiong Xiong approached the Chaos Beast fearfully, and gave it a look for help.

The Chaos Beast looked at it as hopeless, and rolled its eyes in disgust.

However, he still yelled twice at Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan didn't even intend to kill a pig and a bear to eat meat, he caught them just for reward.

Now that the reward is in hand, it is time to let the two beasts go.

Li Mi was in a hurry when he saw this.

"It's not easy to catch, why did you let it go!"

Look at the long paws of this bear, which are fat and thick. The breeder in the paddock feeds it really well!
"There is no place to raise them at home." Gu Nanyan glanced at Chaos Beast and Huhu's family in disgust.

Her house is almost becoming a zoo.

Li Mi: "..."

Why do you raise it, who asked you to raise it, this size is enough to eat!

Li Mi's bear's paw, which he couldn't bear to eat, slipped away in front of his eyes. Seeing that a bear and a pig were about to go back into the woods, he hurriedly said: "Don't give it to me, my imperial dining room... no, my palace is big, I will raise it! "

Raise it for three to five days, let the palace people wash its hands well, and then it can be served on the table!
Gu Nanyan heard the words hehe.

"Give silver?"

"I don't want too much, Jin Gong will buy me another normal-sized bear, and this bear will be yours."

As long as the money is in place, not only will the bear be given away, but a pig will also be given as a gift.

The question is whether you can afford it.

Li Mi: I can't afford it!

If he wanted the spare money for making golden bows, he could buy several pairs of bear's paws, so he didn't need to worry about her!
Li Mi was aggrieved, looking at Gu Nanyan with resentment in his eyes.

He is so poor and he doesn't know who it is because of, why can't he just give it to him as a gift in return?
And the bear hadn't been hunted from his paddock!
She would be ashamed to sell him his things!
The stinky girl desperately wants money.



Gu Nanyan: "..."

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