Chapter 918
Sodeka Palace

In Concubine Yan's dormitory, Concubine Yan, who was restrained by Li Mi, was reclined on a soft couch, and the room was filled with ice basins.

It was the scorching summer season, and the ice basin could not dispel the heat, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on Concubine Yan Bai Jing's forehead.

Her eyes looked in the direction of the door from time to time, and she looked more and more anxious.

"Stop fanning, that little bit of heat is blowing onto Bengong, you can't do this little thing well, a bunch of trash!"

Somewhat irritably, she waved away the maid in pink who was playing the fan, and sat up with the support of the mother.

The nanny's eyes were slender, the corners of her eyes were in a figure-sight shape, her nose was high and her lips were thin, and the corners of her mouth drooped.

Looks a little mean.

Seeing that Concubine Yan's back was soaked in sweat, Mammy frowned into the word Chuan. After the master sat down firmly, she let go of the hand supporting her, and brought the ice basin under her feet to the small table on the soft couch.

Then he took the round fan from the maid in pink and fanned Concubine Yan through the ice basin.

Her movements were not in a hurry, and the cool breeze of ice was blowing gently on her face.

Concubine Yan's expression improved a lot in an instant.

"It's still Madam Zhouquan." She breathed out comfortably.

"Even if these useless ones have half of the mother, I will be content." Squinting at the maid in pink, she hummed angrily.

The palace maid was quite frightened by her snort, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Zhao Momo's rigid mouth curled into a smile: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, it's not worth it to ruin your body just because of your inferiority, but you're still pregnant with the little prince."

When Concubine Yan heard the words "Little Prince", she really didn't pursue it any further, and gently stroked her abdomen with one hand.

Seeing this, the palace maid in pink wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, when she saw Mother Zhao, who had comforted her master, give her a cold look.

"From today onwards, you don't need to serve the master, go to the yard to serve the flowers and plants sent by the emperor."

A servant who doesn't know how to adapt at all, and only knows how to obey orders, is the most suitable for this job.

After all, without waiting for her to intercede, someone dragged her out.

Concubine Yan was more and more satisfied when she saw that she acted resolutely and handled it without even opening her mouth.

"Mommy finds someone to go out to have a look. It's been an hour, brother Xian hasn't come yet."

"Your Majesty, you should call your cousin, Young Master, or Vice General Sun." The nanny corrected helplessly.

Concubine Yan's expression froze, and she said embarrassingly: "I know, I used to be used to it, and I can't change it for a while..."

When she was not favored before, she and the mother always referred to Sun Xian as brother Xian.

It's just that the identities are different now, so it's a bit inappropriate to call him that.

Concubine Yan's eyes flashed a hint of obscurity.

She is favored in the palace, and her life is much better now than when she was in the boudoir.

But the emperor is much older than her, how can he compare with the young and strong Sun Xian who has been practicing martial arts all year round.

She entered the palace at the age of 14, and she is not yet in her double tenth year.

She had wanted to marry him in the first place.

Now I can't even call my elder brother.

Concubine Yan sat there in a daze with a complicated expression.

Seeing this, Zhao Mama sighed, bowed lightly and stepped back, and went to the door to meet Sun Xian.


When the Sun family received the news that Concubine Yan had summoned Sun Xian, Sun Shuyu was very hesitant.

It's okay if it's a normal day, even though the second son is a foreigner, it's nothing to be summoned into the palace in an open and aboveboard manner.

The problem is that Concubine Yan came to the palace to visit the Sun's family just after being ordered by the emperor to confine her. Without knowing it, she thought that the prime minister was dissatisfied with the emperor's decision.

Sun Xian also did not want to enter the palace.

Concubine Yan is not his own sister, so it would be too indecent for him to run into the harem alone without looking for his mother.

It's a pity that he has no right to refuse, even his father can't ignore Concubine Yan's summoning.

So he entered the Suohua Palace with a dissatisfied face.

"I don't know why Concubine Yan called my minister to come here?" Sun Xian clasped his fists to salute Concubine Yan with a straight face.

Concubine Yan seemed to have gotten used to his attitude a long time ago, she didn't feel offended, and instead smiled on her flushed face smothered by the heat.

Seeing Sun Xian's happiness made her immediately forget about Nanny's instructions.

She reproached and said: "Brother Xian is so unfamiliar, why do you need to be polite here in this Palace?"

Sun Xian remained unmoved and still lowered his head.

"Etiquette cannot be discarded. The status of the empress is different now. A humble minister is a minister, so he should be considerate of etiquette."

He raised his head and looked straight at Concubine Yan, with an old-fashioned look on his face, and said, "Your Majesty, I'd better call Weichen as Deputy General."

Before she entered the palace, she used to call herself Brother Xian, and every time she heard it, he got goosebumps all over her body.

At that time, because of his mother's relationship, he couldn't correct it, but it's different now.

Concubine Yan was silent, and then she smiled stiffly, her eyes hurt a little.

"This palace knows."

"Mommy, let Vice General Sun take a seat." She told Nanny Zhao.

Zhao mama sighed secretly, and just about to ask someone to bring a chair over, she was stopped by Sun Xian.

"No need, if you have anything to say, just tell me, I just stand and listen."

After the last summer hunt, General Gu found him and talked with him for a long time.

Tell him that the harem is a place of right and wrong, and that they are the most taboo to be involved in the harem faction as generals. If they want to have a good future in the future, they should have less contact with the harem and even the royal family.

He heard that little general Gu really thought about him, and he didn't want his future to be broken by external forces. His words contained the meaning of cherishing him as a talent and wanting to cultivate him well.

To be honest, when he first arrived at the Zhenbei Naval Camp, he was a little awkward in the face of Gu Yunge's orders.

I always feel that the two are about the same age and should have the same abilities.

General Gu was able to take the position of the chief of the Zhenbei Naval Battalion because he had a good sister.

But I have to bow down to him, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

But as time passed, he began to admire General Gu's ability from the bottom of his heart.

Being recognized by someone he admired, Sun Xian was excited from the bottom of his heart and at the same time made up his mind to follow him in this life, so he naturally obeyed his words.

"If you have something to do, please tell me. This minister will definitely do what he can, but don't call him into the palace next time. My mother misses you very much, let her come next time."

Sun Xian bluntly refused to be summoned next time, which made Concubine Yan, who was originally not pretty, turn pale.

"Vice General Sun doesn't want to see Ben Gong so much?" she asked.

Sun Xian nodded without any scruples: "I don't want to."

She is not a martial arts secret book, nor is she a rare magic weapon, why does he want to see her.

With that time, it would be better to discuss the way of using troops like General Gu.

I heard that Princess Sheng once wrote a book on the art of war, and even Old General Gu praised it well.

He knew that the little general had a copy of it, and he wanted to read it a long time ago.

However, the little general hid it tightly, and it took him a long time before he agreed to lend it to him, and agreed to go to Gu's house to pick it up today.

Thinking of the art of war book he was thinking about, Sun Xian couldn't wait any longer.

"Weichen still has to visit General Gu. If Madam has nothing else to do, Weichen will leave first!"

After all, I will slip away.

"Wait a minute!" Concubine Yan was annoyed.

Why didn't I see that this second cousin was so ungrateful before.

She left without saying anything.

When her place is a theater, she can leave as soon as she talks!

"You know Little General Gu very well?"

Although her chest was tight by Sun Xianqi, but hearing him mention Gu Yunge, Concubine Yan couldn't bear the gloom in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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