At first, Yang didn't know that her good sister wanted to be her sister-in-law.

She went to the Gu family before to catch up with the Guo family.

It wasn't until Guo Shi approached the door that he knew that the Gu family had this idea.

Perhaps it was the reason why Mrs. Guo often mentioned Gu Shen in correspondence with her over the years, but Mrs. Yang did not reject it outright.

After all, she is not a person who is afraid of people's right and wrong. If she can find a good home, she will marry someone again as a sequel.

Besides, through the brief conversation with Gu Shen, she felt that this man was quite reliable, dedicated and upright, he was a rare good man.

Not to mention that there is a close friend in the boudoir, Mrs. Guo, if she enters the Gu family, she will not be treated harshly.

So without being hypocritical, he agreed to their marriage.

It was not the first time for the two of them to get married, and the red tape was kept as simple as possible. After receiving the letter of appointment, they chose a recent good day, and held a family banquet at Gu's house. It was the right to recognize them.

Although the two elders of the Gu family were a little surprised by their son's swift and resolute behavior, marrying a daughter-in-law was like fighting a war, and the whole family was in a hurry.

However, she is very satisfied with Yang's daughter-in-law.

Yang was a little nervous at the beginning, even though she had done enough psychological preparation for herself, she still became flustered when she saw her parents.

Does she know what kind of wife she wants to marry with the current status of the Gu family?
But she had been separated before, so she was afraid that the second elder would be dissatisfied with her.

It wasn't until entering the gate of the Gu family, facing the kind parents-in-law, the elegant uncle, and the well-mannered juniors, that he felt at ease.

And Gu Nanyan...

She really didn't expect, but in just a few days, she had an extra mother...

Could her dad's actions be too fast?
It's a toothache.

Even Li Yi was surprised when he heard the news.

He was speechless, not knowing what to say.

However, it is always a good thing that the father-in-law is willing to continue, and it will save his daughter-in-law from worrying about him alone.

As a junior, he is not easy to congratulate.

He can't congratulate his father-in-law for finding a mother-in-law for him, can he?

Although it is indeed a good thing, it is not pleasant to say it.

Li Yi thought about it, and then told Brother Huang about his old father-in-law's rebirth.

Let the emperor give him something to go down.

Li Mi didn't search this time, because he was his courtier after all, and searching at this time was not conducive to the relationship between the monarch and his ministers.

So Gu Shen and Yang Shi, who originally wanted to keep a low profile, received a large box full of rewards.

Most of the rewards are antique calligraphy and paintings, but there are very few gold and silver items.

This is already after Li Mi found out that his small treasury was empty, he ignored his face in the court during this period of time, expressly implying all the things he got from the hands of the courtiers.

He is really out of money.

Gu Shen probably also knew that the emperor was not taken lightly by his daughter, so he didn't dislike him, and those antique calligraphy and paintings were also good things.

So he accepted it unceremoniously, and moved the things back to his yard in front of the little eunuch who delivered the decree.

Li Mi: "..."

After the small treasury was emptied again, Li Mi was haggard.

He felt that he was a loser of money, and he couldn't keep any good things, so he was very sad.

Since then, the matter of Gu Shen's continuation has been completed smoothly and without any disturbance.


In the harem, Concubine Yan, who had been confined for a period of time, had a big belly and was bored in Xiuhua Palace all day long.

The weather has cooled down a lot, but she still feels bored.

Ever since Sun Xian dark poked her last time, she never dared to jump again.

It's just that there is a feeling of anger in my heart, it's good to vent it out, but holding it in is not conducive to raising the fetus.

In the past few days, her appetite has not been very good, and she has lost a lot of weight.

The growing belly looked a little abrupt.

"Your Majesty, you don't have much use for lunch, how about this old servant go to the dining room and get you a bowl of bird's nest?" The mother beside her worried.

The master only ate a corner of pancake and a small bowl of chicken soup yesterday.

Today, I only drank half a bowl of porridge.

She is now a twin body, how can she stand such a toss.

Concubine Yan was very irritable, she knew she should eat more, so that the little prince in her stomach would thrive, but she really couldn't eat it.

She was confined for such a long time, and the emperor never came to see her.

This makes her, who has been favored recently, very disturbed.

Thinking about Gu Nanyan, the chief culprit who brought him to this end, he was very angry?

"I heard that Princess Sheng's father is reunited?"

Although she was imprisoned in this palace, the outside news never stopped.

"Yes, I heard that she married Yang Zhanshi's younger sister who had divorced..." Mammy said a little embarrassedly.

Coincidentally, Yang's ex-husband was also from the capital, and was related to Concubine Yan's natal family.

And this relative is quite close, she is a cousin of her mother's natal family.

That is Concubine Yan's cousin.

Concubine Yan was still young when the two separated, but she also heard her mother talk about the inside story.

It's nothing more than that Yang's family can't tolerate concubines, so he asked him to come down.

Concubine Yan sneered.

"Sure enough, it's not that the whole family doesn't want to enter the family. Yang is a shameless person, so being Gu Nanyan's stepmother would also bring out the best in each other."

In his words, he seemed to look down on Gu Nanyan.

"Master, be careful what you say, be careful that walls have ears!"

Mammy was startled, and almost stepped forward to cover her mouth.

Auntie, how dare you say anything!
"I'm not afraid of being heard." Concubine Yan was still arrogant.

"It's not a secret, then Mrs. Yang is not a good person in the first place, why don't people talk about what she did?"

How could a woman from a good family take the initiative to separate from her husband, and make such a big fuss that everyone in the capital would know that she was jealous.

Almost even her family's reputation was affected!

Mammy sighed, "It's better to be careful in everything."

She was not afraid that her master would say bad things about the Yang family, but she was afraid that people would hear her saying bad things about Princess Cheng!
"Don't worry, mama, even if I say something bad about Gu Nanyan, it doesn't matter if others hear it, she never dares to put her hand into the harem." Concubine Yan felt inexplicably confident about this.

Since ancient times, the imperial power has been unshakable, no matter how arrogant Gu Nanyan is, can he be more arrogant than the emperor?
If this is the case, it would be fine, she doesn't need to bother, the emperor himself will deal with her.

Mammy was even more worried.

I said to myself, how can you see that people are afraid, even the emperor is still threatening?
What kind of person is that Princess Cheng, how could she be afraid of a concubine.

Maybe someone can just move their fingers and make them have a bad life in the palace.

Mammy didn't dare to say these words, otherwise the master would be angry again.

During this period of time, the master's bosom image is not good at all, so he can't be stimulated anymore!
"Then you can't talk nonsense, you are pregnant with the little prince now, and the real thing is to give birth to the child with peace of mind." Mammy said helplessly.

When you have a child, maybe you can win back some of the emperor's heart?

But looking at the master like this, she knew that she didn't listen to her words at all.

Mammy was also surprised, I heard that before entering the palace, the master was not a spoiled and spoiled person, how could he become a different person after being favored after entering the palace?
Is this what people often say is the mentality of getting rich?

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