The farmer has a mall

Chapter 932 Small Vault

Chapter 932 Small Vault

On the day when he got in touch with Gu Nanyan, Xuanyu was overwhelmed with excitement.

If he hadn't been separated from her by two time and space, he would have hugged her thigh and wept bitterly.

Knowing that Gu Nanyan's memory hadn't recovered yet, he didn't mention the personnel affairs in the company, but only politely asked her to take time to go back, because some things can only be handled by her, who has the highest authority.

Moreover, she has accumulated power in the company for a long time, and when she returns, she can deter those who have evil intentions and want to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

Gu Nanyan disliked him for being useless and couldn't even control his subordinates, and at the same time agreed to his request.

Because Xuanyu said that as long as she is willing to go back, he will find a way to help her recover her memory.

For Gu Nanyan, it doesn't matter whether she remembers the past, anyway, she has a good life here, and she gets money every day sitting at home.

But she thought again, since she is Xuanyu's sister and the highest decision-maker of the company, that means the whole company belongs to her.

Think about how much money she, the boss, would have to take advantage of the money-making shopping malls scattered in various time and space!

There must be her little coffer over there! !
Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan's heart moved.

This trip is a must!
She doesn't care about anything else, her little coffers must be taken back, what if she is caught by someone else!
So she actively cooperated with Xuanyu, and immediately ordered Chaos Beast to repair the long-disconnected channel.

The Chaos Beast always felt that Xuanyu deliberately fooled Gu Nanyan back to clean up the mess for him.

And the fact that she fell into a different time and space has not been found out yet, maybe it was Xuanyu who did it.

However, the female devil is not shrewd when she should be shrewd, and she is really muddled when she should be confused...

It knew it couldn't stop this money-focused woman, so it didn't even bother to persuade her.

Gu Nanyan watched it swallow the jade pendants in handfuls with distress, and couldn't resist picking its mouth.

She remembered that this dog said before that there is energy in money, and the purpose of the existence of the mall is to collect money from various time and space for the huge energy consumption of that time and space in Xuanyu.

But the dog now said that the energy in the silver needs to be processed and extracted with special tools, it cannot be absorbed directly, and can only be absorbed from good quality jade.

I don't know if it's a good thing that hurt her on purpose.

Gu Nanyan held back for a long time, and said distressedly: "Eat slowly, be careful not to choke."

These are all rare fine jades, each one is priceless, it's like eating a small biscuit, after a while it takes more than half of it!
It's all money! !
The Chaos Beast rolled its eyes, "You think I'd like to eat it, this shit is hard and dry, it doesn't taste at all, it's better to eat dirt!"

The Chaos Beast looked disgusted. Seeing that Gu Nanyan's distressed face was distorted, he was secretly proud.

In fact, it can directly absorb the energy in jade, and it does not necessarily have to be chewed and eaten.

Although the quality of the energy-absorbed jade is not as good as before, it is hard to see with the naked eye, and it can still be sold at a good price.


Why does this female devil always oppress it, it just doesn't like it!
If you are unhappy, just blame her money, and love her to death!

The Chaos Beast secretly poked and poked, but didn't show it on the surface, with a taste of pain.

Gu Nanyan knew that it was a foodie.

Not only is he a foodie, but he is also a picky eater. He would rather starve to death than take a bite of unpalatable food.

Seeing it like this is not good to say anything.

Not to mention that people still do things for her.

"Forget it, I don't want the child to be tied to a wolf, as long as I find the small treasury, I will get back my money. A few jade pendants are nothing." Anyway, these jade pendants are not hers.

They are all collected by Li Yi over the years.

Gu Nanyan secretly said.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem so distressing anymore.

"I'll ask Steward Tao to find a few more yuan. You work hard and try to get through the passage as soon as possible." She said again.

It was rare to give Chaos Beast a good look, and patted its small head with a smile.

The Chaos Beast was dazed for a while after being photographed.

He hesitated to pick up the jade pendant again, only one piece this time.

"...What if you can't get back the money?"

Bad, it seems that the devil doesn't have a small coffer at all.

Some belong to the company, and this time should be almost consumed...

The Chaos Beast's chewing speed slowed down significantly, and it looked at Gu Nanyan cautiously.

Gu Nanyan let out a hehe.

"If you can't get back to your origin, I will dismantle you!" Let's die together, dog!
Chaos Beast: "..."

This beast has a bad feeling...


Afterwards, the Chaos Beast didn't continue to cause misfortunes, it just told Gu Nanyan that it had enough energy, and then secretly absorbed the energy of the remaining jade pendants, then plunged into the space, pretending to be busy.

This busy is another few days.

Gu Nanyan waited and waited for the master who did not come to the prime minister's mansion to come to the door, only waiting for the old butler who came last time, this time to thank her.

"Our eldest son's cough has improved a lot after taking the medicine you gave, and he is not as afraid of the cold as usual. He can eat half a bowl more with meals."

The old housekeeper is an old man in the prime minister's mansion, he watched Sun Cheng grow up, and he is really happy to see signs of improvement in him.

The gratitude to Gu Nanyan is also sincere.

"Our master said that those medicines have miraculous effects, I'm afraid the money last time was less..." After he finished speaking, he embarrassedly handed over a box.

Yun Xi stepped forward to take it, opened it and checked it, and handed it to Gu Nanyan after seeing that there was no problem.

Gu Nanyan lowered his head.

There were more than a dozen silver bills in the box, all of which were in denominations of 1000 taels.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you are being polite." Gu Nanyan said warmly, and did not refuse.

Although the medicines she gave were not as good as the monthly special ones, they were still excellent, even if they were placed in Gu's pharmacy, they were considered top-grade medicines.

"By the way, what is your prime minister up to lately?" Gu Nanyan tentatively asked.

Sun Shuyu has always been a person who knows how to deal with people, and he has always wanted to make friends with Prince Cheng's mansion, but this time he didn't take the opportunity to come to the door, which made Gu Nanyan curious.

The old housekeeper didn't want to understand what she meant for a while, but he still said honestly: "The emperor has ordered some errands for our master recently, and he is busy these days."

"Well, that's a good thing. The prime minister is dedicated to the people, and the emperor can be regarded as a loyal minister."

"However, although state affairs are important, you must take good care of your health... Let your prime minister come later, and I will give him a pulse and prescribe some nourishing prescriptions for him."

(End of this chapter)

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