The dog man's tone is a bit dangerous...

Gu Nanyan cleared her throat, and pretended to be serious, "Sun Cheng is my patient, so I still have to give him some face."

"And the tea party was hosted by Mrs. Sun, so I just went for a formality."

She was committed to developing his whole family into her patients, and just took this opportunity to get acquainted, so that she could ask for a high price in the future!
Well killed.

Li Yi sneered, obviously not believing it.

"Then why are you asking about Sun Cheng?"

Since it's just a formality, find out what the hostess does!
He is not present!
Li Yi groaned angrily, wondering if this woman would fall in love with that sick man!

His examining gaze met Gu Nanyan's, seeing that her eyes were clear and she didn't seem to have other thoughts, so he looked away.

That's right, what is that sick man better than him, not as tall or strong as him, not as good-looking as him, and most importantly, not as rich as him!

Yan'er's eyesight would not be that bad.

Thinking of how the prime minister's mansion had lost almost all of its wealth in order to treat Sun Cheng with famous doctors these years, Li Yi's heart was instantly relieved.

He couldn't guarantee anything else. His wife was stingy and greedy for money, so she would definitely not like her if she knew she was a pauper.

After successfully comforting himself, Li Yi smiled brightly.

Then, without waiting for Gu Nanyan to explain, he said in an understanding way: "I know, Yan'er must have another purpose. Since you don't tell me, I won't ask... Well, I will go with you tomorrow."

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

No, is the dog man sick? She didn't say anything, why did she act like he knew everything.

How about asking yourself a question here?

"As long as you're happy." The corners of her mouth twitched, and she rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Li Yi ignored her expression, seeing that her lips were a little dry, he poured her a glass of water and watched her drink it.

Then he said: "Long Yi simply checked the personnel around Sun Cheng, and nothing has been found so far. Just like the outside rumors, he rarely goes out, and he doesn't have many contacts on weekdays. They are all subordinates in the mansion. people."

Gu Nanyan nodded: "Where's his concubine's room?"

"You mean Mrs. Lu who entered the mansion today?"

As Li Yi is the owner of the palace, it is not surprising that someone will report to him when he enters or leaves the mansion.

"Lu's natal family is not in the capital, I have asked someone to check, and we have to wait two days for the specific news."

"However, I heard that the relationship between the Lu family and the Shangguan family is good, but for some reason they have drifted apart a lot in the past few months."

Shangguan is Sun Cheng's wife.

The Shangguan family is a well-known family in the south. It has taken root in the local area during the previous dynasty. It is a real century-old family.

Therefore, even without an official status, the Shangguan family married Sun Cheng in a glorious manner.

Of course, at that time Sun Shuyu was still an idle official, married a daughter of a family, and he did not wrong his son.


Li Yi made up his mind to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion with Gu Nanyan, but Gu Nanyan had no choice but to take him with him.

Before going out, Li Yi wanted to let his wife see clearly the gap between Sun Cheng and him, so he washed himself and changed into a black moiré robe with a waist, which made him look extraordinarily upright and imposing.

Seeing this, Long Yi murmured in his heart.

The ancient Yunnv looked for someone who pleases herself, but she thought that the prince would do it the other way around.

It can be seen that the princess really ate him to death.

Then he looked down at his uniform dark guard uniform. Although it was also black, the style was very ordinary, and it belonged to the kind that could not be found in the crowd.

Long Yi secretly glanced at Yun Xi who was walking on the other side.

The dress on her body was different from other maidservants, they were all custom-made with the fabric that Gu Nanyan gave her.

Even the jewelry is extraordinarily exquisite, and she looks like a young lady from some family.

He walked side by side with her, like an accompanying bodyguard...

It doesn't fit at all!

Long Yi gritted his teeth.

No, tomorrow he has to take a leave of absence from the prince and go out to buy some outfits, so he must be worthy of her.

His wife had already saved enough, and she was waiting for the future daughter-in-law to nod.

Can't make a mistake in this superficial effort.


When the group arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion, Mrs. Sun greeted them personally at the door.

Shangguan was wearing a smoky purple narrow-sleeved skirt and only a white jade hairpin on his head. He looked gentle and small.

Although she is in her early twenties, she still has the gracefulness of a woman from a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Xu didn't expect that Li Yi would also come, seeing him helping Gu Nanyan get off the carriage, he was stunned for a while before he hurried forward to salute.

"I didn't know the prince was here, and I was rude, so I asked someone to invite my father-in-law."

She originally thought that only women would be present at the tea party, and Li Yi, a man, would definitely not be with them, fearing that he would come to visit Sun Shuyu.

Unexpectedly, Li Yi waved his hand, asked the direction of the tea party directly, took Gu Nanyan's hand and left.

Gu Nanyan was also speechless, and a little funny.

Ever since they returned to the capital, Li Yi has become more and more obsessive. He can't wait to cling to her all day long, and wants to follow her everywhere.

Even if you don't have time to follow, you will come to find her after you are done.

like a child...

Thinking that Li Yi was once described as the King of Hades, cold-blooded and ruthless, Gu Nanyan looked sideways at his handsome face like a sculpture of a god, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"what happened?"

Li Yi had noticed that his wife was staring at him a long time ago, so he pretended to smile calmly.

And turned his face at a 45-degree angle, aiming his best-looking angle at Gu Nanyan.

Very well, based on his appearance, how much Yan'er appreciates his face now, how much she will dislike that sick child Sun Cheng soon.

He must put the opponent into the mud!
To let Yan'er know that there is no man who is more beautiful than him in the world, if there is...

Then he will kill that person!
Li Yi straightened his waist confidently and proudly, never realizing that he was on the road of serving people in Israel and never returning.


Gu Nanyan's gaze lightly swept over his rosy thin lips, and she looked forward calmly, trying to restrain the urge to kiss him.

She seemed to understand some of those men who fell into tenderness and never came to court early.

Right now, she wished she could ignore everything, drag Li Yi back home, and give Fangze a good kiss...

Gu Nanyan cleared her throat, and hurriedly dispelled the whimsical thoughts in her mind.

"I didn't expect the prime minister's mansion to be quite elegantly furnished." She changed the subject.

Shangguan, who followed her step by step, smiled cautiously when he heard the words.

"Wangfei praises it. Father-in-law doesn't like luxury, but loves the elegance of the countryside. Therefore, the layout of the mansion is slightly different from that of other houses. Wangfei may feel that it is a bit simple."

Shangguan's words were modest.

The Prime Minister's Mansion is indeed not magnificent, it is mostly small bridges, flowing water, rockery and strange rocks, which has a special scenery, but it is really not simple.

Gu Nanyan smiled and said nothing, she didn't come to enjoy the scenery today, she didn't care how the prime minister's mansion was arranged.

"By the way, why haven't you seen Mrs. Lu?" She asked in the same manner.

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