The farmer has a mall

Chapter 939 Outbreak

Chapter 939 Outbreak
"I... I didn't!" Being humiliated by Shang Yuanyuan one after another, Shang Yinyin's face turned red.

But she didn't pay attention to the disdainful eyes cast around her, instead she looked at Gu Nanyan eagerly.

Hastily explained: "Beautiful sister, I don't, Yinyin doesn't want to climb high, Yinyin is not as bad as sister Yuanyuan said..."

At the age of nine, she already understood many things, including what Shang Yuanyuan's words meant.

She has been bullied by her since she was a child, and it has long become a habit. She endures even beating and scolding her on weekdays.

But she didn't expect Shang Yuanyuan to be so vicious, making fun of her reputation!
How important is a woman's reputation, if her reputation is damaged, she may only be an aunt in the nunnery in the future.

What's more, she didn't want her pretty sister to misunderstand her...

In fact, Shang Yinyin thought too much, she was only nine years old this year, Gu Nanyan didn't think that Li Yi would be so perverted that he would have any thoughts about a child.

"Who are you calling mean?"

Gu Nanyan's condensed voice sounded, and he ignored the anxious Shang Yinyin.

Instead, he squinted his eyes and looked at Shang Yuanyuan who was pointing at her nose and approaching her step by step.

Shang Yuanyuan who was excitedly speaking humiliating words froze for a moment when she heard her voice, and the fear of being dominated struck her heart again.

But only for a moment.

Perhaps it was because Mrs. Xie was by her side, which gave her courage. Facing Gu Nanyan's questioning, she not only did not flinch but bit her lip and looked at her stubbornly.

"The little girl said Shang Yinyin is mean, the princess must not let her be fooled, if you don't believe me, you can ask my grandmother!" She said and tugged at Xie Shi's sleeve.

Xie naturally wanted to speak for his own granddaughter.

"Although the family ugliness should not be publicized, there are some things that cannot be concealed after today..."

Xie looked embarrassed and sighed.

"The family background of my mother-in-law is really not on the table. It's also my fault that I believed the matchmaker's words and didn't check it out beforehand. I married such a relative to the boss.'s too late to regret, but the mother-in-law is negligent."

After saying that, she pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, looking very guilty.

But the moment he lowered his head, he gave Shangmu, whose complexion changed drastically, a provocative look.

Shangmu's chest heaved violently, and she was so angry that she could hardly stand up.

Shang Yinyin saw her mother being humiliated, looking like she was about to fall, she was anxious.

"Grandma wants to bully mother again, grandma is bad!"

She hastily spread her slender arms and used her unfull wings to protect her mother behind her.

Shang Yinyin didn't have the slightest admiration for Xie's step-grandmother.

She is just afraid of her.

But when his mother was bullied, this fear was forgotten.

Seeing her yelling at him with her neck stuck, Xie felt that his majesty had been shaken, and suddenly became furious.

In addition, she never took this granddaughter seriously, so she slapped Shang Yinyin without even thinking about it.

This slap almost exhausted all his strength before he could relieve his anger.

Shang Yinyin, a nine-year-old child, couldn't bear such a heavy hand, she tilted her head and fell heavily to the ground.

As if she had been stunned, she lay on the ground in a daze, her cheeks quickly became red and swollen, and within a few breaths, her eyes were swollen to the point of being swollen.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan became angry.

Seeing Shang Yinyin's miserable little face, she got up and was about to clean up Mrs. Xie.

But he was grabbed by Li Yi.

With a helpless expression on his face, Li Yi firmly fixed his angry daughter-in-law on the seat, stroked her back comfortingly, and smoothed the fur of his little lion.

"Don't worry, let's see how they respond first."

Li Yi's idea is very simple, although the daughter-in-law likes this little girl very much, she still needs to be strong to strike iron, if they can't support the wall with their own mud, how many times can she protect them?

You can't keep this family tied to your waistband to protect you all the time!
She is willing or he is not willing!

This is the daughter-in-law he holds in his hands, and he doesn't want her to worry about these outsiders.

Of course, if this family can stand up, he doesn't mind helping.

If you can't stand up, there are ways to help you can't stand up.

It's just that you don't want to get close to his wife in the future, so you don't have to worry about it!

Although Gu Nanyan was angry, she knew that Li Yi would stop her from standing up for Shang Yinyin for no reason.

Seeing that he looked like he had plans of his own, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and endure it.

On the other side, Mother Shang frantically inspected her daughter's injuries, her eyes were so red that blood almost spilled out.

She didn't expect that Mrs. Xie would expose her faults in front of so many people, and even deal such a heavy blow to her daughter!

Isn't she afraid of being scolded by the old man when she goes back!

Her parentage is not good.

But for so many years, even though Mrs. Xie tried her best to train her in different ways, she still fulfilled her duties, honoring her in-laws, taking care of her frail husband, and raising her daughter for the Shang family.

But in the end she was humiliated because of her background.

Looking at the tearful daughter in her arms, crying because of pain or sadness, I thought about the grievances the family of three had suffered over the years.

She suddenly had an urge to fight.

I want to make public all the sufferings their family has suffered for so many years.

She thought so, and did so.

"Did the mother-in-law really not know the background of the daughter-in-law?"

She held her daughter's small face, wiped her tears carefully with red eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "Didn't you find a matchmaker to go to my natal family to propose marriage? Alright, it’s pretty clean right now!”

If it weren't for her saying "Born background is not important", she would not have licked her face and climbed up to Shang's family.

Although her husband loves her after marriage and her daughter is sensible, the behavior of Xie's people has really turned off her appetite.

Simply Shang Huaizhou had promised her that if one day he couldn't stay in Shang's house anymore, he would take their mother and daughter away, and Shang's mother also had confidence in her heart.

And she knew the concubine's temperament, although she looked a little cold on the surface, she was a calf-protecting one.

She is betting that the princess is willing to protect their family for her daughter!
She wiped away her tears and lowered her head, not daring to look at Gu Nanyan's face.

Before Mrs. Xie could speak, he said: "Everyone in the house knows how my mother-in-law has treated our Dafang family these years. I think everyone present has heard about it."

"Just like what my mother-in-law said, a daughter-in-law comes from a humble background, but she also knows that everything is going well with her family. She has been holding back for her husband and the Shang family all these years."

"But you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't even plan against Sister Yin!"

"Presumptuous, it's against you, when did I plot against Sister Yin!" Xie fell backward in anger.

No one expected that the eldest daughter-in-law who had been submissive would suddenly explode.

Facing the angry mother-in-law, Shangmu did not back down at all.

"When?" She sneered.

As if wanting to vent out the depression of these years, they all looked at Xie sarcastically: "The word mother-in-law is not used properly. You plan on sister Yin and treat Huaizhou harshly. How long does it take?"

"Isn't this what happens all the time!"

(End of this chapter)

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