Chapter 941
"Didn't Mrs. Xie let Ben Gong decide for her?" Gu Nanyan said.

"Everyone knows that Bengong has some friendship with this child, Yinyin, so it is unavoidable to be questioned about fairness. What's wrong with Bengong's proposal to hand it over to Dali Temple?"

She looked at Shangguan and said in a discussing tone: "If Mrs. Shangguan thinks something is wrong, why don't you preside over the justice?"

Don't think she can't see it, this Shangguan just wants to get along with the mud and not offend others, but that depends on whether she is willing or not.

How dare Shangguan take over, she can't afford to offend both sides!

But she didn't want Gu Nanyan to really make things worse, and she was in a dilemma for a while.

I hated Mrs. Xie even more in my heart.

Her life in the Prime Minister's Mansion was not as good as it seemed to the outside world, and she didn't know how to explain to her husband what happened today.

She was silent for Shangguan's, and the rest of the wives were even more afraid to show their anger, for fear that Gu Nanyan would involve them in the matter.

They have also seen that Gu Nanyan is not easy to mess with.

It was only heard before, but no one expected that her temper was really so...casual!
At this time, those who were eager to establish a relationship also suppressed their eager hearts.

It is even more fortunate that Gu Nanyan does not often attend such gatherings, otherwise they would not even dare to leave the door.

If you come to Dali Temple for a day trip every two days, just ask who can resist it!
Xie's head was sweating from anxiety, still trying to figure out how to speak to avoid a disaster.

Shang Yuanyuan beside her spoke first.

"My grandmother is an elder, so it doesn't matter if she treats my uncle's family badly, even if I go to Dali Temple, I can still lock my grandmother up!" She said with an unspeakable arrogance in her expression.

After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly and looked at Shang Yinyin contemptuously with his chin raised.

"Besides, my uncle wasn't born to my grandmother. It's a kindness to raise him so big. Is it possible that he will continue to support this family for the rest of his life?"

She heard these words from Mrs. Xie, and she thought it made sense, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with grandma treating Shang Huaizhou's family harshly.

In fact, Gu Nanyan also felt that what she said was right.

When children grow up, they need to be self-reliant, and they can't eat the old forever.

The problem is that in ancient times, there were parents who said that they did not separate their families.

Since there is no separation of households, the income of the children must be handed over to the mistress of the household, who then distributes each person's monthly expenses, which is what is usually called monthly bills.

It's not that Shang Huaizhou has no income, but it's all handed over to Xie's management.

There is also Shang's mother, although she is a concubine's daughter, but because she married into the Shang family, the dowry is no less than that of a concubine's daughter.

She also has several good dowry shops under her name.

The income from those dowry shops' own shops is all in the hands of Mrs. Xie!

On the other hand, Xie's biological son, the second son of the Shang family, Shang Weicai, is truly worthless and nothing.

But his monthly expenses are much more than Shang Huaizhou's family combined.

Gu Nanyan almost laughed angrily.

"Miss Shang, have you figured it out? Who is raising whom?"

She couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Shang Yuanyuan and Mrs. Xie, this family is simply amazing!

Taking other people's things to make money, but only giving people food to eat, and being confident in the end, it is only possible to do this kind of thing with the right three views.

Gu Nanyan said meaningfully: "I often hear people say a word, eat people with short mouths, and treat people softly. It seems that these words will not work on you."

When she said this, she looked at Mrs. Xie with a half-smile, and Mrs. Xie immediately understood what Gu Nanyan meant.

I was even more surprised and uncertain.

Shang Yuanyuan was about to answer, saying that the Xie family was raising Shang Huaizhou's family, but she was suddenly dragged away by her grandmother.

She looked at her grandmother suspiciously, as if asking why she didn't let her speak.

Xie Shi has no time to care about him.

Although she didn't know how Gu Nanyan learned that the eldest daughter-in-law's dowry was in her hands, but that's not the point.

The point is how much Gu Nanyan knows!
Over the years, she has quietly collected all the Zhuangzi's shops in Shangmu's dowry under her own name, and she has exchanged all the gold, silver and jewelry with fakes.

It can be said that there is not much left.

If this matter is brought out, let alone the old man who has always been biased towards the big house can't tolerate her, she can't even think about messing around in the capital.

"What the princess is talking about is a family, who cares who?"

She wasn't sure how much Gu Nanyan knew, so she didn't dare to deny it.

Otherwise, according to her temperament, I'm afraid she will be exposed on the spot.

Xie Shi was extremely annoyed.

If I had known earlier, I should have stopped Yuanyuan, and shouldn't have caused her to conflict with Shang Yinyin.

Mrs. Xie wanted to talk about the family affairs, but Gu Nanyan didn't care what she thought.

She asked Shang Mu: "What do you think about this matter, do you want me to be the master?"

Judging by her expression, she might be determined to fall out with Mrs. Xie this time. Seeing from the pot of stewed meat... No, seeing that Shang Yinyin is still pretty well-behaved, she doesn't mind helping.

Li Yi on the side looked helpless.

What else can he say, his daughter-in-law is cold-faced and hot-hearted, and he can only sing and sing...

"This king is fairly familiar with Dali Temple Minister, if there is a need, ask Long Yi to give him a message."

His doting eyes were always on Gu Nanyan, as if he didn't pay attention to other people at all.

The meaning inside and outside the words is even more clear that he wants to support his daughter-in-law.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

This clearly shows that this king is going to use the back door to abuse the imperial power, how arrogant and arrogant you all are to make this king tense.

But no one dared to say anything.

Everyone present counted as one, and they were beyond recognition with jealousy.

Who understands this kind of feeling that a daughter-in-law made a mistake and her husband is willing to deal with the aftermath!
They also want such a man!
Princess Cheng saved all mankind in her previous life! !
"But the old man..." Mother Shang hesitated.

She wanted to agree, but no matter how bad the Shang family treated them, the old man took good care of them, especially Yin Yin.

It would be beneficial for their eldest family to get out of this matter, and the old man was afraid that he would lose a reputation for not being strict with his family.

Gu Nanyan couldn't see her whimpering, and immediately became impatient when she heard the words.

"The old man of your family is also a person who forgets to eat but not to fight. He is also responsible for the chaos in your family."

"If you follow his example and always look forward and backward, you will love to be trampled under your feet for the rest of your life!"

She curled her lips and sneered: "You adults have saved each other's face. The poor junior suffers with you. It's really selfish."

Last time, because of Shang Yuanyuan's petty tricks in the palace, helping the rebellious ministers and thieves deliver letters, the old man of the Shang family has already been reprimanded by the emperor.

Because of this, he was exempted from going to court and asked him to spend a month behind closed doors at home.

But today, Shang Yuanyuan and Xie Shi can still dance so happily, it can be seen that they have not learned a lesson afterwards.

Lord Shang, the head of the family, is duty bound!
(End of this chapter)

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