The farmer has a mall

Chapter 956 Song Xiao

Long San dejectedly followed Long Er to Li Yina.

Long Yi went to see Gu Nanyan to plead guilty for Long San.

After explaining the matter clearly, Long Yi couldn't help pleading for Long San.

"This subordinate knows that Long San's crime cannot be pardoned, but he has always been loyal to the prince, and he respects the princess very much in his heart. This mistake is really an accident, and I ask the princess to spare his life."

As Long Yi said, he knelt on one knee, lowered his head and begged Gu Nanyan.

Yun Xi on the side couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"A mistake is a mistake, how could it be made up for by an accident." Yun Xi said dissatisfied.

"Besides, Long San is the prince's man, how to punish is entirely up to the prince, what do you want our princess to do?"

In Yunxi's heart, if they make a mistake, they should admit punishment. This is their most basic ethics as a secret guard.

Looking at Long Yi who was blushing and at a loss, but still hesitant to speak, Yun Xi felt annoyed.

She admitted that she has feelings for Long Yi.

But in private, she has a deeper relationship with her master.

Yu Gong, Long Yi is the prince's man after all, so he is naturally more loyal to the prince, and less loyal to his own master.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have made a mistake and ran here to plead for mercy, but dared not face the threat of the prince.

Isn't this bullying!
Yun Xi couldn't see someone bullying her master to be soft-hearted, and her tone was condensed as if she had icicles in it, and she snorted coldly.

"Don't you think that the princess is too easy to talk on weekdays, and this is bullying us!"

"This subordinate doesn't mean that." Long Yi broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said, "Long Er has already brought Long San to the prince to plead guilty..."

"Since you have already gone to the prince to plead guilty, what are you doing here again!"

"I still feel that you have wronged the princess, even if you make a mistake, you can't be held accountable!"

The more Yun Xi spoke, the more excited she became, and her angry voice was raised by an octave, causing all the servants in the courtyard to look sideways.

"Subordinates dare not!" Long Yi said in shock.

Although the prince and concubine are already husband and wife, they never interfere with how the other party punishes his subordinates, and he also knows that he should not come to the concubine to intercede.

Just holding the mentality that Long San made mistakes because he was doing things for the princess, and hoped that the princess would help to intercede.

This is no different from asking for credit, and it is even more about taking credit for it!

Now being pointed out by Yunxi's few words, Long Yi bowed his head in shame.

"The subordinate is guilty, please punish the princess!"

In fact, all the brothers in their dark guard camp respect the princess, they have long regarded the princess as their priority, and they have absolutely no intention of committing any offense.

He was also dizzy today, but he never thought that if the concubine interfered with the prince's punishment of his subordinates, if they disagreed, it might affect the relationship between husband and wife.

Long Yi was ashamed, his head almost dropped to the ground.

Gu Nanyan looked at him who couldn't lift his head, and secretly gave Yun Xi a thumbs up comparison.

Regardless of whether Long Yi's approach in this matter is correct or not, Yunxi's posture alone is enough to satisfy her.

Well, if you train your future husband into a son before you get married, you can imagine Yun Xi's family status after getting married...

Definitely crush the dragon one by one!
Definitely won't be bullied!

Then she can rest assured.

Gu Nanyan raised the corners of her lips, looking at Long Yi with more satisfaction.

"Get up, first tell me how your prince plans to punish Long San."

She took the teacup from Yun Xi with a very casual tone, as if she didn't care much about Long San's revealing of her identity.

"According to the rules, losing the ink order is equivalent to giving up the identity of the royal secret guard. Once the secret guard leaves the organization, he will only... die!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Nanyan paused for a moment with the hand holding the teacup.

so serious?

Also, the identity of the master served by the royal secret guard is different from others, and he knows many royal secrets, once it is leaked out, the consequences will be disastrous.

In this way, for the sake of confidentiality, the only way to silence those who left the organization.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and pondered for a while.

"Yunxi, accompany Long Yi for a walk, tell the prince that I still have something to ask Long San to do, and ask him to spare Long Sanyi's life for the time being."

"Master..." Yun Xi was angry and somewhat reluctant.

"Okay, I know what you mean, but although Long San made a mistake, it doesn't make any difference to me. It's just a leak of identity. It's just a reminder to the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

If her guess is correct, the master hidden in the prime minister's mansion should be Sun Cheng's.

For the time being, she doesn't know if Sun Shuyu knows that his son has such a capable person under his command, if not, he can make Sun Cheng tighten his skin.

Let him confuse himself in a hurry, so that she can see clearly this person's heart.

From the first time she met Sun Cheng, Gu Nanyan felt that this person was not as simple as he appeared on the surface, but she hadn't provoked her before, and she didn't want to take more care of him.

"Go ahead, by the way, tell Butler Tao that if someone from the prime minister's mansion comes to visit, let him bring them directly to me..."


Sun Cheng did plan to visit Gu Nanyan in person.

It's just that in this way, the fact that there is a master hidden beside him may not be concealed.

After much deliberation, he decided to confess to his father first.

"Song Xiao was accidentally rescued by his son when he went to live in a temple outside the city a few years ago. At that time, he was seriously injured and was in a coma for more than ten days. The son was worried about leaving him alone, so he took him away return."

Sun Cheng knelt down in front of Sun Shuyu in shame, as helpless as a child who has made a mistake.

"But I don't want to bring disaster to the mansion, and ask my father to punish his son."

After saying that, he kowtowed to the ground and refused to get up for a long time.

Sun Shuyu frowned and looked at his son who was kneeling under his hands. Seeing his shaky appearance, he remembered that his body hadn't recovered yet, so he finally couldn't bear it.

"Get up first, sit down and talk."

Sun Shuyu signaled to the old housekeeper to send all the servants out.

Only then did he ask Sun Cheng, "Since it's for saving people, why haven't you and your father mentioned the existence of this person all these years?"

It's not that he doesn't believe in his son. People in this world are unpredictable. Who knows if the other party has come to their house for some purpose, or even a spy planted by other countries.

The more Sun Shuyu thought about it, the more worried he became, "Talk to Weifu carefully, under what circumstances did you save this person?"

Sun Cheng said that with guilt on his face.

"My son never mentioned this person to you because he was being hunted down by his enemies at the time, fearing that his identity would be revealed and bring disaster to the house. Later, after he recovered from his injuries, he insisted on following his son, saying that he wanted to repay his kindness, son. It's a pity that he has nowhere to go, and he is afraid that his father will not keep him, so he hides it."

"Have you ever sent someone to check whether his identity is as he said?" Sun Shuyu asked again.

"Father, don't worry, my son has been checked by someone. As he said, his family does run an escort agency, and he has learned a good martial arts because of it. Unfortunately, because of a single business, he was hated by his family and wiped out his entire family... This matter is official. There are all archives, if father doesn't believe it, he can send someone to check." Sun Cheng affirmed.

Seeing that his son was determined, Sun Shuyu was relieved.

At the same time, I was a little puzzled.

"It's not that my father doesn't believe you, it's just that I don't understand... You said that Song Xiao had a hand with the royal guards last night. If he is really an ordinary person, how did he provoke the royal guards?"

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