The farmer has a mall

Chapter 975 Big Scene

"It's not that I want to criticize you. As the master of the harem, shouldn't you be more proactive in rewarding concubines? I have to remind you that you really shouldn't."

As soon as Gu Nanyan walked to the door of the imperial study, he heard Li Mi's words.

She paused, and looked at Eunuch Zhao who was guarding the door questioningly.

Eunuch Zhao wiped off his cold sweat, "It's the empress..."

Gu Nanyan realized it, and thought that it was not easy for her to go in and disturb the couple talking, so she stood at the door and listened to the corner.

Listening to her face is a bit ugly.

In the imperial study, the queen had long been accustomed to his virtues and was too lazy to answer his questions.

But Li Mi is not someone who accepts her as soon as she sees it, seeing her silent and acting like she has nothing to do with her, his anger rose slowly.

"Did you hear what I said? Concubine Yan is pregnant with Liujia, and the imperial doctor concluded that he is pregnant with a little prince. She will breed an heir for me. As the mother of this child, shouldn't you express it?"

He is really mad at him, this woman has no self-awareness of being a queen, she drives all the concubines to visit the palace all day long, goes to this house to play mahjong today, tomorrow to another house to listen to ditty songs, she does not do business every day, and brings the whole The harem didn't care about him as the emperor.

He had wanted to talk to her for a long time.

However, she managed the harem in an orderly manner, except that she was too playful to let him find the slightest mistake, which can be regarded as aggravating him.

Now that I finally have a caring Concubine Yan, I thought I would finally be able to live a good life in the company of a beautiful woman.

Who would have thought that before he could enjoy the beauty's favor for a long time, he bumped into Gu Nanyan's thorny hand in a blink of an eye, and ended up being grounded.

Although it was indeed Concubine Yan's fault, he really hated her for contradicting that girl.

But there was only this one woman who was gentle and caring to him in the whole palace, and he was really reluctant to see her sluggish appearance after being locked up for a long time.

Then he thought about making up for her in other ways, such as giving her more good things.

Who would have thought that his private treasury was already empty before he came back to his senses...

Li Mi gritted his teeth, gasping for breath.

If it wasn't for his private treasury being empty, he wouldn't be bothered to preach to the queen!
Compared with Li Mi, who was red-faced, the queen was calm.

"Your Majesty calm down, your anger hurts your body, you are not too young, don't get angry and ruin your body."

She was holding the teacup leisurely, pinching the lid of the blue and white porcelain cup to skim off the foam on the surface of the tea, and didn't drink it, just holding the teacup and looking at Li Mi worriedly.

It seemed that he was really afraid that he would accidentally piss him off.

Li Mi: "..."

What should he say in the face of such a recalcitrant queen?
Probably saying anything is in vain!
Li Mi's face turned red from holding back, knowing that the current queen is not something he can handle with a few words, but he couldn't swallow it.

He thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he slapped the imperial case with a slap.

"I will issue an edict immediately, ordering you to perform your duties as queen and reward the concubine Yan who has contributed to the pregnancy. If you don't agree, you are disobeying the edict!"

As if he felt that he had grasped the Queen's lifeline, Li Mi grinned triumphantly: "Mr. Bai is the most respectful of rules. If you know that you resist the order and don't obey it, you may be very angry. You should know what to do."

It is definitely impossible to issue this imperial edict. He would lose face if it spread.

But he can pretend to scare the queen!

Li Mi was overjoyed, and hurriedly greeted Eunuch Zhao who was kicked out by him to prepare his pen and ink.

He definitely couldn't mention such an embarrassing thing in front of outsiders, so he kicked out all the people serving in the imperial study room early in the morning.

Seeing that he seemed to be coming for real, the queen gradually frowned.

She was not afraid of this imperial decree, but felt that once the emperor's imperial decree came out, the royal family might lose face.

Her son is the prince, so the shame of the royal family is the shame of her son.

Just because of this little thing...

The queen put down the tea cup heavily, wondering whether she should agree to him first and wait until his madness had passed.

But the emperor didn't know what the empress was slandering him. He waited for a long while but didn't see Eunuch Zhao coming in, so he shouted angrily: "Zhao Degui, are you deaf? Why don't you get out of here!"

Eunuch Zhao: "..."

Eunuch Zhao outside the door broke out in a cold sweat, and his back was wet with sweat.

Feeling the raging and vast anger coming towards him, Eunuch Zhao took a dozen steps back with his legs and feet very neatly.

"Princess, please go first." He smiled awkwardly.

It is up to you to smash or kick the door, and the servants will never stop you.

Eunuch Zhao sighed a little.

The emperor really acted so hard that he couldn't persuade him no matter how hard he tried, he had to come if he didn't let him come, let's do it now!

It's true that the wicked have their own grind... Bah bah!
Make a mistake and start over!
The princess is truly the incarnation of justice, the messenger of justice, and the stumbling block on the emperor's path!
Gu Nanyan gave him a polite smile, clenched his fists and said in a warm voice: "Then I'm impolite, I said why I suddenly want to come into the palace today to have a look, so I'm waiting here."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the trembling Eunuch Zhao to respond, he raised his leg and kicked open the three-meter-high door of the imperial study.

If Gu Nanyan goes out, there will be no way for him to do well.

With this kick, the two doors left the body without any suspense.

There was a loud bang.

Then Gu Nanyan's figure disappeared in a flash.

Then Li Mi's exclamation spread.

And wailing.

Eunuch Zhao's face did not change, his heart did not beat, and he calmly counted how many more slaps and fists his master received.

"I raised the one I gave birth to myself. If I can't afford it, I can't control that leg. I have the face to blame others."

"Maggots can't grow without you!"

"Born but not raised, raised but not taught, what use is there for you to contribute to population growth!"

"Useless things, even my own woman can't afford it, but I'm so embarrassed to call here, believe it or not, I will send you to be with Eunuch Zhao!"

Eunuch Zhao:? ? ?

It was none of his business, he didn't want to be with the emperor at all.

Very capable!
Eunuch Zhao raised his head and squinted at the sky.

The emperor still has a lot of papers to review today, and I don't know if he will have the energy for a while.

Shouldn't he remind the princess at the right time...don't break her arms and hands?
Listening to the tragic fighting situation in the house, Eunuch Zhao shook his head.

Forget it, now the past is easy to be affected.

Self-preservation is important. This kind of scene doesn’t happen once or twice anyway.

Let's wait until the princess finishes fighting.

If it doesn’t work, wouldn’t there be Prince Sheng?

For the matter caused by his wife, the prince should finish it for the princess, and help the emperor review some memorials.

Eunuch Zhao felt a little tired from standing, so he secretly glanced into the room.

Seeing that there would be endless work inside, he bent down and walked to the steps under the porch to sit down.

By the way, he waved to the imperial guards who had heard the sound, signaling them to slip away.

It is a well-known secret that the princess did something to the emperor, but it can't really let people see the scene.

What a shame...

It is enough for him to see this big scene by himself.

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