The farmer has a mall

Chapter 995: The Old Nest of Prehistoric Times

Anyway, her income here is only enough for her to come here to eat Baicai Gangzi once a month. She doesn't care what Tianxuan does.

After finishing the matter here, go back to Jianan!
Then let Li Yi buy her a room full of food! !

Gu Nanyan looked at the leftover soup in the soup bowl and couldn't wait to go home.

Alas, another day of missing Li Yi.

This is the legendary lovesickness.

Gu Nanyan thought wildly.

Honghuang next to him heard her sigh and thought she disagreed with Xuanyu's words. He felt happy and quickly took advantage of every opportunity.

"You know Manager Song. He has no great wisdom but is very ambitious. It's only a matter of time before he causes problems in Tianxuan. By then, you won't get much money even if you have shares in your hands."

He paused and said: "It's better to sell the shares now and come to me..."

"Are you stupid?" Gu Nanyan scorned.

"I've sold my shares. Why should I go to work when I have so much money? Isn't it better to just lie at home?"

Hong Huang: "..."

Sounds reasonable.

But is it really okay for your dignified Lord Xuantian to be so unambitious?

"Really don't think about it?" Honghuang refused to give up.

"You can also lie down in Zhouhuang."

To be honest, he never thought that he could control Xuantian, after all, the difference in strength was there.

As long as she takes action when something happens to Zhou Huang.

The rest of the time... it was up to her whether she wanted to lie down or spread out.

Honghuang thought that these conditions were attractive enough.

But Gu Nanyan still chose to refuse.

She sighed faintly and said with a sad look on her face: "You don't understand, I am just a passerby in this world. I don't want to involve too many people and things, so I won't delay the development of your universe. And I'm not sure about anything else." , it is definitely not Song Weiming’s turn to take the position of chairman.”

No one can snatch her things unless she wants to!
After saying that, Gu Nanyan stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his body, and smiled evilly at Honghuang.

"Since you took the initiative to come to my door today and refused to leave when I asked you to, then let's settle the matter today."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Nanyan disappeared from the spot.

Before Honghuang could react, he was punched in the face by a white and slender jade hand.

Honghuang: "???"

What's wrong with that?


On the outskirts dozens of kilometers away from the city center, a small dilapidated building stood on a barren grassland.

Wails could be heard from time to time in the building.

Honghuang looked at his suit-clad subordinates who had fallen to the floor with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and sat down on the office chair in a dejected manner.

There is a share transfer contract on the desk in front of him.

Opposite him was Gu Nanyan, who was looking around.

And Xuan Yu, whose face was full of excitement.

"You are still awesome." Xuan Yu gave his sister a thumbs up, sincerely admiring her.

The problem that had troubled him for so long was solved by his sister with just a few fists. How could he not admire it?
His sister has already come to visit someone else's home, so Song Weiming probably won't be able to cause any trouble.

It's great to have his sister here. Everything becomes easier in front of his sister.

Thinking of how depressed I felt some time ago, and then looking at Honghuang's colorful and disgusting face, I felt relieved no matter how I looked at it.

Just when Xuan Yu was gloating about his misfortune, a hand suddenly grabbed his ankle.

Xuanyu lowered his head and glanced at the bodyguard in black lying half-dead on the ground, then raised his leg and kicked him unconscious.

Then he walked arrogantly behind Gu Nanyan to act as the background wall.

"Xuan Tian, ​​aren't you afraid of being criticized if word spreads about this?"

Hong Huang's unique pair of eyes stared at Gu Nanyan, as if he wanted to eat someone.

"What do you criticize me for? I have a bad temper, I am unreasonable, I hit people, or do I eradicate evil?"

Gu Nanyan spread his hands: "I've always been like this, what else can I criticize?" Hong Huang: "..."

Speechless again.

This woman, Xuantian, understands herself quite deeply.

Then why don't you correct your bad temper! !

Seeing that he had not made any move, Gu Nanyan looked at the darkening sky outside the window and became a little impatient.

She knocked on the table, frowned and said, "Stop being so verbose and hurry up and sign the share transfer booklet. I'm going to have dinner... Your treat."

Honghuang spurted out a mouthful of blood and suddenly felt dizzy.

"Didn't you just eat it?"

He just knows how to eat, he has eaten all the ingredients in the restaurant for a week, and he still eats!
What kind of evil has he done to mess with such a thing?

If I had known better, I wouldn't have "accidentally met" her in the restaurant!

No, he should have never gotten involved with her in the first place.

This is a good time. Not only did I lose a week's supply of ingredients, but I also lost the shares that were not yet warm when I just got them.

He glanced at Gu Nanyan's slender body.

He wanted to resist, but this woman didn't know where she had the strength to knock someone over with one slap, and knock someone over with one slap...

Before his bodyguards had time to struggle, they fell in large pieces.

He was also held here and forced to sign a share transfer document.

Honghuang has grown up, and for the first time in his life, he feels the urge to cry.

"The restaurant is closed tonight." He said through gritted teeth.

He also has a bottom line, and he probably can't keep the shares he bought at a huge price.

At least keep the remaining ingredients!
Otherwise the restaurant would have to close down.

Seeing Honghuang's determined expression, Gu Nanyan was even more determined than him.

"No, it's open for business."


"Open for business!"

"That's my restaurant. If I say it's not open, it won't be open!" Hong Huang was angry.

Gu Nanyan: "...What you said makes sense."

"No camp... huh? What did you say?"

Honghuang couldn't turn the corner for a while, and Gu Nanyan's sudden and sharp turn almost caused his brain to twist.

"I said thank you for the reminder." Gu Nanyan smiled.

Then I took out a pen and paper and started writing.

Hong Huang: "..."

I have a bad feeling, it must be his misunderstanding...


A quarter of an hour later, Gu Nanyan swaggered out of the Zhouhuang headquarters building.Holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

Xuanyu followed her in a daze.

"Sister, do the shares in Honghuang's hands belong to us?" He seemed a little unsure and asked Gu Nanyan again, "That restaurant also belongs to us?"

Gu Nanyan stopped when he heard this, turned around and waved the two transfer contracts in his hand.

"Well, you weren't dreaming, it's all "yours"." After saying that, she slapped the contract on his chest.

Xuanyu took a few steps back after being photographed, holding his chest and grinning, shouting that his chest hurt.

He shouted and laughed.

"Hahaha, I still know it hurts. I'm really not dreaming. Sister, you are so awesome!"

Xuanyu immediately became the "sister bragging" and praised Gu Nanyan's smelly feet so much that she felt so happy.

He didn't realize the problem in Gu Nanyan's words at all.

From Gu Nanyan's point of view, she would have to return to another time and space sooner or later, not only because there was so much delicious food there, but also because there were relatives waiting for her to return.

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