In the last days, I saved the earth by planting

Chapter 201 Mecha Fighting Giant Beasts

Chapter 201 Mecha Fighting Giant Beasts

The dinosaur-like sea monster flapped its long and wide wings vigorously in mid-air, chasing the spaceship and fighter plane fiercely, and even the spaceship that Mu Ye and Yan Xiaomi were on was not spared.

Mu Ye checked that there were still about ten nautical miles away from the anti-tide embankment of the base, the mighty and unstoppable turbulent waves, and then contacted the people in Kiri to inquire about the situation. They said that there were still many people in the process of evacuating.

"It won't work like this. Our spaceships and fighter planes are as fragile as toys in the hands of dinosaur-like sea monsters. They can't be harmed by the strafing of guns. If we let them attack spaceships and fighter planes unscrupulously like this, we will suffer heavy losses and completely disrupt our mission. plan."

"There are still many people in the base who are evacuating. If they are not stopped, I am afraid that they will all be submerged and washed away by the sea, causing countless casualties." He said with a heavy heart.

Yan Xiaomi couldn't do anything at this time, she still had the ability to compete with the sea monster on the shore, but her combat power in the air and in the water was also greatly limited.

"Now, I'm the only one going out to lure this big guy away. You and Hei Niu will temporarily take over the command positions, and lead the remaining spaceships and fighter planes to stop the tide of sea monsters and buy time for the base." Mu Ye said to Yan Xiaomi , came to the emergency exit hatch, and took out the mecha from the space.

Hei Niu stretched out his arms to stop him, "Boss, you can't go, this is more than 1000 meters high, your mech can't stay in the sky for long."

Looking sideways at Yan Xiaomi's worried eyes, Mu Ye leaned over and hugged her, "Don't worry, you know how tough and powerful this mecha is, I still have two elemental laser cannons, one hour, Enough for me to pack it away and return safely."

Yan Xiaomi knew that what he said was the best result, but now in order to reduce the sacrifice, this was the only way to go.

Although she knows no less about this mecha than Mu Ye does, and knows that it is safe, and with Mu Ye's rich combat experience and skills, it should be no problem to protect herself, but she is still worried, "You must ensure your safety, if not, Just lure it to the shore, and when it reaches the ground, we have plenty of ways to destroy it.”

"Well, you should also be careful," Mu Ye firmly pushed away Hei Niu's arm blocking the door of the mecha cabin, "The command authority is on our spaceship, if it is replaced by any general from another base, it will be difficult to convince the public. With Xiaomi around, they dare not disobey your command."

After finishing speaking, Mu Ye entered the interior of the mecha and started various programs in the mecha. After the preparations were completed, the fully armed mecha man nodded at Yan Xiaomi and Hei Niu, and raised his metal hand to gesture for them to open the door.

Hei Niu pressed the emergency opening button, and an exit slowly opened at the bottom of the spaceship, and Mu Ye jumped down without hesitation.

The other spaceships and fighter planes had already been ordered to get out of the dinosaur-like sea monster's attack range at full speed, while Mu Ye arrogantly carried two eight-meter-long top-grade iron birch long knives and rushed to the dinosaur-like sea monster. With the momentum of splitting Huashan with strength, he chopped it down fiercely.

The dinosaur-like sea monster didn't take this little human being seriously at first. It can withstand the seabed water pressure at a depth of 200 meters. It has lived on the seabed for more than [-] years, and its body is hard enough to dominate the ocean.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly small long knife slightly scratched the outer skin, making it feel a slight discomfort that it hadn't felt for many years. The dinosaur-like sea monster was furious, raised its thick and long neck, and opened its mouth wide to reveal the upper and lower rows. From the two-meter-long scimitar-like sharp giant teeth, a roar of "Aw~Aw~" resounded through the world.

Mu Ye, who is full of hatred, takes advantage of his small size, fast speed and flexibility, and keeps jumping up and down around the dinosaur-like sea monster, looking for opportunities to stab it from time to time, and unknowingly attracting it Stay away from the sea monster tide.

For about half an hour, Mu Ye left more than a dozen small wounds on the dinosaur-like sea monster. Although it did not cause any major damage to it, it did little harm to the dinosaur-like sea monster and was extremely insulting. .

Who is that?It is one of the five sea kings who dominate the ocean. If other sea kings know that it can't even take down a small human being for such a long time, they will definitely be ridiculed in the future.

The dinosaur-like sea monster roared fiercely, and suddenly increased its speed and stretched out its long claws to grab Mu Ye who just flew to the left front of it. As soon as it touched his shell, it was escaped by that cunning human in a thrilling manner.

In command of the spaceship, Hei Niu sat in the control room, constantly commanding the spaceship and fighter planes to change formations. In addition to paying attention to the tide of sea monsters, Yan Xiaomi also used binoculars to watch the battle between Mu Ye and dinosaur-like sea monsters in the distance from time to time. As time passed bit by bit, her heart became tighter and tighter.

In this room, Mu Ye also tensed his heartstrings. In 7 minutes, his mech had to land on the ground, otherwise he might fall directly from the sky.

However, after spending more than 40 minutes with the dinosaur-like sea monster, he still couldn't find its weakness. There were only two elemental laser cannons. If they didn't make good use of it, it might be difficult for them to kill this huge and indestructible sea monster.

The conventionally improved shells do very little damage to the dinosaur-like sea monsters. If they switch to weapons of mass destruction, it is equivalent to killing everyone with the sea monsters. kill.

With 8 minutes left in the mecha's stay in the air, Mu Ye finally heard Yan Xiaomi's crisp voice of relief coming from the communicator.

"Mu Ye, all the people in the base have been evacuated to the mountain, and the soldiers are ready. Find a place to land quickly, and we will help you."

"Okay, I'll land right away. After landing, I'll deal with it first, and find a chance to destroy it. Your spaceship is too fragile for dinosaur-like sea monsters, so don't get too close."

After speaking, Mu Ye got under the belly of the dinosaur-like sea monster, held the long knife with both hands together, raised it high above the top, got up, and slashed violently, leaving a slightly deep wound on its body, and then used the fastest speed to Turn around and flee.

The dinosaur-like sea monster roared loudly and chased after it. Seeing the hateful human landed on a mountain, it opened its four sharp and thick long claws and swooped down swiftly.

Mu Ye controlled the mech to fly close to the ground, avoiding the attack of the dinosaur-like sea monster in a thrilling manner, and then dodged left and right to find a suitable bombardment point.

Not far away, facing away from the small mountain where one man and one beast were fighting, a spaceship dropped a man, and quickly lifted off.

Yan Xiaomi touched it quietly, and seeing that the distance was almost close, she quickly took out plants from the space: Xiaomei, creeper, fire maple, iron birch, pine...

A group of plant audiences arranged by her to quickly surround the dinosaur-like sea monsters with the offensive of flowers, sea vines, nets and trees.

Mu Ye looked for an opportunity to get out of the encirclement and came to Yan Xiaomi's side.

Looking at the sharp scratches left on the mecha, Yan Xiaomi remembered seeing him escape several times in the spaceship, took out Zilei from the space, held it in his hand, and said bitterly, "The tide of sea beasts!" There are Hei Niu and them, let's get rid of this beast first."

(End of this chapter)

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