Chapter 218

"The soldiers on the coastal defense line now have a very good impression of Fang Zhicheng, and their defense against him is greatly reduced." Hei Niu had just returned from the Jiangshi base and knew the situation there very well.

Mu Ye leaned on the executive chair with his chin propped on his left hand, and tapped the curved wooden armrest lightly with the middle finger of his right hand, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were dark.

The current situation is a bit delicate. Because of the agreement, the zombies and the surviving humans have temporarily ceased fighting. Whoever breaks this seemingly peaceful situation first will be met with a strong counterattack from the other side.

After experiencing the tide of sea monsters and the invasion of Warcraft, the major bases suffered a lot of losses. They are all recuperating and trying to recover, and their vigilance against zombies has been relaxed.

But the zombies are constantly tempering and growing. Once Fang Zhicheng orders the zombies from all over the place to attack suddenly, those small bases may be easily breached, and the situation will be very unfavorable to them.

The current strategy is to speed up the development and improvement of weapons against advanced zombies, strengthen military training, and arm yourself to the teeth, in order to be able to compete with those zombies in the future.

"From tomorrow onwards, find a reason to reduce the garrison of Jiang City's defense line by half, and tell the person in charge of the defense line privately that if there is another wave of sea monsters coming, let the soldiers save their strength so that they don't have to work so hard. The sea monster led to Fang Zhicheng and let them solve it."

"If Fang Zhicheng lets the sea monster break through their blockade one day, then the bases behind us must immediately enter a wartime state." Mu Ye thought for a while, and calmly said to everyone present.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison, and then Mu Ye made plans for the next period of time, and everyone left after receiving the order.

The next day, Mu Ye asked his secretary to call the base directors of the other 51 bases to inform them that a meeting of base directors would be held two days later.

After the base chief meeting, the personnel transfer and material allocation of each base have undergone some changes without any trace, except for a very few keen people who have noticed it, and have not brought any changes to the common people.

At the Jiangshi base, with the retreat of the western invading enemies, the wave of sea monsters changed from once every three to five days to once every ten and a half months.

Perhaps because of the colder weather recently, there has been no trace of sea monsters for more than 20 days. Only occasionally a few sea monsters without long eyes run ashore, and they will soon be eaten by swarming zombies. None left.

On the second coastal defense line, which is stationed in turn by bases affiliated to the Creation Alliance, the Qinglong base troops who replaced the Rising Sun Base 20 days ago, the soldiers walked with exceptional ease.

There are millions of zombies guarding the first line of defense, and the tide of sea monsters will not come. This one-month garrison will end in nine days. Maybe everyone can go home safely this time.

After several years of growth, Qing Chi used his personal strength and combat achievements to become the most popular person to take over as the head of the Qinglong base in the future. Now, as the head of the garrison regiment, he was sent to take charge of this coastal defense rotation.

Qing Chi was wearing a cotton hat with ear protectors and a thick cotton coat with a scarf. He led guards Ma Chengfei and Company Commander Xiao on the city wall. The cold wind mixed with snowflakes scraped the exposed skin on his face.

Although the towering city walls were cleaned every day, there was still a lot of gray snow accumulated, and the surrounding area was foggy, except for the chilly wind, the only sound was the sound of leather boots stepping on the stone slabs.

Looking up, the forest in the distance is covered with snow, and the roots and crowns of the trees cannot be seen, only the black and gray tree trunks in the middle are exposed.

Qing Chi walked in front, Fei Chengfei and Company Commander Xiao followed behind him, the three of them patrolled along the city wall one watchtower after another, most of the soldiers on duty hid in the towers to warm up and avoid the wind, fortunately they were still vigilant. It's not bad, there are always people in the lookout window to observe the surrounding situation.

When we visited the last watchtower, as soon as we approached the tower gate, we heard the sound of four soldiers on duty drinking and chatting inside, but there was no one on the lookout window or on the lookout platform.

Xiao Yun, the commander of the second company who was in charge of guarding the city wall today, saw that his subordinates dared to neglect their duties, and was so angry that he strode forward to open the door to see who was so bold, but Qing Chi raised his hand to stop him.

Inside the tower gate, a man said loudly, "It's so cold in the wilderness, I think it's superfluous for the base to send us to garrison here. We haven't even seen a sea monster after guarding for so long. It's as serious as those veterans said."

"Sea monsters are not stupid. It's more than [-] degrees below zero. If you run to the shore, you won't be frozen to death." Soldier B thought he had found the reason why the sea monsters didn't come.

Ma Chengfei cursed stupidly in his heart, what is the temperature of the water in the sea?He actually thinks that the sea monster is afraid of the cold, and his brain is flooded.

Soldier C was obviously a little drunk, and he started to talk loudly, "Those~humanoid zombies~ are actually not as good as us~, even worse~than us, they are here~ even if there are~~ sea monsters must~run~~run~ don't come here..."

snort!Serving wine to the people in charge of the coastal defense line is not to make them drink for fun, but to let them drink a few sips to warm up their bodies when the weather is too cold at night. These people dare to get drunk in violation of military orders. It seems that he made The punishment was still too light, Qing Chi continued to stand outside the door with a sullen face without saying a word, wanting to see when they would remember their duty of guarding.

Xiao Lianchang quietly glanced at the blue and dark complexion, and he felt like beating those idiots to death.

"Didn't you hear what those zombies said? They have recovered their minds before they were alive, and they don't want to hurt the survivors like they did when they were unconscious. Now they don't feel pain and are extremely powerful. They are perfect for dealing with sea monsters."

"They voluntarily protect the surviving people and are willing to sacrifice for us. The first time they die and become ugly zombies, they are already very sad. If they die again, they must die to death. I am so moved to hear it." Soldier Ding said with red eyes.

Hearing this, Qing Chi's face darkened even more, remembering the private conversation with his father before departure, he thought that President Mu and his father were worrying too much.

But now it seems that he still thinks too simply, and is easily confused by Fang Zhicheng's seemingly sincere act of kindness called the country for the people.

Soldiers paralyzed by the spirit of the zombies who are not afraid of sacrifice and vow to defend the coastal defense line for the country and the people like this are by no means a minority, it is too dangerous.

At the same time, I decided in my heart that when I go back, I must increase the punishment for violating discipline, and strictly order all battalions, companies and platoons to strengthen military discipline learning and management. If sea monsters or zombies endanger the people due to their negligence, their death ten thousand times will not be enough to atone for their sins.

Qing Chi glanced at Company Commander Xiao and motioned for him to open the door. Xiao Yun, as if he had been pardoned, deliberately pushed the door hard and went in. The sound of "bang" shocked the four soldiers who had neglected their duties during their shifts.

When he fixed his eyes and saw that it was the head of the regiment and his immediate superior, he quickly stood at attention without daring to vent his anger. Xiao Yun was so angry that he reprimanded several people severely and severely punished them according to military discipline.

Qingchi didn't say a word during the whole process, seeing that his handling was reasonable, and only left a sentence of "you are not strict, go back to the Military Affairs Office to collect your punishment", and took Ma Chengfei away on the creaking snow.

At the same moment, Fang Zhicheng was sitting on a big rock by the seawall, unconsciously blown by the icy wind and snow, looking at the undulating and magnificent sea, with a strange smile on his face.

It's a pity that so much flesh and blood has not come for a long time.

Just wait, one day, he will get everything he wants!
(End of this chapter)

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