Chapter 233 The Death of Wang Yu
"If you want to negotiate terms, that's fine, but you have to let me see what kind of medicine you have, right?" Mu Ye kept his mind, and couldn't lose the initiative to negotiate just because the other party had a nuclear bomb.

Fang Zhicheng put the box in his left hand on the ground with a full face of defense, and waved to the zombies behind him to come and open the box. Inside were four small glass bottles filled with bright blue potion, "You can see it, but you can only come here by yourself." look."

While he was talking, he did not forget to put his thumb on the button of the detonation controller with his right hand.

Mu Ye felt that he had to stabilize him first, and then slowly approached him to wait for an opportunity. As soon as he raised his foot and was about to walk towards Fang Zhicheng, who was more than ten meters away, Yan Xiaomi took his hand, shook his head invisibly, and he comforted him. He patted the back of her hand gently, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, Fang Zhicheng doesn't want to die, and won't detonate the nuclear bomb easily, even if he has some tricks, I have the ability to protect myself."

Don't forget, apart from being the lord of the Creation League and the city lord of the City of the Rising Sun, he is still one of the top supernatural masters in the country. No matter how busy he is at work these years, Mu Ye never fails to exercise his skills. It is his original foundation.

Seeing Mu Ye walking towards him step by step, ten meters, eight meters, six meters, Fang Zhicheng secretly mobilized the energy that had been silent in the crystal nucleus for a long time, and a strange light gradually flashed in his eyes.

After Wang Yu rushed to help Fang Zhicheng open the box in front of the other zombies just now, he stood by his side and did not leave. The distance between the two zombies was extremely close, so he immediately noticed Fang Zhicheng's strangeness, and he was immediately anxious .

Mu Ye had received a message from Wang Yu before, and knew that Fang Zhicheng had a mind-controlling ability, so he kept looking at his hand holding the detonation controller, and tried not to meet Fang Zhicheng's eyes to avoid being controlled by him. Influence, therefore, also missed Wang Yu's non-stop glances to signal him not to come any closer.

Five meters, four meters, three meters, Mu Ye had just stopped, and Fang Zhicheng, who had finished circulating the mysterious energy in the crystal nucleus, suddenly shot a ball of dazzling light from between his eyebrows. He came out and rushed towards Mu Ye like lightning.

The speed of the light ball was too fast, and Mu Ye couldn't dodge in time and was about to be hit. Seeing this, Yan Xiaomi, Hei Niu, Wang Rui and others exclaimed in shock, and immediately rushed towards Mu Ye to save him.

Wang Yu, who had been paying close attention to Fang Zhicheng, thought something was wrong when Fang Zhicheng's eyebrows suddenly became brighter, and he dodged in front of Mu Ye without thinking. He couldn't help holding his hair and howling miserably.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden change, but Mu Ye made a decisive move when Fang Zhicheng suddenly released a large ball of mysterious energy and his body was slightly sluggish.

He burst out the fire energy secretly condensed in the palm of his hand, condensing it into a long sword burning with hot flames, and cut off his hand holding the nuclear bomb detonation controller with a sharp sword, before the severed palm fell to the ground. He copied the detonation controller into his hand, and at the same time, he tiptoed to close the lid of the nuclear bomb box, and then stabbed Fang Zhicheng's head cleanly with a backhand, and the crisis was resolved!

"Dad!" Wang Rui finally rushed to him, seeing Wang Yu's facial features twisted and howling in pain, he was very sad, but he was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

The soldiers surrounding here were all startled by Wang Rui's father. He actually called a zombie father?Could it be...

At this moment, the crystal nuclei in Wang Yu's brain are being continuously eroded by a ball of light, his headache is splitting and his mind is in a mess. Seeing Wang Rui running over, after all, it is the heart of love that has overcome the severe pain. He shouted with difficulty, "Ruirui...don't come here...Fang Zhicheng will...seize the house!"

Take home! ?The ability that Fang Zhicheng has been secretly hiding is actually seizing a house!
Although this word is not common, the people present immediately understood what happened just now. No wonder just now Fang Zhicheng asked Mu Ye to go alone, and Wang Rui stopped in amazement when he heard the words.

Yes, Fang Zhicheng's last wishful thinking is to seize Mu Ye. If he can't become the king of corpses and the ruler of the world, then he can seize Mu Ye. He is very satisfied with Mu Ye's handsome face, tall and strong body and identity , and he has such a beautiful and capable wife as Yan Xiaomi. Although it is a bit reluctant to give up the powerful body and energy of the King of Corpses, this is already the best choice at the end of the road.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yu's accident happened around him, Fang Zhicheng couldn't take it away, and his extremely powerful body was destroyed by Mu Ye. Now he can't go back if he wants to go back, so he can only forcibly snatch Wang Yu's body away temporarily. .

"Mu...Leader...quick...quick...kill me, don't...give...Fang...Fang...the seize..." Wang Yu's eyes suddenly opened, gray The eyeballs seemed to be falling out of their sockets, and even the shape of a humanoid zombie could hardly be maintained. Protruding black veins crawled towards the moving long insects, covering the head, face and body.

Mu Ye looked at Yan Xiaomi, then at Wang Rui, the flaming sword condensed in his palm could not be struck out for a long time, he could strike at Fang Zhicheng without hesitation, but Wang Yu...

The crystal nuclei in Wang Yu's brain have already been reduced by one-third. If it is any less, he will completely lose his consciousness and be controlled by Fang Zhicheng. In the direction of Wang Rui.

"Tell... tell... Nana... Dad... loves... her... don't... don't be sad..."

"Don't...don't...blame others...there is...a zombie good..."

" very good..."

Seeing Wang Yu's struggle and pain getting more and more intense, Mu Ye made a decisive move, concentrated the powerful fire energy and stabbed at Wang Yu's head. Rumors spread among the crazily struggling Burning Man that Fang Zhicheng was unwilling to fail in his plot.

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" Wang Rui knelt down on the ground with tears streaming down his face, and shouted at the Burning Man surrounded by flames, but unfortunately, the Burning Man never responded.

Mu Ye put away the fire sword and walked in front of Wang Rui, slowly knelt down and touched the ground with one leg, looking at his eyes blurred by tears with apologetic eyes, "Your father was taken away by Fang Zhicheng to protect me, I am very sorry Appreciate him, but have to do this! Really, really sorry!"

Yan Xiaomi walked up to him and patted his brother's strong shoulder, "My condolences, you still have us!"

Hei Niu Lufeng, Wu Yu and several other people who had a good relationship with Wang Rui came over and patted him on the shoulder, silently expressing comfort.

The eyes of the soldiers around were full of sympathy, and they had already forgotten the countless versions of guesses they had made up before. What about the children of zombies?In the past, zombies were not still people!

(End of this chapter)

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