In the last days, I saved the earth by planting

Chapter 235 The Prime Minister Can Punt a Boat

Chapter 235 The Prime Minister Can Punt a Boat

Mu Ye received a special visitor today, the former defeated Gordon Karadzic.

This big fat man who used to be majestic, arrogant and energetic has lost a lot of weight. The skin on his face is loose and sagging, and his belly is gone. His hair is gray and messy, and his clothes are old enough to fray.

After being defeated and captured seven years ago, Mu Ye didn't kill him, but confiscated all their weapons and drove them out of the country. Whether they can return safely on the way depends on their fate.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, Gordon actually brought a large amount of supplies to Huaguo, expressing that he wanted to establish a transaction with Rising Sun, and exchange the animal skins and bones and zombie crystal cores in their hands for the supplies needed for survival.

"We want to exchange a lot of food and vegetables, heat preservation materials and some other daily necessities."

Gordon completely lost his previous arrogance and arrogance. He sat on the chair opposite Mu Ye's desk, bent slightly when speaking, and said straight to the point with a humble and sincere expression.

Yan Xiaomi and Wu Yu sat on the two single sofas beside them, looked at Gordon a few times unceremoniously, and then "whispered" loudly together, "The generals are so thin, it seems that their life is going well." It was miserable."

"Hey, it's not easy for them. They traveled thousands of miles with dozens of carts and things to the rising sun, just to exchange for some food. Let's do a good deed that day, and we can exchange them for some good deeds. .” Wu Yu artificially put on a compassionate expression.

"That's fine, let's sum up the sum later, we can't make it easier for them."

Gordon couldn't understand Huaguo's language, so he glanced at the two of them inexplicably, thinking that they were discussing something else, so he continued talking to Mu Ye.

But the blond young interpreter next to him understands, he fidgeted and coughed lightly, and moved his butt in embarrassment, is it a bit impolite for you to whisper so loudly in front of us, anyway, the general didn’t ask , should I not translate or not?
Wu Yu just pretended not to see his embarrassment, hum, back then you drove monsters and monsters to invade with great fanfare, and killed how many soldiers they had, why, now you still expect the rising sun to be friendly to each other with a smile on your face, it’s not bad if the boss wants to see you .

However, since Yan Xiaomi couldn't kill or beat the fat sheep that came to his door, if he didn't slaughter them well, he would be called the black-hearted chief executive by Yan Xiaomi for more than ten years in vain.

Not to mention how Mu Ye and Gordon negotiated, on the other hand, more than 2000 mercenaries who escorted [-] large trucks to Rising Sun with General Gordon were placed in a camp with five three-story barracks .

The camp is at the foot of a small mountain, surrounded by lush forests and pleasant scenery. There are many green ivy climbing on the wall, and there are many pink roses in front of and behind the house, which are delicate and fragrant.

The two cooking teams sent by the base are in the big kitchen next to the barracks dormitory, cooking hearty meals in full swing, delicious and attractive mushroom stewed chicken soup, hot and stir-fried diced rabbit, green and refreshing water spinach, soft sorghum Bag……

The mercenaries were resting in the dormitory of the barracks, smelling the domineering and tempting aroma of food wafting from outside from time to time, they all got up from their beds and ran outside to see what was going on.

As a result, more than a dozen cooking soldiers in aprons walked past them with large pots of food, at a snail-like speed, as if they were afraid that the mercenaries would not see how shiny and delicious the food in the pots were.

The mercenaries, who hadn't tasted normal food for many years, twitched their noses and swallowed desperately, their stomachs groaned like drums in their empty stomachs, seriously suspecting that the other party deliberately let them smell it so that they could not eat it, to avenge their previous crimes.

Unexpectedly, the cooking soldiers put pots of food on the long table prepared in advance, and generously invited them to eat with gestures in bad foreign languages.

After eating abnormal food for many years, no one can refuse the tempting meal served in front of them. Looking at the long row of tables, there are big pots of fragrant soft sorghum buns, meat and green vegetables with good color and fragrance. Vegetables, all the mercenaries rushed forward immediately.

The cooking soldiers who have been repeatedly told by Wu Yu provide the most enthusiastic and thoughtful service to the mercenaries with the eyes of fat sheep, and show with actions that although you are not welcome guests, our prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach, not just We can support small boats and large cruise ships.

Therefore, we will not be hostile to you, and we will fill you up with nutritious and delicious meals, as well as wine, do you want some too?
The mercenaries found it clumsy and troublesome to use chopsticks, so they wolfed down the delicious food with their hands. Not to mention eating up the food in the bowl, they even scraped the soup on the edge of the bowl with a sorghum bag. The cooking soldiers took away the bowl When I was there, the big bowl was as clean as if I had washed my eyes.

The mercenaries are very satisfied with the hospitality of the cooking soldiers. They are here to trade supplies, and the customer is God. It seems that the service attitude of the people here is not bad, and they can come here a few more times in the future.

So as soon as the meal was over, the mercenaries gathered together in twos and threes to relax, chat and rest. After traveling for more than two months, they had to take turns guarding the goods nervously every day, dealing with zombies and mutated animals and plants that might appear at any time. Already exhausted.

If it weren't for the fact that they were so full just now that their throats were full of food, and they would feel like vomiting when they lay down, they would have gone back to the dormitory to lie down and sleep.

During the meeting with Gordon, Mu Ye kept a cold face and didn't say much from the beginning to the end. He neither objected nor agreed to the transaction. He only said that he would study and consider before making a decision. Gordon was so anxious that his head was sweating. He kept asking the translator to convey his urgent need for food to save his life.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Wu Yu took the initiative to act as a peacemaker, and kept helping Gordon persuade Mu Ye to agree to exchange supplies, and even recruited Yan Xiaomi as a lobbyist. After repeated persuasion by the two, Mu Ye was reluctant Nodding in agreement.

Gordon was immediately relieved, and thanked Wu Yu and Yan Xiaomi endlessly. The young blonde interpreter was in a state of indescribable emotion. If he hadn't heard what he said earlier, he would really think that these two are good people.

But he is just an insignificant translator, not to mention that no matter what the process is, he hopes that the deal can be concluded, because he also has family members who are not full and warm, waiting for food and clothing to save their lives.

When Wu Yu led Gordon out of the house, Yan Xiaomi secretly gave him a thumbs-up. His acting skills were good, and Wu Yu raised his eyebrows proudly.

When dealing with a person like Gordon, it is suitable to slap him and then give him a sweet date. Mu Ye is responsible for slapping the sweet date. Wu Yu is best at giving sweet dates, so I leave it to him to do it. The tacit cooperation is perfect!
Wu Yu first took Gordon to see how they entertained the accompanying mercenaries, and then sat down with him to talk about how difficult it is for human beings to survive in the last days. , community of destiny, love each other, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. .

Gordon was very curious about how Huaguo could allow ordinary people to have enough food and clothing in the last days. During the meal, he intentionally or unintentionally brought the topic to this topic, but he didn't know that it was in Wu Yu's arms. Several baskets of ingredients and a small bag of cotton.

"What about potatoes, wheat, vegetables, cotton?"

(End of this chapter)

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