In the last days, I saved the earth by planting

Chapter 238 I'm going to be a mother

Chapter 238 I'm going to be a mother

From the very beginning, Wu Yu and Mu Ye did not believe that Gordon came all the way and brought only [-] carts of exotic animal skins and bones for exchange. Looking for something more valuable, Gordon will only be willing to take it out if it is enough to attract their goods.

Sure enough, Gordon led people around the Rising Sun City for two days, and after understanding all the products, he sat down with Wu Yu Mu Ye and took out his own material exchange list.

The things listed on the list are twice as many as the [-] carts that Wu Yu saw them pull, and the twice as much supplies are what many people worked hard to get before the end of the world (net Wen restricted area, reluctant to skip), even Mu Ye and Wu Yu did not expect Gordon to be so willing, after reading the list, the two exchanged a tacit look, and the fish was successfully hooked.

With these things, their idea of ​​conquering the sea of ​​stars will no longer be a dream.

For Gordon, nothing is more important than keeping his own people alive. If everyone is dead, what's the use of guarding these dead things.

It's the same reason as during the drought and famine in the 60s of Huaguo, some people exchanged the valuables they had saved for half their lives for a few catties of grain in order to survive.

He has already inquired, the flowers and trees saplings sold by Rising Sun can purify a lot of land, and when they can grow their own food in the future, they don't need to be controlled by others like this.

But the people of Huaguo are not stupid, and they are definitely not willing to sell him the saplings easily. In addition, he also wants to buy some space buttons, advanced weapons, and those expensive products on the second and third floors of Xiaomi's store. Naturally, he must come up with enough Sincerity, the other party is likely to agree to the exchange, so I took out all the valuable things brought before the end of the world and listed them on the list.

Unsurprisingly, Yan Xiaomi sold most of the store's inventory at one time, and even sold a few items in the third-floor Treasure Hall, and all of them were sold at external prices. A string of zeros, so many that she didn't even bother to count.

The two clerks who were in charge of receiving Gordon got soft commissions, enough to cover their ten-year salary, and they secretly made up their minds that they must find a way to learn two more languages. It is not easy for foreigners to come here once. All the orders were big, and the commission was much higher than usual.

Gordon’s purchase of materials for the trip to China has been overfulfilled. He has reached an agreement with Mu Ye, agreeing that Rising Sun will establish a spaceship station in country A, conduct friendly trade, exchange materials under the conditions of equality and mutual benefit, and freely communicate, etc., which will affect life. For the people of country A who are in extreme hardship, it means that they have an extra way to survive in the last days.

What Mu Ye wants is to take the opportunity to develop and grow Rising Sun, so that both parties can get what they need, and everyone will be happy.

Three days later, six large spaceships carrying Gordon and more than 2000 mercenaries, as well as materials and personnel for setting up the spaceship's berth port, slowly lifted off from the port of the City of the Rising Sun and headed west.

Mu Ye, Yan Xiaomi, and Wu Yu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the administrative center office, watching the fleet of spaceships receding away, and raised their teacups to touch them lightly.

"Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, the winner is the one who has the last laugh!"

Wu Yu took a sip of tea, and suddenly remembered the question that had been lingering in her heart for a long time: "By the way, Xiaomi, since the war seven years ago, why do I feel that you are always hiding your clumsiness in front of Gordon and the others? Why?"

At that time, on the battlefield of the great war, apart from secretly using the eucalyptus forest to appease the runaway mutated koala, and releasing the Seven Sisters and creepers to help, Yan Xiaomi hardly mobilized other plants on the surface, preferring to release the mutated elephant to coexist and fight against the enemy.

Therefore, Gordon didn't know much about her powerful mutated plant commanding ability. He only thought that she was a relatively high-level wood-type supernatural being, and was lucky to marry Mu Ye, and had her husband as a backer to do business well. So big, the status is so high.

Because of his arrogant personality and his contempt for women, Yan Xiaomi's extremely powerful plant control ability was so gorgeously ignored.

Otherwise, if you pay a little bit of money to buy a few street gangsters and the like, you can definitely find out more about Yan Xiaomi. There are so many great achievements about her in the past ten years that almost everyone knows about her.

Yan Xiaomi and Mu Ye looked at each other with a smile, "Mu Ye said, you have to keep a hand at all times. If they know that I can control a large number of mutant plants, would they dare to buy our saplings?"

"Hole cards, of course only we can know!"


After Gordon left with his people, Yan Xiaomi devoted himself to the research of medicine and new mutated plants. Now there is no war in the country, and it is much easier than the previous life of running around.

She is busy researching medicinal materials and mutated plants every day. As soon as she concentrates, she ignores that she has not had her period for two months. She didn't remember this until she woke up one morning and suddenly felt nauseous and retched. Not sick, is it...

In order to confirm her conjecture, she put her right hand on her left wrist, felt her pulse, and sure enough.

It must have been Gordon's big deal some time ago. When she was happy, she took Mu Ye to drink some wine. As a result, the two of them tossed about all night, did not take any contraceptive measures, and accidentally became pregnant.

Unexpected pregnancy and becoming a mother, Yan Xiaomi felt very novel. Originally, she and Mu Ye planned to have a child in a year or two, but unexpectedly the child couldn't wait and found it by herself.

To be on the safe side, Yan Xiaomi didn't say anything to anyone. After breakfast, she went to the hospital to find a familiar gynecologist to do a B-ultrasound. It was confirmed that she was pregnant for more than two months, and she told Yan Mu when she got home from work. Mu Ye and the old Mu family were so happy that they wanted to confess her.

Jiang Anyu even yelled for Mu Ye to help her sit down and rest well, don't get tired, and at the same time asked Lao Mu to buy a chicken to make up for his daughter-in-law, she was too thin.

Mu Zhenzhong, who was about to become a grandpa, opened the door without saying a word, and the future grandma hurried to the kitchen to find something good for pregnant women.

Yan Xiaomi looked down at her still flat and firm belly, and her straight and slender legs, then turned her head and asked Mu Ye, "Where did I lose weight?"

Mu Ye smiled and helped her carefully sit on the double solid wood sofa covered with cushions, "There is a kind of thinness that makes your mother think you are very thin, but I think it is just right, and you are beautiful everywhere."

The couple sat next to each other and whispered the joy of a new life with their faces close to each other.

After retiring, Mu Zhenzhong has nothing to do. He usually grows flowers and vegetables with Jiang Anyu. He is in a good mood and eats regularly. He also has a daughter-in-law who understands Chinese medicine. He is about 78 years old and very healthy.

There was a big happy event at home today, according to Jiang Anyu's instructions, he rushed to the commercial street, bought a fat hen that had been killed, and didn't put it in the space button, just walked home happily with a bamboo basket.

On the way, I met a familiar chess player to say hello, and asked him why he was so happy. The old Mu, who always pays attention to not showing his emotions and anger, almost grinned to his ears.

"Hey, it's not a big deal, but my daughter-in-law is pregnant. My An Yu said that she would cook a chicken for her to make up for it. I won't play chess today. I'll go back first." After finishing speaking, she shook the basket in her hand. , walked away with figure-of-sight steps.

Don't think that only women gossip news spreads fast, and the speed of old men's news transmission should not be underestimated.

In half a day, most people in Rising Sun City knew that Yan Xiaomi was pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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