Chapter 13 The Explosion of Heaven and Earth
Just when everyone thought the crisis was resolved.The monster inside the door suddenly roared, Da Diao and the three of them got up from the ground and looked at the door nervously: "Boss, don't you tell me that they are all suppressed by your ultimate spell? Why do you look at it now?" It doesn't look very good."

Lu Renjia's expression suddenly became very serious: "Comrades, I found a very difficult problem."

Everyone present stared at Lu Renjia, only to see Lu Renjia confiding slowly: "Pikachu is a foreign creature, the domestic creature inside the door. These two things are not from the same system, and the deterrent effect is greatly reduced. It may have something to do with language." It doesn't make sense."

Everyone: "·······" These words are full of slots at first glance, but they are full of slots when you listen carefully.Is there such a setting? ? ? ?

Lu Renjia probably saw the word "fuck" from their eyes, so she took the initiative to explain: "But there is no other way now. After my careful consideration, I have come up with a perfect solution."

Da Diao looked at the monster that was about to break through the door, and asked anxiously: "Boss, don't hide your secrets, just tell me. If you don't say anything else, the brothers will have to explain themselves here."

Lu Renjia sincerely said: "This method may need you more..." He ran away, saying while running, "That is, you should bear it first, and I will get you rescuers!!! Don't worry , I will definitely come back to save you.”

Everyone looked at Lu Renjia's swift speed: "!!!!"

At this moment, the door of the storage room fell down with a bang.Seeing this, everyone ran away following Lu Renjia's example: "Rely, be shameless..."

Wuming frowned and looked at the huge black monster in front of him. He jumped up instantly and avoided the attack of the unknown creature.He subconsciously wanted to take the knife, but suddenly remembered that his knife had been confiscated before.He instantly pulled off the white bandage wrapped around his neck, straightened the white bandage with both hands, and then instantly wringed it off against the black hand that was trying to pull him into his body.

The pitch-black creature roared, and the black mucus splashed onto Wuming's neck, and was immediately absorbed by the black lines.His pupils became even darker as a result.

Lu Renjia suddenly stopped and turned around, staring at Wuming, and said angrily: "Damn, I just said that the smell on that guy's body is so annoying... so it is like this."

Da Diao, who was catching up behind, saw that Lu Renjia stopped, and stopped too: "Boss, why did you stop suddenly? Did you suddenly realize that you couldn't run away alone?"

Lu Renjia rolled her eyes, pointed to the iron door of the stairs and said, "Sb, don't you see that the door is closed? You can't be too confident."

Da Diao looked at the iron door closed with a special chain, and looked at Lu Renjia in shock: "Boss, you were really right before. They will close the door and release the boss when we come in."

A distorted figure appeared at the gate of the iron gate. He smiled with his mouth crooked, "Hey hey hey, you'll never get out..."

Da Diao stared at the people outside the iron gate for a few seconds, then asked Lu Renjia in a daze: "Boss, is he that Zuan ghost hanging on the stairs before? He looks so ugly."

Staircase ghost: "..." You are ugly, and your whole family is ugly.

Lu Renjia also looked at it for a while, then nodded: "It's ugly and decent, but I can't confirm that it's the same one. Wait a minute, I'll take out my phone to compare." He took out his own screen The broken smart phone, opened the photo album, and stretched out from the iron gate railing to compare with the ghost outside.

The stair ghost glanced at his face guiltily, then deliberately tilted his mouth and said, "I'm not the same one as the handsome ghost in the photo, not the same one, I made a mistake."

Lu Renjia stared at it for a while, then said seriously: "I told you earlier, I said that you don't look alike. You two have your own ugly ways, and you really don't look alike."

Staircase ghost: "..."

Da Diao shouted: "It's the same one, are you face blind? He blew himself up just now!!!"

The stair ghost suddenly turned his head and ran, and then found that he couldn't run. Lu Renjia's hand grabbed his trousers tightly at some point.The more he ran, the harder he was.He covered his crotch and shouted: "No, big brothers, I'll just come over and talk... chat with you guys!" He temporarily changed the talk to chat.

Lu Renjia grabbed the trousers and lifted them up, and said with a smile: "Why are you running? Isn't it chatting? I haven't finished chatting yet. Uncle likes chatting with little sb the most. If you open the door for me, I can show mercy Let me tell you my history of fame. Of course, you can choose not to listen, it’s nothing, it’s just the separation of eggs. Endure it and pass it.

Everyone present silently twitched their legs when they heard the threat.The ghost with splayed legs on the stairs cried and said: "I really can't drive it. I really just because you guys disrespected me too much when I was at the stairs. I just came here to make a joke." After finishing speaking, he held his hand Pointing to the side: "Look, there is a flying saucer!!"

Lu Renjia turned around.Excitedly grabbing the railing: "Where? Where?? Where is the flying saucer??"

Taking advantage of Lu Renjia being fooled, the stair ghost quickly ran away with his pants.

Lu Renjia smashed the railing angrily: "Damn it, it's all because I'm too kind, I'm willing to believe such a small lie."

People present: "..." Now who else would be fooled by such words, it's obvious that you are too smart.

Da Diao looked at the iron gate and thought that standing like this was not an option. Although the big brother Wuming could stand up for a while, it was impossible... He turned his head and glanced at Wuming, faintly suppressing unknown creatures, and suddenly Swallowing back the worry, it seems that it is not impossible to last a lifetime.He coughed and said, "I'll see if I can tear it apart."

He tried as hard as he could, but the iron door didn't budge.

Liang Xinzhe sneered and said with a mocking smile: "You retarded people only have this little ability." He took out a dagger and confidently slashed at the door.Very well, the iron gate is still motionless.

Da Diao put on a mocking face: "You guys only have this ability if you don't hold back."

Liang Xinzhe couldn't bear it, so he had no choice but to slash the chain at the door.

When Diao looked back, he saw Lu Renjia rubbing something.He saw that it was a small paper ball.Lu Renjia stood up holding a small paper ball: "Get up, let me do it."

Da Diao looked at Lu Renjia, wondering, "Boss, what is this?"

Lu Renjia said sincerely: "This is the secret treasure I carry with me, it's called the bomb of heaven and earth. This small one can blow up the world in all directions. Wherever it goes, corpses are strewn all over the fields, and ruins are everywhere. "

Da Diao: "······" This is what you rubbed out just now, right?

Lu Renjia picked up a small paper ball, threw it out with lightning speed, and shouted: "I'll explode..."

Da Diao and the others shouted in shock: "Fuck, we're still here. Don't bomb us together!!!!" He said, frantically looking for a bunker to hold more positions.After all, the Pikachu in the front is really electric, if it really explodes this time, it will be over.

The paper ball landed and made a 'Peng' sound.

Everyone opened their eyes from the fear, looked at Lu Renjia and said in disbelief: "Your world a firecracker???"

That's right, what Lu Renjia said was so awesome that the bomb that can blow up the world in all directions is now as powerful as a dropped cannon, and the sound will disappear after hearing it.

Lu Renjia explained: "Oh, it used to be. But now my spiritual power is not enough, the power is a little weaker, and I sweated a little just now, and I got wet when I rubbed the ball. But it doesn't matter, one can't do it, a hundred can't do it. It can be exploded." I saw that he threw out several more confidently: "I will fry again...I will blow up again...I will blow up again..."

10 minutes passed and the door was unscathed.

Lu Renjia ran out of Heaven and Earth Explosion, and he squatted down without any burden in his heart.While tearing up the paper, he said to Wuming who was fighting alone: ​​"Master Wuming, you fight for another half an hour, I'm making a few explosions here."

No name: "..."

 I originally wanted to restore the update tomorrow, but I couldn't think about it.I just opened a new book and received enthusiastic support from everyone, how could I sleep well.So I got up and wrote this chapter with my strong will and unyielding body.

  Thank you for your rewards after opening the new book, I love you~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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