On how the passer-by A survives in the infinite stream by bragging

Chapter 249 I'm Sorry, Brother First Explodes One

Chapter 249 I'm sorry, I'll explode one first

The Demon God didn't get complacent for long, a broken knife with a cold light flew over, and cut off his hand while he was complacent.

Then the broken knife returned to Wuming's hand, and the demon god looked at Wuming's eyes with anger, not only because he cut off his hand, but also because he wanted to replace himself as the new law.He couldn't tolerate these things happening, and he wanted to kill this person quickly.He activated the magic power in his body, and the place where his hand was severed regenerated.

Wu Ming flashed in front of the opponent while the demon god was reborn with his severed hand.However, the demon god who has fused the soul of the green dragon is not as easy to deal with as before.His figure disappeared when Wuming dropped the knife.When he appeared, he stood behind Wuming, and the severed hand that had grown back wanted to directly attack the black tiger.Unexpectedly, Wuming moved faster, turned around and cut off the newly grown hand.

The Demon God was so angry that I asked you to cut it off just now, and you said it was annoying or not.The power of law with magic energy suddenly wrapped around Wuming's feet, and when he was about to climb along the net of his feet, Wuming inserted the knife into the ground, and quickly untied the white bandage around his neck.The black rune on his neck was swimming rapidly, he emptied his body, allowing the black rune to swim all over his body from his neck.At this point, his body was taken over by the power of law, and his eyes turned pitch black.

Lu Renjia felt so uncomfortable that she didn't even have the strength to speak.As soon as he looked up, he saw that Wuming was fighting with the demon god, and he felt faintly defeated.No way, who told the villain to stack too many buffs now.Lu Renjia cursed secretly: "After this incident, if I die, I will not return my body, and my brother will also be anti-social." He shouted at Goudan and the others: "Goddam, fight hard!!!"

After the words fell, he quickly read, with a strange rhythm in his voice: "Fengdu Wushi, breaking the barriers of demons, achieving meritorious deeds, reaching the destiny of heaven, showing the completion of merit and virtue. Now with the help of the mountain spirit, this is the certificate of the great way of heaven and earth, and can be enjoyed in the world The enshrinement is made by the heavenly ladder—”

Under his murmur, a gleam of golden light leaked from the thick clouds.The sky ladder descends from the clouds, which is called a rush, without any special effects.Lu Renjia stared speechlessly at the sky ladder that suddenly landed, and rolled his eyes: "What's the rush..." After muttering, he shouted to Wuming: "Master Wuming, stop hitting, go up the sky ladder."

Since the ladder landed, how could the demon god not notice it, and it was because he noticed that he couldn't pass without a name.His offensive became more hasty.At this moment, Lu Renjia's golden light suddenly surrounded his hands and feet.The Demon God looked back at Lu Renjia in astonishment: "How could you..."

Lu Renjia sneered: "Brother, why do you still have spiritual power? Are you stupid? I am a spirit myself, so my spiritual power is inexhaustible. At most, it is a lot of spiritual power and spiritual power Less difference. If you have less spiritual power...then you will be overdrawn." As he spoke, tiny cracks appeared faintly on his body.

In this astonishing effort, Wuming was already standing in front of the ladder.When he stepped on the first step, he completely remembered the meaning of his existence.When he died, his consciousness has always existed in the eye of the underworld.

One day, Tian Dao told him that Law had lost his fairness, and he needed a new Law who would always be fair.And he is the best candidate.But he has to kill the old law to become the new law.And his condition is to reopen the underworld, although after the reopening of the underworld, he may not be the Lord of the Underworld, Emperor Fengdu.But he always remembers his purpose of creating the underworld in the underworld, hoping that the underworld will have grievances to sue.Tiandao agreed to his condition, and so far the master of the underworld, Feng, has been resurrected under the name of Wuming.

After his resurrection, he somehow lost this memory.But he remembered his mission, to kill the law.So he began to follow the traces of the law, entered every dungeon with traces of the law, and then killed him instinctively.This is also the reason why he keeps entering copies.

Thinking of everything Wuming, his eyes became clear.He began to go up step by step under the pressure of the ladder.He was born from the abyss of the underworld, and became the lord of the underworld in the battle of all ghosts.This is the first time he took the normal route to become a god.

And the demon god was restrained by Lu Renjia, so he had to separate out his avatar to try to prevent Wuming from climbing the ladder.As a result, he was bounced off as soon as he got close to the ladder.He couldn't make it at all, and he used all his strength to break the barrier of the ladder.The ladder barrier shook for a while, but it didn't break.Seeing such a demon god, Lu Renjia immediately felt relieved: "It's okay, just hit more, if you can smash it, you will be considered a loser!"

The Demon God looked at Lu Renjia's state and sneered, "As long as I kill you, he won't be able to succeed..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Renjia reached out to stop him and said, "Hey, you don't need to kill me, I blew myself up."

Lu Renjia, who exploded as soon as he said it, exploded so that the demon god looked confused: "..." You are like this, but I am at a loss.

Lu Renjia's broken body couldn't hold on long ago, she was so seriously overdrawn to maintain the operation of the formation, and she had to help Wuming drag the demon god.It's pretty good that this paper body can be maintained until now.Damn, the villain uses his spiritual body, he can only rely on paper, and now he exploded due to excessive use of spiritual power, how could his life be more bitter than bitter melon.Lu Renjia, who exploded into a shining golden spirit pearl, did not forget to taunt a wave of demon gods: "Surprise is not surprising, meaning is not unexpected, and stinging is not exciting."

Demon God: "..." I am shocked!
Goudan and the others watched Lu Renjia explode, and they felt sad: "Brother Lu—" Then they found that Lu Renjia was not dead, and they were instantly relieved: "It's not dead, it's good if it's not dead, it scared me to death gone."

Lu Renjia quickly flew towards Wuming: "Master Wuming——I'll help you become a super god... Oh, no, you're on the road!!!!"

No name: "..."

Lu Renjia, who is a spirit pearl, took advantage of the fact that the demon god was still in a daze and didn't think to stop him, so he quickly jumped onto Wuming's shoulder, and said in an indescribably proud voice, "I'm doing a good job of drawing the salary from the bottom of the pot." With the help of Lu Renjia, Wu Ming, who was walking very slowly, leapt up like a sky cannon under his feet.

This is why it is difficult to become a god without the support of the 'spirit'.Without the 'spirit', the ladder would not be complete, not to mention that he is going to become the law this time.Originally, he thought that Lu Renjia would use spiritual power to support him to go up outside, but he was still worried that Lu Renjia would not be able to hold on if he supported him to become a god while resisting the attack of the demon god.Unexpectedly, Lu Renjia directly came up with a trick to get rid of the fire.Let the other party hit all places.

(End of this chapter)

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