Chapter 28 Boy, You Are Brave
Luo Shihao didn't say much at the end, he only left a plausible sentence, and then left in a hurry.

Ying Shuling looked at Luo Shihao's back: "I always feel that Dr. Luo is not that simple."

Da Diao: "Then shall we run at night?"

Ying Shuling: "I want to go to the archives of the nursing home and see if I can find some clues about the hospital."

Da Diao looked at Wuming and Lu Renjia: "Where are you guys?"

Wuming: "The storage room." That well always made him very concerned.

Lu Renjia: "I'm sleeping."

Big Diao: "Brother, you don't go out at night to find clues."

Lu Renjia: "I'm looking for some clues, and I'm not in a hurry to get out."

Da Diao: "Then you went out with us yesterday to find clues, didn't you?"

Lu Renjia: "Fart, yesterday I thought Nameless was going out to eat supper behind my back, so he followed me out."

Da Diao: "But the mystery of the infinite flow is not to go out at night to find clues, fight monsters and so on."

Lu Renjia: "Who the hell told you that I'm here to live forever. Don't frame me, I was born a sanatorium, and died a ghost of the sanatorium. I will live and die with the sanatorium!"

Everyone looked at Lu Renjia in surprise.Da Diao stared at Lu Renjia: "Brother, blink if you are kidnapped. There are no people in the nursing home here, and the remaining mummies can't speak."

Lu Renjia: "Who said there are no people in nursing homes here?"

As soon as these words came out, the people who were surprised just now suddenly became confused. They looked at Lu Renjia's small eyes full of great doubts.

Lu Renjia said innocently: "Don't you know?" He poured the remaining potato chips into his mouth, pointed to one of the walls and said, "The dean and the others have been watching from behind this wall. You guys."

The dean who was lying behind the wall: "..." Ma De, why does this grandson know everything, let's open the cheat.

Others in the ward: "!!!!"

Lu Renjia continued to make up the knife: "Can't you see that this is a trick?"

Da Diao jumped up and said, "How can we tell! Do we have X-rays in our eyes!"

Lu Renjia pre-empted the attack calmly: "Oh, then don't tell me earlier."

Ying Shuling was also forced to jump: "We should say this first."

Lu Renjia said confidently, "You didn't ask."

Ying Shuling and the others: "...then you should give us a hint!!! Co-authored such a loud conspiracy in front of others just now???"

Lu Renjia: "Are you surprised?"

Ying Shuling and the others said in unison: "I'll surprise you, grandma!"

Lu Renjia provoked the anger of the crowd, and felt a little guilty after being sprayed by the group: "I gave you a hint. So our plot just now was to confuse the other party."

Ying Shuling: "What hint did you give?" Could it be that they didn't see it, so they blamed him?
Lu Renjia vowed, and he narrowed his eyes: "The eyes suggest, don't you realize that my eyes have been very deep since I came in?"

Ying Shuling was so angry that he wanted to scratch Hualu Renjia's face, but Ying Shuwan and the others hugged him by the waist: "Senior sister, calm down, he will bite!"

Wuming stood up, walked to the wall that Lu Renjia had mentioned, and with a beautiful round kick, the thin wall cracked.Da Diao and the others discovered that the wall they had always thought was actually a mirror.

The mirror shattered all over the floor, revealing the figures of the dean and the others.So the two groups looked at each other.

Ying Shuling and the others: "·······" The boss heard the whole process of the plot, how to get away with it, wait online, urgent! ! !
The dean and the others: "..." Asked about being discovered while eavesdropping, how to pretend that you never heard it, wait online, urgent! ! !
It was full of silence, and even the air was awkward.

Even the patient who had been moaning on the bed silently lowered his voice when he saw this embarrassing scene.

Lu Renjia's voice sounded: "Why don't you discuss it and pretend you didn't see it? Anyway, it's not yet the final moment of the decisive battle. If we fight now, the plot development will be too abrupt."

Everyone: "..."

It was the dean who reacted quickly, and immediately patted the head nurse beside him and said, "The weather is nice today, and you also came to see the patient, what a coincidence."

The surroundings echoed as if nothing had happened: "It's not bad, it's sunny, and I don't worry about patients."

Lu Renjia watched them try their best to pretend nothing had happened, and said, "But there are dark clouds outside."

The dean stared at Lu Renjia quietly: "Young man, knowing too much is not good for you."

Lu Renjia thought for a while: "That's right, I'm from the hospital now." Then he immediately covered his mouth, showed his acting skills as a beast out of the cage, and said in pretended shock: "Oh, my God, how could you, Dean? Here. Why don't I know, why don't you tell me, why!!!"

Everyone: "..." It's over.

If it weren't for Ying Shuling's ability to take care of things, she really couldn't resist picking at the villa's feet: "Then, Dean, did you come to us specifically for something you need to explain to us?"

The dean glanced at Ying Shuling who was on the road: "I just want to see if you can deal with the patient's unexpected situation on the first day of work." Then his eyes became gloomy: "But thanks to my coincidence, Otherwise, I didn't know that you have such a good relationship with Dr. Luo."

Lu Renjia just wanted to continue her acting skills as a beast out of the cage, and shouted that I was wronged.

Luo Shihao ran in suddenly and interrupted Lu Renjia's performance. He said anxiously: "Dean, stop! Just let them go!"

Lu Renjia held back what was on her lips.He looked at Luo Shihao faintly: Oh, little boy, you are dead,

The dean waved at Dr. Luo: "Dr. Luo, come here."

Liang Xinzhe got close to Luo Shihao, and directly grabbed his hand: "Don't go over."

Luo Shihao gave him a comforting smile: "It's okay, I've worked in this hospital for so long, the director won't do anything to me." After speaking, he walked towards the director.

The dean looked at Luo Shihao standing in front of him, quickly took out a knife, and wiped Luo Shihao's neck.

Luo Shihao covered the wound on his neck and looked at the dean in disbelief.Blood splattered from the wound on his neck, staining half of the dean's face red.Then the dean looked at him with a knife, Jie Jie said with a smile: "Look, this is the fate of betraying the hospital."

The people in the ward looked at Luo Shihao who fell to the ground with heavy expressions.

Lu Renjia walked over frowning, and then the dean said: "Dean, I think he can still be saved, let me make another cut." He stepped on Luo Shihao's chest: "How dare you Steal my scene, even if you fake your death today, brother will destroy the corpse and wipe out all traces."

As he spoke, he crushed Luo Shihao with his feet, looked at him and said, "Damn it, it took me a long time to mobilize my emotions. Have you continued my big move? You can interrupt as soon as you step on the horse. Never People dare to challenge my acting skills in front of me. Boy, you are very brave. People who are so brave are rare, because people who were so brave before you were all beaten to death by my brother."

The dean's face froze.

Luo Shihao lying on the ground: "..."

 Quietly add more, amazing you.

(End of this chapter)

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