Chapter 66
The village chiefs split apart one by one, and all the village chiefs died in a short while.Gao Xiaofeng and the others looked at Lu Renjia as if they were looking at something terrifying.

Lu Renjia looked at this scene, patted his chest and said to Wuming: "Ah, they are so scary, brother, I am afraid. They actually split up because they couldn't ask for it from me. Brother, you must protect me with your life." .”

Wu Ming ruthlessly said: "Get lost."

Lu Renjia's face turned pale: "... Bah, scumbag, people call you brother, if you don't treat me as a dog licking, forget it, and don't protect him."

Wuming: "..." You are a big man, how dare you say such a thing.

Not far away, there are more cracks on the body of Avalokitesvara.A mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth of a village chief.Feeling the puppets who lost contact with him, he couldn't hide the viciousness in his eyes.

He worked hard, and even deliberately released the cover of the old aunt in order to delay until these women gave birth to the child he wanted.He had a hunch that the new body he wanted would be among these women.He absolutely does not allow anything to sabotage his plans.As long as he can get a new body, these ants are not surprising.

An inconspicuous wisp of white smoke tried to fly away from the bodies of those torn village chiefs.He was bitten into the mouth by the dog egg as soon as he took off.

That white eye turned into a white soul, struggling in Goudan's mouth: "Let me go! Let me go!"

Gao Xiaofeng and the others looked at the white soul body: "This is the mountain god who is behind it???"

Lu Renjia said with disgust, "Do you think it's possible? This is a ray of his soul."

Goudan swallowed the human soul without any hesitation.

Lu Renjia looked at the remnant soul inquisitively: "Ghost Aunt, it's interesting."

Goudan hiccupped: "It's still a ghost aunt who is going through the moulting period, no wonder there are so many things happening. I guess she wants to become a god through the molting period."

Lu Renjia was fascinated with disgust: "Cut~ He still wants to become a god in the 21st century, and the country will not let him go, and the review will not let him go. It is true that feudal superstition is not a good thing. Their feudal remnants should be wiped out by the light of righteousness. I heard that you should report it once. Get 200 yuan."

Goudan: "..." You seem to have forgotten that you are also a remnant of feudalism.

Gao Xiaofeng scratched his head again in doubt: "Ah, no, what is he doing hiding in the wall with a strand of soul?"

Lu Renjia also thought about it: "After my careful reasoning, I think there is only one possibility... He is so idle."

Gao Xiaofeng: "..." I swear, I regret asking this question.

Wuming said coldly: "Surveillance."

Lu Renjia also imitated Wu Ming and said, "You mean he wants to see how far our plot has come. So, he is actually a reader!"

Wuming: "..."

Lin Ping: "He tried his best to delay what we want to do here?"

Wuming: "New body." He skipped a word and two words, which is to give everyone a reading comprehension.

Lu Renjia had no choice but to translate: "When you are in class, do more reading comprehension. For example, there are two trees in my house, one is a jujube tree and the other is a jujube tree. It is not so simple. I don't even know what it means.

What he meant was that the fake mountain god delayed us to give those pregnant women time to give birth.Because the fake mountain god wants to change himself into a new body.He is now waiting for those women to have children. "

Gao Xiaofeng: "Can three words translate so much?"

Lu Renjia said with disgust, "You don't even look at who brother is."

Gao Xiaofeng: "That's over, our mission is to save him, so should I stop him from hurting those women now? But we don't even know where that mountain god is hiding now." He looked at Wuming, unconsciously He shouted, "Boss, what should we do?"

Wuming spat out a word: "Look for it."

Lu Renjia: "Nonsense, people don't know how to find it or do something. You need to talk about literature here, people are asking how to find it."

Wuming didn't speak, Lu Renjia whispered: "We have to watch brother at the critical moment." He climbed off Wuming's head on his short legs.Walked to the dog's egg and kicked the dog's egg: "Spit it out, it's sloppy."

Goudan reluctantly said: "It is said that if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather. I don't have a stepmother yet, so you will become a stepfather." After speaking, he opened his mouth wide and spit out the spirit that he had eaten. Come out: "Give you, give you, give you."

Lu Renjia looked at the wet soul, picked up the small wooden stick next to it and poked it, and asked very straightforwardly, "Where is your real soul?"

Lin Pingfa asked, "Will he tell you if you say so?"

Lu Renjia smiled slightly: "That's because he didn't feel my warmth like a spring breeze. I will let you know that love can affect everything."

After hearing Lu Renjia's words, the remnant soul said arrogantly: "I won't help you even if I lose my mind."

Lu Renjia: "Really, then the soul will be gone."

Remnant Soul: "..."

In the end, the remnant soul was still influenced by Lu Renjia, and cried, "I know where it is, can I lead the way?"

Lu Renjia looked at Lin Ping with a confident smile: "Look, he can feel my warmth. I said that love is a bridge of communication."

Lin Ping: "..." Not to mention Nuan, they were almost burnt to ashes.Everyone agreed, so you should let them go.

The poor remnant soul was strung on a wooden stick by Lu Renjia, under which was a fire ignited with a spell, and Goudan lay on the ground to increase the firepower.Because it is not an ordinary fire, the remnant soul screams in pain when it touches even a little bit.Lu Renjia was afraid that one side would be roasted unevenly, so she thoughtfully turned it over.

The remnant soul finally escaped from the talisman fire, and said embarrassingly, "Under the altar... in the back mountain!"

Lu Renjia patted the remnant soul on the head: "Thank you for your profound understanding of righteousness and righteousness. The organization will never forget you." After speaking, he raised the remnant soul excitedly: "God egg, hurry up and eat barbecue. It's hot."

Remnant Soul: "You are not human!!!"

Lu Renjia: "How do you know I'm not human?"

Remnant Soul: "..."

After Lu Renjia dealt with the remnant soul, she jumped back on Wuming's head: "Go, Taro Whirlwind. It's time to save the world."

Wuming: "..." Can you die if you don't give people nicknames indiscriminately?

Even though it was daytime, the village was very quiet.Chen Dandan offered: "I know the way to the altar, I'll take you there." Following Lu Renjia's experience, she seemed to have become more determined.

The altar is in the depths of the woods, and it is impossible to find it without acquaintances.It is said that the altar is actually more like a small square.There are complicated patterns painted in the middle of the square.There is also an eye in the middle.If you look at it for a long time, you will find that it is an eye that can move, as if observing the situation in all directions.

Chen Dandan said: "If the father and the others bring people to sacrifice, the pupils of the eyes in the middle will open, forming a black hole. They pushed people in from this black hole."

Gao Xiaofeng said distressedly: "We haven't seen a pregnant woman since we came out. It seems that those women were also dragged down. But how do we get down?"

Lu Renjia said as it should: "How else can we go on, of course we should use love to influence it, and then let him let us go down willingly."

People present: "..." Your willingness must be as big as the Pacific Ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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