Chapter 136
At this moment, the waiter brought over with a long towel.

Hua Yichao took the long scarf, stood up, shook off the neatly folded long scarf, and was about to pull the person over to cover it, but Hua Yixi suddenly grabbed the wrist.


Hua Yixi threw away Hua Yichao's hand, "Don't get in the way."

Hua Yizhao didn't know what was wrong with her, so he couldn't help but frowned, and said to Hua Yixi: "...Sister, let people go down."

Hua Yixi didn't even look at Hua Yizhao, she just stared at the beautiful flower in her arms, and said directly: "Take off the veil."

Ruhua stared at the person in front of her with wide eyes.

She was a little uncertain about the situation.Why was she suddenly asked to take off her veil?

Things have gone beyond her imagination.Ru Huahua hadn't moved yet, but the person holding her couldn't wait any longer, suddenly raised his hand, and tore off the veil that half covered her face.

Ruhuahua's face that had been covered for a long time suddenly appeared at the banquet.

Hua Yixi saw that delicate face head-on, her pupils trembled violently.

She opened her mouth, the tip of her tongue was a little stiff, and she called out in disbelief, "Yueya..."

The voice was very soft, but it reached the ears of the two people in front very clearly.

Ruhuahua was at a loss for this.

Hearing that name, Hua Yichao involuntarily took a step forward.

This baby name is almost a taboo in the entire Hua family.

I haven't heard it mentioned in these years.

Hua Yichao couldn't help but frowned deeply.

He knew that those eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Crescent Moon, but even so, Sister can't just call a deer a horse like this casually.

Hua Yi took a step forward and looked at the past.

Immediately afterwards, he also stayed in place.Pupil earthquakes, unbelievable everywhere.

Although there were slight changes in the eyebrows and eyes, when he looked at the person, he definitely would not admit his mistake.

Grown up crescent moon?

How can this be?

More than two years ago, Crescent Moon had...

"Yueya! You are Yueya!" Hua Yixi came back to her senses, said in her mouth, and hugged her tightly into her arms tremblingly.

As if he was afraid of losing something, his arms were so strong that he couldn't help but feel like he was about to suffocate.

Who did this person recognize her as?

Ru Huahua was a little startled.

Hua Yixi's move also caused an uproar in the entire hall.

"Huh..." Ru Huahua was a little out of breath, she tilted her head with difficulty, and whispered, "General..."

She called her general...

Hua Yixi paused, her fingers gripped her arms tightly, "Yueya, you, don't you know me?"

Ruhuahua looked up at the stranger in front of her, her blankness was not concealed at all.

On the side, Hua Yichao snatched the person over, "Yueya, I'm my little brother, look at me."

Hua Yixi is the eldest daughter, he was originally the second eldest at home, his younger sister should have called him Second Brother.

But because he thinks the word "two hundred and five" is not good, so many incongruent words, such as "two half sloppy", "two meanings, two hundred and five", don't start with two words, so he never likes others to call him "second son".

All the servants in the mansion are also used to calling him "Little Young Master", and since Yue Ya realized it, she only called him "Little Brother".

Ruhuahua also looked at Hua Yichao with a blank face.

Everything in front of her was like a farce to her, and she didn't dare to speak easily with her dark secret in her heart.

After a pause, Ru Huahua stammered a little and said, "Hou, Lord Hou admits, admits to the wrong person..."

How could he admit his mistake?

When he first saw those eyes, he felt kind.

It’s just that he couldn’t be sure, he would rather stare at those similar deer eyes to see things and think about people, and he didn’t dare to lift the veil to see the real face, he was too afraid that there were completely different facial features underneath.

He would rather lie to himself and others.

Their crescent deer eyes have been inherited from their mother. When she was a child, the little girl had a small one, and she had to look up at everyone. The deer eyes looked eager to see anyone, and it melted people's hearts.

Yueya likes to eat crabs the most, but she is too lazy to peel them by herself, so she always asks him to peel crabs for her like a baby.

When she was a child, if she wanted to peel a crab by herself, it would be as difficult as heaven.

Hua Yichao took a deep breath, "You see clearly! Who am I?!"

"Get up, don't scare her." Hua Yixi peeled him off, and grabbed the long scarf in his hand, wrapping Ruhuahua tightly.

"You don't remember anything from your childhood?" Hua Yixichi asked.

Hearing this, Ru Huahua nodded with a blank face.

She really did not have the memory of before being picked up by Brother Ting.All her memories were only opened after meeting Zhong Liting.

"Then, then how could like this..." Hua Yixi was a little speechless, looking at the person in front of her, her eyes were filled with distress.

The majestic young daughter of the Jiangyin Hou Mansion, who is loved by thousands of people, has been like a star holding the moon since she was a child. She is really an existence that is afraid of falling in her hands and melting in her mouth. Yan Ji at the mercy of?

Ru Hua bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

But she is a false identity.

As soon as she said it, she might be arrested the next moment.

"Sister, don't ask her for details." Hua Yizhao said decisively.

In this situation, it would not be a good memory to think about it.

I don't know how much she has suffered outside these years to become so cautious.

A killing intent flashed in Hua Yichao's eyes, and he asked cautiously: "... Has anyone ever bullied you?"

Hua Yixi also said, "Don't be afraid, tell Elder Sister, whoever bullies you, Elder Sister will kill him for you."

Hearing this, Ruhuahua involuntarily raised her eyes and looked dazzled.

Hua Yi's body froze suddenly.

Hua Yixi held the long sword at her waist, and her pair of red phoenix eyes also swept it sharply.

Yes, indeed, as soon as she came in, she saw this guy bullying others.

He also poured wine all over his body.

When did he acquire the habit of the second generation ancestor, and play like a fool, it's just a coward!
Hua Yichao couldn't argue, "This... I, Sister, I can explain..."

Hua Yixi suddenly picked up the long sword with its sheath, picked a jug of wine from the small table of the wine jug prepared by the desk, took it with one hand, and handed it directly to Ru Huahua.

A jug of wine suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and Ru Huahua took it subconsciously.

Hua Yixi peeled off the wine cork, raised her chin, and said unceremoniously: "Come on, pour it back."

Hua Yizhao took a half step back silently: "...Sister, you..."

In front of everyone, at least give him some face.

Hua Yixi, "I'm not such a blind brother."

Hua Yizhao, "..."

Hua Yixi gently pushed Ru Huahua from behind, "Go, sister will support you, he dare not fight back."

Ruhuahua took two steps forward holding the flagon.

Hua Yichao stood on the spot resigned to her fate, looking down at her with a pair of red phoenix eyes slightly, the clear pupils were full of pity and indulgence.

(End of this chapter)

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