Chapter 185

Hua Yizhao naturally knew why she was upset, but he didn't mention it.

he thinks.Time will allow her to adapt to accept everything.

"Do you like it here?" Hua Yichao picked up the topic while avoiding the important.

Everything in this room was arranged by him.

Ruhuahua looked up slowly, and since she had been released, Hua Yizhao could no longer threaten her, so Ruhuahua replied very bluntly: "Ugly."

"...have no vision." Hua Yizhao was not shocked, but only thought that she didn't know how to appreciate it.He looked left and right, and he was very satisfied.

Seeing that she stopped drinking, Hua Yichao took the cup in her hand and put it aside.

"Thank you." Ruhuahua said in a hoarse voice.

"You're welcome," Hua Yichao said with a smile, "I thought you couldn't speak well."

Ru Huahua said sullenly, "I'm not dumb."

"Are you hungry?" Hua Yichao asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Listening to his homely questions, Ru Huahua lightly pursed her lower lip, and said absent-mindedly, "I'm not hungry."

Hearing this, Hua Yizhao frowned immediately, and looked at her with a half-smile, "Hunger strike is useless. If you make up your mind, I can tell you right now."

She's not stupid, how could she threaten others by torturing herself?
Ruhuahua took a deep breath, "I just don't want to eat."

"Eat even if you're not hungry." Hua Yichao said word by word.

His voice sank slightly, as if he had lost patience.

But for some reason, subconsciously, Ruhuahua is not afraid of him.Fearlessly looking at the past, Ruhuahua emphasized, "I said I don't want to eat!"

"I also said that hunger strikes are useless," Hua Yichao folded his arms, "You don't want to be force-fed, little friend."

He bit the last three words with a slight emphasis, and seemed to be teasing her childish behavior.

Not wanting to eat without appetite and not eating on a hunger strike are two different things.But his tough attitude is also straightforward and rebellious.

She stood up abruptly from the bed, "Come on, pour it!"

Is she still afraid?
She raised up too violently, her neck stretched like a heavy burden, and her face couldn't help being slightly distorted.

The person who attacked her was really serious. If he had done it harder, his neck might have been broken.

Hua Yichao couldn't help but stepped forward to help her, but she pushed her away mercilessly.

"Little girl doesn't know good from bad!" Staring at her, Hua Yi shouted angrily at that.

When the two of them were at their swords, the door behind them suddenly opened.

Hua Yi looked back, and immediately restrained herself.

"Sister." Hua Yichao stood upright.

Hua Yixi was dressed in black light armor, with a dusty appearance.It seems that he came back in a hurry.

Familiar eyebrows, familiar people, seeing Shang Hua Yixi's eyes, like Hua Hua suddenly felt guilty.

Hua Yixi was so kind to her, but she not only lied to her, but also brought her sweat medicine with her own hands.

Looking at Hua Yixi in front of her, Hua Hua's fur that was about to explode also restrained herself.

"What's going on?" Hua Yixi frowned, and glanced at Hua Yizhao, "I heard you yelling on the porch, why, Master Hou put a majestic air at home?"

"...I didn't." Hua Yizhao felt that he was going to die unjustly.

"Since you have so much energy," Hua Yixi glanced at him and said directly, "Go out and run ten laps, and copy the house rules three times."

"Sister!" Hua Yizhao's eyes widened.

It's okay to run ten laps, and three times is too much house rule.Knowing he hated writing that stuff.

"Copy it five times. Get out." Hua Yixi didn't listen to the explanation and showed no mercy.

"..." How can this temporarily increase the price?

The Hua family's family motto is to respect the elders and love the young, and he is the one in the middle who has become a doormat.

"Yes." Hua Yizhao felt extremely depressed, but said nothing more, "I'll get someone to prepare something to eat."

After finishing speaking, Hua Yichao walked out.

There is not much space left for the two of them.

Ruhuahua's lips twitched slightly, and she whispered, "...I'm sorry."

It wasn't fear or fear, she was genuinely sorry.

Hua Yixi didn't answer the question, she just said, "Is there something wrong? Your complexion is not very good."

There was no sternness towards Hua Yichao in the voice, it was very soft.

Ru Hua shook her head, but did not wait for the opportunity to complain.

Facing Hua Yixi's soft voice, the guilt in her heart became stronger, "Otherwise... well, I'll go out and run ten laps too."

To be honest, Hua Yixi treated her like this, she was quite uneasy.Even if Hua Yixi scolded her, she would not be so restless.

"What stupid things?" Hua Yixi said, "Why are you the same as him?"

As he said that, Hua Yixi added, "Your little brother has this temper, and he is used to being bullied. You can take care of him more. If you really can't bear it, just tell me. But you can rest assured about one thing, he He loves you, even if he hurts himself, he will not hurt you."

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Hua Yizhao has already tolerated her to the utmost.

Ru Hua lowered her head, "I know."

"It's only been a few days, and you haven't even called me?"

Ruhuahua raised her eyes while hesitant to speak, and met Hua Yixi's waiting gaze.

She was really ashamed, so she didn't dare to shout.

Ruhua moved her lips and whispered, "Sister..."

"That's good." Hua Yixi stepped forward, "It's late, are you hungry, how about some delicious porridge?"

"I'm not hungry." She said seriously.

"You don't want to eat now?"

Ruhuahua nodded.

"Okay, let's eat tomorrow." Hua Yixi didn't force her to do anything, she turned around and ordered the people outside to fetch water, "You don't have to eat, you have to get up and wash before going to bed."

Ruhuahua walked up obediently.

Hua Yixi helped her cut her hair, hooked her waist-length hair, and couldn't help sighing, "Our Yueya has become a big girl, and we can get married."

Ruhua shuddered all over.

Her demeanor was not the shyness that girls often face when facing such topics, but nervous.Aware of this difference, Hua Yixi suddenly said sharply, "Have you got a sweetheart?"

Ruhuahua covered her face with a wet veil, and said in a muffled voice, "No."

Hua Yixi didn't delve into it.It doesn't matter what cats and dogs she met outside before.Her sister is not something anyone can marry.

Hua Yixi said, "Nothing is the best. When you get home, you can choose from all the nobles in the city. Whichever one you like, Elder Sister will grab it for you."

Like a flower, "..."

After silently washing up, she honestly returned to the couch.

It was already late, and she knew that she was forced to come back, so she must not be in high spirits right now, Hua Yixi didn't pester her to talk, but put down the bedside veil for her thoughtfully.

With the sound of beaded curtains clinking, layers of veils fell down, and Ru Huahua couldn't help but lift up the veils, and looked out.

(End of this chapter)

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