After being picked up by the prince, Xiaojiaohua is wild and sassy

Chapter 300 Damn it, I'll make room for you?

Chapter 300 Damn it, I'll make room for you?
Ruhuahua didn't care about Huarong, she hadn't eaten anything for a long time, she didn't have much appetite for Jiang Xingyun, but she didn't care about Huarong, she looked at the table and moved her chopsticks with relish.

Huarong has been uneasy since she knew that Jiang Xingyun brought Ruhuahua into the palace, but she didn't want to think that the culprit was at ease.

Huarong couldn't eat, but Ruhuahua was full. She took the tea handed by the palace man and poured it into her mouth to rinse her mouth. Then she wiped her embroidered handkerchief on her lips before she said, "I'm done eating, my lady is done eating!" ?"

Huarong lowered her eyebrows and said, "Third sister..."

Ru Huahua raised her hand to let all the servants in the hall go down, and then kindly reminded Huarong, "Your Majesty is not here."

There is no need to play any sisterly love between them.

"Third sister promised me that she would not rob me of the crown prince."

Ruhuahua asked back, "Did I snatch it?"

"...How can you use robbing? As long as you are there for one day, His Majesty will never see me."

Ruhuahua only felt that her breath was stuffy in her chest. She walked slowly in front of Huarong, and said sarcastically, "So you think, I should be quick to make way for you? You regret that you didn't kill me last time." Get rid of me?"

Huarong took a deep breath, her tone was stiff, "You, you know..."

"Yes, I know all about it."

Hua Rong suddenly lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ru Huahua looked at her, and said word by word, "For a man, I don't hesitate to mutilate my siblings, Huarong. I don't know when this Hua family's family motto became a fight for favor."

I don't know which sentence provoked Huarong to raise her head suddenly, "He has a pair of eyes and a heart with you, of course you don't need to argue!"

Ru Huahua sneered, "So you don't put your mind on him, but you are thinking of me. Could it be that if I die, he will be able to take another look at you?"

Huarong was stared at by her sharp eyes, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

"You, before you came back...Your Majesty, he was obviously not like this...he would smile at me from time to time. But since you came back, everything has changed. Now he doesn't even care about the prince I gave birth to for him. I don’t even care much about it. My life as a princess is like a joke. When I walk in the palace now, I can hear those people discussing, guess when I will be deposed, and they are all waiting to see my joke. Big joke."

"But obviously, obviously I have been with him for so long, but he can't see me, I like him so much..."

Being treated so unfairly, she didn't even dare to make trouble, for fear of offending Jiang Xingyun.

How could she have a better life than her cousin, she has a lot of love from Jiang Xingyun, and she can always be proud of being favored, but now she is like a bereaved dog, with nothing left.

Huarong said, tears fell down.

Ruhuahua couldn't stand other people's tears, so she handed Huarong a handkerchief, "If you have the energy to cry on Jiang Xingyun's face, what's the point of crying right under my nose? I don't know how to feel pity."

Huarong shook her head with tears in her eyes: "He only finds me annoying... Leave me alone, I'll be fine after crying..."

Ruhuahua, "I don't care about you."

Huarong raised her head to look at Ru Huahua with tears in her eyes, and then suddenly held her hand. Before Ru Huahua wanted to struggle, Huarong held both hands. She said in a low voice, "No, you have to worry about me."

Like a flower: "..."

There must be something wrong with the couple.

Can't she be less troubled and let her live more relaxedly?
(End of this chapter)

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