After a heavy rain fell, the weather in the city suddenly became much cooler.

There was a stove burning in the hall, and it was warm. Ru Huahua was sitting on the couch wrapped tightly in a thick plush blanket, with a dark red mark on her neck, and her whole body seemed listless.

The injuries on her body were healed enough, and another one was added, Zhong Liting directly locked her up in the room to raise her, and she wouldn't let her play like a coquettish rascal.

Stepping on the pedal, Xiaocao'er picked up a piece of jade pendant from nowhere, and fiddled with it with her paws, making the room rattling with bumps.

Hearing the sound of someone pushing the door in, Xiaocao'er instinctively burrowed under the bed, but it was still a bit fatter, and before it could get in through the gap, a big hand dragged its fat hind legs away. out.

For such a long time, Xiaocao'er has been staying in the backyard of the inner house, rarely seeing strangers, and was frightened by the chaos in front of her, and was suddenly caught by the hind legs, and when she got excited, she looked back and gave the opponent a disfiguring claw.

"Little grass!" Ruhuahua couldn't help but whispered, and the next moment, she saw that the fat ball of grass was not only caught by someone's hind paws, but also its front paws were controlled by someone. It instantly became soft and pitiful. Staring at the person with a pair of round eyes, the cry was a little weaker, "Woo~"

Zhong Liting threw it on the bed.

Perhaps because of the sense of security from the safe landing, Xiaocao hid beside Ruhuahua for a while, and boldly poked out a furry head to observe Zhongliting.

Seeing the frequent visitors across the way, Xiaocao let go of her guard, and cautiously got out from behind Ruhuahua, stretched out her head and sniffed his scent with her nose, and then used her big furry head to touch the person's robe. After rubbing lightly, he jumped off the bed and went to pick the jade pendant on the foot.

Zhong Liting took a glance with his lowered eyes, his handsome eyebrows suddenly furrowed slightly, he bent down and picked up the jade pendant that Xiaocao had fiddled with, and held it directly in the palm of his hand.

Xiaocao, who was suddenly robbed of his toy, raised his head in dissatisfaction, looked up at him, put both front paws on Zhong Liting's robe and climbed up, with sharp nails sticking out slightly, as if wanting to Climb on top of him and snatch the toy back.

"Catch me?" Zhong Liting grabbed the cat by the back of the neck.

Being carried by the back of the neck, Xiaocao immediately stood up straight as if her acupuncture points had been tapped.

Ruhuahua coughed lightly, "What did Brother Ting grab from it?"

"It's nothing." Zhong Liting lowered his eyes, casually playing with the jade pendant in the shape of yin and yang and eight trigrams, with a calm expression, as if he was just holding some insignificant jewelry.

Suddenly something flashed in Ruhuahua's mind, she frowned, "You lied to me."

Zhong Liting paused, his heart seemed to miss two beats.

"It's not a snake." Ru Huahua said with certainty, she thought that many years ago Zhong Liting took this jade pendant and asked her to scare people, and said that it was a snake. clawed.

"Huahua..." Zhong Liting's fingernails rested on the jade pendant and stood still, as if stuck to it, his Adam's apple moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

"It's obviously a python, you tricked me!" The jade pendant was not big, and although the patterns were carved finely, no one would carefully count the number of toes on the almost invisible claws, so Ruhuahua had a preconceived idea.

Zhong Liting rubbed his fingers on his forehead, with a correct attitude, "I was wrong."

Generally important ministers and dignitaries would be given python clothes. As for accessories, she didn't study them, but she wanted to come up with a reason.

"You must have laughed at me in your heart at the beginning, and you will be punished."

Gently placing the cat on her lap, seeing the kitten nestled in her arms obediently, allowing her to stroke, Zhong Liting turned around and poured a glass of water with her, "Okay, whatever you say is what it is."

"Well...then I owe it first." Ruhuahua couldn't think of anything for a while, she finished drinking a bowl of water, wiped the corners of her lips, and then looked at Zhong Liting, "Aren't you busy today? Everything has been dealt with? "

In the past few days, he came and went in a hurry.

Zhong Liting responded, and told her what he had gained from the busy days, "I have been running around for the past few days, and the situation has been stabilized for the time being, and the order in the city is gradually being restored, and now I am waiting for the people over there to take over. "

She coughed lightly and said in a low voice, "If I could..."

Before she finished speaking, her hand was firmly held by Zhong Liting.

She wanted to hide, but Zhong Liting's fingers were gripped even tighter. His tone was cold, "I said before, I don't want to hear you mention that."

Ruhuahua was at a loss for words for a moment, and then she was silent for a moment, before she whispered, "You know that I never had any personal relationship with him."

Zhong Liting narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ruhuahua continued, "... If you have any doubts, you might as well speak up."

Zhong Liting's hand ran down her arm to her neck, stroked the scar lightly, and sighed softly, "I didn't think so much, I'm just a little unhappy."


Zhong Liting's throat moved up and down, as if it was difficult to speak, he paused, before he said, "...Do you know, your heart has softened."

Ruhuahua reacted almost instantly.

He is jealous.

Ruhuahua rubbed her fingertips, avoiding his gaze, "...Oh."

Ru Huahua's eyes flickered before he hesitated to explain, "After all, they are people who have met before. How could a normal person see that scene without fluctuations? But I was more afraid that his death would cause unnecessary trouble. You are also there, what if someone misunderstands that you killed the person, you can't explain it to the higher-ups, right?"

Zhong Liting stared at her.

As Huahua spoke, she looked away a little uncomfortably.

What kind of trouble is this?It was Zhong Liting who was clearly jealous, but why he was so confident and embarrassed that she became the one instead.

Ru Huahua changed the subject, "...well, weren't we talking about the city?"

After a pause, Zhong Liting continued, "It's thanks to you that I started from the young son of the Gu family. Although the son of Guhou's mansion is soft and hard, he is not stubborn. You said before that he has no ambitions. I had nowhere to show him, so I made a cake for him, with a little temptation and coercion, and it went smoothly. Later, I talked with him in detail for a while, and got to know all the veterans who were in important positions in the court. You can’t use them all, pick some of the right medicines, break them one by one, and the effect is not bad.”

Hearing that he solved it smoothly, Ruhuahua's mood also improved, and she asked, "Since there is no danger in the city now, can I go out of the city and go to my house now?"

Zhong Liting suddenly raised his hand, and his fingertips slid directly across the mark on her neck. In Ruhuahua's panting voice, he moved his hand away, "Is that how it is?"

Like a flower, she raised her eyes.

Zhong Liting sighed, "Originally, the Marquis of Jiangyin disliked me a lot. If you go with all these injuries, he will have another reason why he dislikes me."

Ruhuahua snickered, "My little brother is a good person, how could it be as serious as you said?"

"Yes, he is a good person in front of you," Zhong Liting did not deny this, "He is a god of death in front of me."


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