After being picked up by the prince, Xiaojiaohua is wild and sassy

Chapter 315 Seven People's Tea Chapter Meeting

"I do not know how?"

Zhong Liting smiled, "It seems that you don't care about it."

Looks like it's really hers.

After being dazed for a moment, Ru Huahua finally came to her senses, "Then you still dare to come here with me alone?"

Although the two parties were not at odds with each other, they still had some disagreements. He was going to the banquet alone, so he was really not afraid of being detained here?

It's not that she said it, but that the possibility is too great. Her little brother has never played cards according to common sense.

Zhong Liting's lips curled up, and he looked at her, "I won't kill me and make you a widow."

Just as Huahua was about to speak, she felt the door beside her being pushed open from the outside.

"Stop putting gold on your face."

As the sound fell, a black soap boot stepped across the threshold first.

Hua Yichao was born with arrogance all over his body, and when he put away his flamboyant body, only the sharp edge remained on his body, and he didn't look very close.

Hua Yixi on the side is still dressed in neat clothes, with a long figure, outstanding appearance but with a little coldness, like winter plums in full bloom in winter, Lingshuang is proud.

It was just a private conversation between the two of them, but they listened to it, Ru Huahua couldn't help but blushed, and hid her head behind Zhong Liting, "It's all your fault, talking nonsense!"

Just as Hua Yizhao was about to explode, he was pushed by Hua Yixi, so he lifted his robe and sat down, picked up the tea that had been poured on the low table in front of him, poured a cup without any explanation, and put it down gently.

Zhong Liting got up and raised his hand, "Master Hua, General Hua."

"General Wei is polite." Hua Yixi nodded slightly, her attitude was not familiar, but she was not alienated either.

After Zhong Liting entered the city, he didn't make things difficult for the Hua family, whether it was the branch of the Hua family, or their aunt who was a concubine, and even Hua Rong's children were sent out of the city together, and he didn't wait for an opportunity to threaten anything.

For these things, Hua Yixi is willing to give the other party a good face.

Hua Yichao didn't care so much, leaning on the back of the chair, sitting open and closed, criticizing, "hypocrisy."

Ru Huahua was trying to please him with tea, when she heard the words, she made a sharp turn and passed the ostentatious Hua Yichao, picked up another teacup, and offered it to Hua Yixi, "Sister, you have worked hard all the way , have a cup of tea and take it easy."

Hua Yixi took the tea and waved to her, "Come and sit."

Ru Huahua moved over obediently, sat down next to Hua Yixi, and communicated with others in a low voice, "The battle situation was so chaotic before, and there was no news in the city. I really want to worry about you to death."

"Those are all in the past," Hua Yixi held her hand, and asked her in a low voice, "You look thinner, does Jiang Xingyun make things difficult for you?"

Ru Hua shook her head, "The battle situation is tight, he doesn't care about me, Hua Rong moved to live with me at that time."

"What do you want for tea, bring wine." Hua Yichao drank, and the waiter who was guarding outside immediately brought two jars of good wine.

"Master, the best Hantan incense."

Hearing the voice of owner, Ruhuahua thought of something, turned her head, "When did you open the restaurant?"

Hua Yichao ignored her and opened the altar on her own.

Ruhuahua was silent, she moved towards him with a teacup, and she immediately praised, "Brother, you are dressed so imposingly today, you have an invincible prestige."

Hua Yichao, "I haven't changed my clothes for three days."

Ruhuahua: "Uh..."

Getting closer, Hua Yizhao smelled the faint scent of incense on her body, her brows furrowed, but her voice was still tense, "I don't know how to sit, go back and sit!"

Ru Hua shrank back listlessly, "Sister, brother, did you eat gunpowder today..."

Hua Yixi whispered in her ear, "A lot of people here and there came to seek refuge. He was so busy that he didn't close his eyes for many days, and he tried to go to the city to rob people several times but failed. He must be angry."

Ruhuahua asked in a breathy voice: "Who will be robbed? Me?"

"What do you say?"

Ru Hua scratched her head, "I don't even know."

"That guy wants to save face, so naturally he wouldn't say such things," Hua Yixi raised her chin, and explained to her, "This is the dowry shop that grandma bought for you when she knew you were going back. Some of the merchants who came to the city live here, and their business is fine during non-wartime, if you stay at home honestly and recruit a son-in-law, you can still afford to raise a pretty boy.”

In the past few years when she was looking for someone, she was almost empty-handed, but her expenses were not small, and a lot of her family property was sold off. After she came back, she started to buy things slowly.

Ruhuahua choked, and couldn't help but look up to the other side.

But he saw that the two people on the opposite side had already filled a bowl with clear wine.

Although this Hantan incense is refreshing to drink, it has great stamina.

Ru Hua lay half of her body on the low table, and then she stretched out her hand to press Hua towards the wine jar at hand.

They didn't like each other at first, but after a while they got drunk, what if they started fighting after a disagreement?
Hua Yichao pushed her hand away, "Why, do you want to drink too?"

She stretched out her hand not to hit the smiling face, Ru Huahua gave her a smiling face, and then tactfully persuaded, "Brother, drinking on an empty stomach will hurt your health, why not drink some scented tea to cultivate your health."

"Are you in control?" Hua Yichao snorted, ignored her, and drank a bowl straight away. The aroma of the wine was very strong, and it smelled very intoxicating.

Zhong Liting didn't drink, he pushed the wine bowl out casually, and said seriously, "Master Hou kindly accepts it, but the family is strictly controlled, so he won't drink the wine."

Hua Yichao: "..."


Ruhuahua couldn't help but hook the corners of her lips.

This scene happened to be watched by Hua Yichao. Seeing her being eaten to death like this, she hated iron for not being strong, "What are you laughing at? Haven't you heard any good things? The two specious words of others have coaxed you out of your mind." North, south, east and west."

Ruhuahua looked at Hua Yichao, who was eccentric with yin and yang, and felt a little aggrieved: "...I haven't seen you for a long time, and you scolded me again when you saw me."

Hua Yichao was already angry at this, and snorted when he heard the words, "So you know it's been a long time, I thought you were too happy to think about leaving."

Ru Hua choked, she was really at a disadvantage in this regard.

"……I was wrong."

Zhong Liting said in a gentle voice, "If you want to blame Master Hou, you can blame me. I didn't take good care of her and caused her to suffer some injuries. In fact, she couldn't stay here all this time. She just recovered now and ran out impatiently."

"Injured?" Hua Yi frowned.

Ru Huahua didn't dare to tell them the details, fearing that they would put Zhong Liting's fault on Zhong Liting's head, so she just slapped a haha, and replied vaguely, "I really don't blame others, but the palace was so chaotic that day, I didn't pay attention ..."

Seeing that her limbs look healthy, Hua Yichao directly pulled her over, looked up, down, left, and right, "Where is the injury? Let me see."

Ru Huahua stood up and turned around, "It's just a little bumpy, but it's all over. I didn't dare to mention it because I was afraid that you would worry about it."

Seeing that she can run and jump freely, Hua Yichao felt relieved and ordered, "You go back with me today."

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