Chapter 184

There was a light above his head, it was shining brightly, and he already felt uncomfortable without opening his eyes.

Qi Luan regained his consciousness a bit, but he still couldn't move his body. Hearing the sound of the ticking instrument next to his ears, he couldn't tell whether he was in the operating room or the intensive care unit.

Qi Luan guessed that he should be in the operating room.

Because the voice in his ears was very messy, and there were too many professional terms, he could understand a few words.

There was also an unknown instrument beeping and beeping alternately, so loud that he wanted to smash it to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, something cold and sharp entered his body, and he couldn't move or resist, more than one.The pulsating current slowly passed through his body, and every time the current passed through, it would stimulate his fragile nerves that had not yet recovered.He felt something slowly passing through his body.

Neighboring countries quietly made a big news. The whole world is against the discharge of nuclear waste water into the sea. Everyone thinks they are talking about it.

And him, Qi Luan.They are the first batch of lucky ones. From then on, their life progress is like a hang-up. It will take at least 70 years for others to get rid of suffering and ascend to heaven, but he is different.Possessing the perverted plug-in of nuclear radiation, they ascended to heaven twice as early as they did.

It would be a lie to say that I don’t regret it, I’ve been so busy eating the seafood in the sea, and I haven’t enjoyed so many delicacies, so I’m really not reconciled to dying like this.

What should I eat after the operation is successful?
Steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chick, roasted goose, stewed salted duck, sauced chicken, bacon, pine flower, small belly, dried meat, sausage, assorted sous pan...

A variety of cancer cells live in his body, some coexist peacefully and some fight hand-to-hand, and some are oligarchy, where the enclosure is king. In short, his body is clearly arranged.

Qi Luan licked his lips, feeling a little hungry, he tried his best to open his eyes and saw a familiar person.Dressed in a dark blue military uniform, he was so calm and leisurely doing his job, standing out from a group of busy little white penguins.

The reason why Qi Luan had an impression of him was because he was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes.

But this moment of sobriety has not waited for him to finish reciting the name of the dish and fell into a deep sleep again.

The staff wearing thick protective clothing at the side saw him drooling while licking his lips, lost in thought.

Seeing his lips moving again, he thought there was some amazing secret to tell the world 300 years later, so he hurriedly collected the recording: " really want to eat...big...big elbow .”


Even if it is about love and hatred, they need to analyze it for a long time, but after saying this, the result is already very clear.

This sentence fully expresses his deep feelings for food, even in a coma, he never forgets it, shows his love for food, praises the good life, and fully demonstrates his positive and optimistic attitude towards life and living habits.This is the love for Chinese food, and it is also the most sincere confession of food. It is really touching!
The assistant on the side wrote down this sentence, and wrote down his own understanding of this sentence happily.

Qi Luan was a lucky and unlucky person.

Unfortunately, because he has been kept as an experimental subject for more than 300 years, fortunately, someone had an itchy hand and dripped his own blood into it, which caused him to wake up.

On the day he recovered, the Institute even applied for the army, but fortunately, the expected situation did not happen.

"Report! Breathing is normal."

"Report! The blood test is normal."

"Report! The energy fluctuation detection is normal."


Each inspector is wearing a bulky protective suit, one by one, like an enlarged version of a penguin, moving cumbersomely in the laboratory.

As the starting point of all the reasons, Yu Qi also witnessed the whole process of Qi Luan's waking up.But he seemed a little bored, he didn't understand these things at all, and wanted to walk around, but someone respectfully asked him to continue sitting.

He slaughtered a city of people, a city of polluted people, but I don’t know why when he went back, he said that his ability was out of control and slaughtered a city of normal people.

Immediately afterwards he was downgraded, he is not even a small member now, he is now a non-staff member of this laboratory.

Yu Qi changed his sitting position in annoyance, the murderous aura unconsciously released from his body made the legs of the person closest to him weak.He kept his eyes on the person on the bed. The person had been soaked in an unknown liquid for too long, his face had some abnormal blue-gray, and the back molars moved from time to time, as if they were grinding their teeth.

He was also surprised that he was able to wake up.

It's like wanting to keep a pet on a whim, but after a few days of keeping it impatient, I was just about to abandon it but got entangled.

"Observer Yu, this is the physical examination report of Subject No. [-]."


"Has the test report come out?"

As soon as this was over, people called one after another. He hung up on many calls, but finally got through to one of them. He couldn't refuse this person.

"The test subject has recovered its vital signs and is expected to wake up in a month."

"Okay, you continue to observe, and report to me immediately if you find that he has special abilities."


Yu Qi squeezed his cell phone, with a gloomy face, and left the laboratory with the physical examination report.

"Have you heard? The new observer is from the Special Clearing Department!"

It was still early, and the people in the corridor walked slowly with the exhaustion of the early morning.

"Is it the day when subject No. [-] woke up, all the experimenters were evacuated, and the one who went in alone?"

"That's right, that's him, and now he's the No. 13 observer of Experimental No. [-]."

"What's the matter with the alliance? The observers sent down are more and more unprofessional. It turns out that they are still looking for people from the laboratory. Can anyone come as an observer now?"

"Hey, keep your voice down, don't you know what kind of place the Special Qing Department is? They're all a bunch of unreasonable brats.

And it's still an unstable person who just finished slaughtering, so I don't know what to think.Don't pull my clothes, my information is about to drop..."


The curtains in Qi Luan's laboratory were pulled open at once, and one of them immediately shut up knowingly, but the other said something was up, and even hinted from his companion, only to realize something was wrong afterward.

Yu Qi folded his arms and leaned against the glass. Today he changed into a white coat and wore a new wristband developed by Aichi Company on his wrist.

Yu Qi's aggressive eyes captured their positions, and as long as he thought about it, he could immediately draw out his gun and reject these two blind people.

They could clearly see Yu Qi's eyes outside, and they were suppressed by the powerful biological instinct, and they dared not make any resistance.

An hour ago
Qi Luan woke up with the idea of ​​eating as much as he could eat, but he got excited when he saw Yu Qi's face.

If it weren't for his body not recovering now, he would probably jump up the clouds and jump up and down the river like Sun Monkey did when he got somersaulting clouds.

Come on!I am not dreaming!When I woke up, I could see him!God!I can't believe it.I... I... I... feel the breath... no...

Qi Luan's last rationality controlled himself not to scream. Although he couldn't stop him from being ashamed, it could save him a last bit of decency.

But what he didn't expect was that he rolled out of bed with excitement and passed out.

Yu Qi: "..." Is it so scary?

When he woke up again, he found that Yu Qi hadn't left yet, which proved that this was not a dream, and he passed out after being too excited for a while.

Yu Qi watched as Qi Luan's pupils dilated, the blue-gray color hadn't dissipated, his face was distorted, and one hand was still holding on to the bed sheet desperately. He tried to break it, but with great strength, he might break it if he forcibly broke it.

He couldn't help but fell into reflection,
Am I really that scary?
The doctor blocked him with his body while resuscitating him. He didn't want to be so frightened and fainted by Yu Qi that he finally rescued him.

Troubled the doctor to come to rescue him twice, only to wake up leisurely the third time.

"Am I that scary?"

Mom!The person I have a crush on has spoken to me, and they are still so close, I can't be too happy.His eyelashes are so beautiful, they are long and curly!

Hold!When will I still think about these.Quickly think about what words can shorten the distance, this kind of situation is rare in a thousand years.

Hello?too bland.

What are you doing?Bah, nonsense.

you look goodtoo frivolous.

Where have I seen this brother?too greasy.

I... what should I say to him?

Forget it, never mind.Almighty way of greeting arrangements!
"have you eaten?"

As soon as he said the words, he regretted it, and as soon as he raised his hand, the quilt covered his face.

Qi Luan, you're too fucking embarrassing!When someone asks you something, you actually ask him if he has eaten. What kind of retarded conversation is this?Ahhh, how can I meet people when I go out later?Wait, why is there still wind coming in under the quilt?
Qi Luan suddenly had a bad premonition, looked up, and sure enough, he also covered Yu Qi's head under the quilt.

This TM is too embarrassing!
I, I, I... Listen to my sophistry... Bah, it's an explanation, did I say that I didn't mean to believe in Thaksin?It's so dark under the quilt that he shouldn't be able to see me.

Ahhh, what should I do, how should I explain it?Worried that his head will be cold and catch a cold, does Thaksin believe it?

Qi Luan didn't know that Yu Qi could clearly see all his little tangled expressions. Although he was dumbfounded at the moment when the quilt was put on his head, it was interesting to see his tangled expressions.

His little pet was a little more interesting than he had imagined, and suddenly he wanted to tease him a little bit.

In the darkness, Qi Luan heard him chuckle twice, followed by the sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

"What do you want to say to me?" The distance between the two of them was very close, and Yu Qi deliberately leaned into his ear, this move almost made Qi Luan's brain crash on the spot.

"I...I..." Qi Luan really misses being able to pass out just now, but now when he wants to pass out, he just can't pass out. The difficulty is that he just fainted too much and developed antibodies?
What did you say to him then?Say I'm a bit hot and go out to get some air, you're cold and you stay under the quilt?
Or, you are good or bad, I like it very much.hiss!Goosebumps shook a pound.

He decided to pretend to have amnesia, as long as his mental quality is strong enough, the embarrassment is not him, but someone else.

"I... I'm a little hungry." Qi Luan finished speaking quickly, feeling his face burn.

It has been a month since he woke up last time, and he has been hanging on the nutrient solution. Although his body has recovered a lot, the emptiness in his stomach is hard to hide.

Yu Qi put the porridge that he had prepared a long time ago next to him, and looked at Qi Luan who had been huddled under the blanket and refused to come out to meet people, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He lifted Qi Luan's self-deceiving tortoise shell and brought the porridge in front of him. The aroma of the preserved egg and lean meat porridge made him almost swallow the bowl on the spot.

"Aren't you hungry? What are you still doing hiding in there?"

Adjusting the height with one hand, and holding the bowl in the other, he fished out Qi Luan's head, seeing that he was still looking stupid, he directly scooped a spoonful of porridge into his mouth.

After Qi Luan fed a bowl of porridge, his head was still dizzy.

Happiness comes too much, and the machine is stuck.

"I'll give you another place to rest."

Yu Qi suddenly opened the curtains and stood by the side for a while.

"oh oh."

Qi Luan waited for a while before he realized that he was about to say something when he suddenly felt something hard under his body, which felt a bit like paper.

This is……

Is it...

Is it the note he wrote me?

Qi Luan happily stuffed the note into his cuff, what would the male god write for him?

There are several surveillance cameras installed in this room, and there is also a one-way glass, so that everyone can keep an eye on his movements, and it is inconvenient for him to take out the note to read.

There are still some instruments on the table that are too late to be removed. These things will not be found in the hospital at first glance. He has a rough guess about where he is, but further verification is still needed.

He looked at the one-way glass, and there was an unfamiliar face reflected on the pitch-black glass. Although it was very similar to his face, it was not his.

This was what he expected.

In fact, what happened is similar to Mr. Zhou’s description, and some details are omitted, such as they were looking for and talking, and if they can’t find it, they will have a second child, and the real one scratched their hands, but the husband gave it away. Hugged and then began to show affectionate relationship, Mr. Zhou wished to get out of the single as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhou. I will take Sijia back to education first, and I will come to school tomorrow to receive punishment."

Her mother seemed to be very angry, and she didn't care that she was at school, so she took Cheng Sijia's ear and left.

hurt, hurt, hurt

Cheng Sijia showed that she had never been treated like this before, hugged her mother with her backhand, and rubbed her chest: "Mom, I was wrong. I will never run away from home again."

Her mother put her hand down, but her face was still full of anger: "If you want to act like a spoiled child to your father, I won't accept your trick."

(End of this chapter)

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