Chapter 25 My house collapsed, how about you?

In the whole Qingping, he, Mo, can be regarded as the number one person in the top row. How many people would dare not follow his invitation to invite someone?

Except for Cui's boss and Baiweizhen, who he can't afford to offend, how many other families would dare to refuse?

Mo Zhangshi glanced at the things on the table, and what was wrapped in oil paper was this thing called barbecue.

What's so delicious about this mundane thing that doesn't contain any spiritual power?Will the food they make with the meat of spirit beasts be delicious?

He dismissed it, and had no desire to taste it, so he pointed to someone at random and asked him to taste it.

"Go and try."

I realized that the person was the one who was attracted by the fragrance before, and when he heard that Mo Zhangshi asked him to go up and taste it, he was immediately elated and hurried forward.

Gently, a string came out from the inside, and it was golden and slightly burnt, with a trace of red oil, which greatly increased people's appetite.

Tear off a piece from the bamboo stick and put it in his mouth. It is a taste he has never experienced before. It is different from the deliciousness of spirit beast meat. It is more of a fusion of various seasonings and meat, and the oily water bursts in his mouth. satisfaction.

Director Mo originally wanted to hear the opinions of his subordinates, but when he saw the expression of enjoyment on his face, he immediately withdrew his thoughts.

Pooh!Mud cannot support the wall.

I have never seen anything in the world, and I feel that this kind of thing is easy to eat, and I really lose my face.

Director Cui saw how delicious his food was, and suddenly felt the urge to have a taste.

He also saw the disdain on Mo Zhangshi's face, and the deepest thought in his heart was to see how long he could be arrogant.

He already felt that with his attitude before, he almost turned against Xieyang Gu's family, and seeing that his attitude now would sooner or later follow in his own footsteps.

He didn't want to cause another show, maybe this was his chance to show off, and quietly let all the people under him go to another place.

"Have you seen that place? Each of you will receive 20 taels of silver, and you will spend all of it, not even a single copper!"

The guys looked at the place Cui was pointing at, and looked around in a daze. Isn't that the woman who found fault?
For such a small stall, 20 taels is enough to buy all the things, why do so many of them need to buy them.

Isn't this obviously sending money?
Cui Zhangshi carefully told them not to allow them to spend the money without permission.

If that Miss Gu hadn't said that she couldn't reveal her identity, he would have acted like a thief in sneaking some money.

"Master Cui, how can she be worth so much money for you to ask more than 20 of us to buy her little things?"

"Buy as much as you can, and give them money if you can't buy it."

Manager Cui paced back and forth in the room, and that Miss Gu had her own ideas in everything she said and did, and she couldn't confirm whether she would accept her money.

Someone from the outside hurried in, but he was able to run into the private room next door after a while.

"Master Mo, the heads of all the families have come and are already waiting outside, but... only three families are missing."

"Hmph! Those three families again?"

Manager Mo was drinking tea, when he suddenly heard a message from his subordinates, he stopped the tea that was about to be delivered an inch away from him, and put the lid on the teacup heavily, making a crisp "click".


Although these three families are not as famous as their Shixianglou, they are all hard-headed guys, and they still refuse to bow to them.

Leaving aside the other two families, let’s talk about how he went to deliver a message to the south side today, and he was kicked out by those brutal men from Huixiang Pavilion within a short time after he stepped in.

"Hmph! A group of people who don't know good and bad. Leave them alone. Let's go and meet these people outside."

"Wait! Invite Mr. Cui as well."

Mo Yi slapped his forehead, and there was another person who forgot to invite him, he was also confused, and only thought of inviting Cui Zhangshi when he was about to go in.

"Mo Zhang is here."

"Don't be in charge, you can be regarded as waiting for you."

Some people came early and waited here for a long time. Seeing more and more people coming, they couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Every family has something to do, and the guys have come to urge them several times.

"Don't be in charge, what's the rush to invite us all here? I still have a mess waiting for me to deal with."

As soon as Mo Zhangshi came out, a short and fat man came out, bowing to his luggage while walking.

"That's right! Don't be in charge, but what is Cui's order? Call all the family's in charge?"

"Shopkeeper Sun, Manager Wang, and Manager Cui will be here later. Don't be in a hurry, it's a big deal to invite you here. Everyone, please."

Manager Mo was seated at the top on the left, and the managers of each family sat on the left and right. The shopkeeper Sun who spoke just now was sitting at the head on the right side.

Cui Zhangshi sat on top, drinking tea wholeheartedly.

"Did every family encounter some troubles today? For example, the person in charge of cooking suddenly fell ill? The food was stolen? The beam collapsed? Or the murder of a wanted criminal?"

After Mo Zhangshi finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed slightly, but they quickly returned to normal. First, they glanced at Cui Zhangshi's expression, and then carefully checked other people's reactions.

Director Cui put down his teacup and said, "This time, Director Mo is here to discuss matters with everyone, so you don't have to be restrained."

After Director Cui finished speaking, someone asked, "Director Mo, what do you mean?"

Shopkeeper Sun, who was at the top, asked puzzledly, and he also noticed the abnormal expressions on everyone's faces.I thought that what Zhang Shi said must have something to do with them.

"Haha, I don't mean anything else. Aren't you all curious that what happened today is too coincidental?"

He sat on the top, and all the expressions of the people present could be seen.

The old foxes of the several families were all calm, and their thoughts were not revealed on their faces, but some people who had just become in charge lost their timidity first.

Seeing the hesitation on the faces of those families, Mo Zhangshi stopped talking, took a sip of tea, and smiled even more in his heart.

"Mo Zhangshi, do you mean that all the families present have encountered the strange things you mentioned?"

Shopkeeper Sun is indeed the person who has the closest relationship with Hui Weixiang, and he immediately understood what the other party meant.

The incident happened in a short period of time, and the loss was huge. Each family didn't want to damage their own signboards, and they didn't dare to publicize this incident to the outside world.

They all do the same business, and they are all brothers when there is nothing to do on weekdays. When something happens, everyone wants to turn into a jackal, tiger and leopard. If they don't eat a few pieces of meat, who will let go?

So each one of them covered their mouths tightly, and didn't share the slightest word with the others.

But if someone notices it and pays special attention to this matter, they will be able to find out a lot of news immediately.

Originally, each family had kept all these bad news under wraps, but there was one person who was unruly and lifted everyone's fig leaf.

The heads of each family whispered to each other, talking softly.

"Shopkeeper Sun, did something happen to you that day in Weilou?"

Then the lady who thought she was about 35 years old spoke up, wearing light green cloud brocade dress, dignified and elegant, with a bit of shrewdness between her brows.

"Hey! I don't know what happened today, but the girder suddenly broke. If a few monks hadn't come, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to open the Tianwei Building today."

Shopkeeper Sun smiled bitterly, how could he reopen the store in two or three months?
The fact that they were making such a fuss was so great that they couldn't even cover it up. A three-story attic collapsed in half.

Anyone who sees it will ask, this bad news will grow wings, how can we stop it?
(End of this chapter)

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