Chapter 27 Seems to have found something incredible

As soon as Shen Suiyao came out with the package, the novel payment method instantly reduced the super long line to a quarter of its original size.

The wooden box for collecting the money was full four times, and the ingredients she brought were reduced by half. Gu Xuanyi's hands softened, and she didn't complain. Instead, she felt that she could make money with her own hands, and she was very happy.

The busiest one should be Mei Ping, but he was so indescribably excited watching the copper coins being thrown in, that he was almost three points more attentive than his usual practice of swordsmanship.

In less than half a day, the ingredients they brought were not enough. He was cutting vigorously, and when he reached out to touch the treasure bag, he found that it was empty. Very worried.

Quietly walked up to Shen Suiyao, and whispered: "We have used up all the spare ingredients, what should we do?"

Shen Suiyao was startled, she was busy with grilling, and never found out that there was not enough ingredients, so she wondered if it was too late to buy some?
"Hurry up and suspend the distribution of wooden signs, go to the meat market to buy a batch first, and finish the scheduled ones..."

"Is there not enough ingredients? I have them here!"

I have been stringing continuously for half a day, and I am really tired. I was planning to rest after stringing ten more, but when I stretched out my hand, I found that it was gone.

Stretching and relaxing his arms, he looked around for the figure of his senior brother, asking him to cut some, only to find that the two of them were standing together and muttering about something.

After listening closely, I realized that the original ingredients were not enough. This is easy to say. When I first came out of Shixianglou, the shopkeeper was very enthusiastic. He gave her a lot of spirit beast meat and several treasure bags.

At that time, she thought it would be good to take it back to improve the food for everyone, so she accepted it, but unexpectedly it came in handy.

He hurriedly took out all the gifts he had received, and Shen Suiyao and Mei Ping each held two treasure bags, and after checking them, they were both stunned.

Although the spirit beasts inside are some common ones, they can't stand the large number and contain a lot of spiritual power, so they are not cheap at first glance.

"How do you have so much spirit beast meat?" The two said in unison, equally shocked.

The reason why spirit beasts are sold more expensive than ordinary beasts is that in addition to eating them, the spiritual power contained in them can help in cultivation, even if ordinary people eat them, they are also very nourishing.

"Hee hee, didn't I tell you guys? The manager gave me some small gifts."

"You call these little presents?"

Gu Xuan was also a little guilty, and she didn't want to say more, so she quickly pushed her brother back to her original position, "Senior brother, hurry up and cut, I'm done! A Yao, turn over quickly, it's almost a mess!"

The two of them planned to ask more questions, but the people behind were still waiting, so it was not easy to ask more questions.

He could only take some of the spirit beasts contained in the treasure bag and cook them.

But after a while, Shen Suiyao baked another oven, Mei Ping was so busy that he had no time to spare, and the task of packing was handed over to Gu Xuanyi for a long time.

Gu Xuan finally got some free time, and finally went to A Yao's place to get two skewers to taste.

"Ayao! This is too delicious! Why haven't I seen you use it before?"

This is what made Shen Suiyao sad all of a sudden. These things have to be exchanged with system gold coins. As a small supporting role in the [-]th line, she will exchange these things with money first.

If the amount of this task was not too attractive, otherwise she would not sign the loan. This is a new content after the upgrade, but the interest is a bit high.

"Eat less, it won't be enough for business in a while, I will make it for you alone when I go back."

"All right!"

Gu Xuan was also so happy that she jumped up immediately, if A Yao was not busy now, she could not wait to throw herself into A Yao's arms.

"Little friend, which sect are you disciples from?"

The unlucky Taoist has observed them for a long time, and even though they don't have waist tags, they can be seen to be disciples' uniforms at a glance.

He wanted to know from which sect disciples such a wonderful person appeared.

"Luoxia Sect, I think fellow Taoist has an extraordinary appearance, he should be from a famous family!"

The busiest time has passed, and it is time for Shen Suiyao to take a breather. While flipping the barbecue in her hand, she answers the questions of the unlucky Taoist.

The unlucky Taoist laughed, took a sip of wine and said, "Where did you find out that you are a famous family, I am just a casual cultivator wandering around."

"Fellow Daoist travels to many places, I wonder if there are some interesting things along the way that you can tell us?"

"I do have a story to tell here." The Taoist thought for a while, and finally thought of a story to tell.

As soon as she heard that there was a story to tell, Gu Xuanyi immediately moved a small horse to sit next to him obediently.

Even Mei Ping, who was focused on getting into Qian's eye, slowed down his arms and pricked up his ears to listen carefully.

"Have you ever heard of what it means to eat Juehu?"

"I know this. It's a saying among ordinary people. If there is no male in the family, it is an extinct household. And an extinct household means that all the property in the family is eaten up by the whole village."

Mei Ping was born in the secular world, and he was taken up the mountain by his master after he was ten years old. He had also heard of the term "eating an absolute family".

"That's right!" The Taoist nodded as he stroked his sparse beard, which was only three or two.

"When I was young, I passed by a place. The woman's family was a big family, but unfortunately, before she married someone else, her father passed away, and there was no elder brother. There were only three orphans and widows..."

The story was narrated, and Gu Xuan wanted to get into this story even if it was annoying, and beat up the man who cheated his feelings.

After a while, I thought why this young lady was so stupid, she was easily fooled by the other party. After a story was told, everyone was very angry.

"Then the end? The woman entered the General Temple, what happened in the end?"

"Dead! When someone found her, her face was half rotten, and she didn't know where she was dragged out."

The old man shook his head, also in a depressed mood. When he was about to eat a piece of barbecue, he found that there was not a single stick left in the oil paper. Instead, Gu Xuanyi had piled up a lot of bamboo sticks in front of him, so he became impatient.

Hearing the final ending, Gu Xuan also held the bamboo stick in her hand and hit the table with a hammer, making everyone jump.

"That's it? I don't believe it, you must not have told us all about the ending!"

"What I'm talking about is the whole ending. If the person dies, their family will be wiped out. Besides, little friend, what you eat seems to be my food!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I want to eat something while I'm listening to the story. I'll give you back after eating these."

Gu Xuan also blushed so badly that she hurriedly apologized to him, and quickly took a hand from Shen Suiyao.

"How is that man?"

Shen Suiyao is also curious about the ending of this story, she always feels that the ending this person said is not the ending of this story.

"With a wealth of wealth, marry a wife and have children, and become a wealthy family!"

(End of this chapter)

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