Chapter 45
"Hey, if there is someone under my sect who deceives teachers and destroys ancestors like him, I will turn into hatred after I die, and I will get rid of this person with my own hands."

From the previous conversation, I learned that the unlucky Taoist's surname is Zhong, and at the moment he is berating a monk named Xu Yan, who has practiced the magic way, and finally killed all the masters.

When they were discovered, they could only see the broken limbs all over the place, and the black and red blood and filth were all over the place. Many disciples immediately vomited a piece when they saw the scene for the first time.

And he was even more vicious to his master, he just destroyed the limbs to his fellow disciples, and he quickly dealt with them, but he didn't torture them for several days and nights.

But as his master, he was not so lucky. Not only were his limbs cut off by this person, but he was also planted in a small urn filled with devilish energy.

This devilish energy would erode his body along the tendons, causing him incomparable pain. Although it cost him his cultivation, he still hanged his life for a few days with elixirs, and survived in pain for a long time before he died.

It can be seen that this son is only vicious, if such a devil is allowed to grow up, he might be one of the next top ten protectors.

As soon as this incident happened, it caused a huge shock in this world that values ​​the inheritance of teachers and morals.

For a while, the major Xiuxian sects conducted strict inspections on their own disciples. Once they found out that the disciple had practiced the magic way in private, he would definitely face extremely cruel punishment.

It is heard that several sects have found out the close contacts between their disciples and members of the demon sect, and the next day someone saw the corpse in Luanhungang.

Moreover, many demon sects have also suffered indiscriminate disasters, and some weak demon sects were wiped out overnight.

The Devil's Cult is the collective name for the Demon Sect. The Devil's Cult is divided into many sects. Just like the Xianmen, it is the collective name for the major sects of the Immortal Sect.

However, in recent years, the Demon Cult has gained a lot of power, and it exists like a pyramid in the Demon Sect. It does not have a strong sense of the existence of other sects, so it gradually uses the Demon Cult to refer to the entire Demon Sect.

Many sects put Xu Yan on the must-kill list, ordering disciples all over the world to hunt and kill him everywhere.

After hearing what he said, Shen Suiyao was relieved. Although it was a little earlier, the general direction has not changed. This famous scene still appeared, so there is no problem.

She just shifted a little bit from the front of the plot, which is no problem, and the instructor has also promised her swearingly.

After all, in the world where they are required to perform tasks, the way of heaven is not complete, they cannot operate independently, and they need the intervention of external forces.

This does not guarantee that all the plots will be exactly the same as the original.

If it deviates a little, the way of heaven in this world will correct itself, but if it deviates too much, the incomplete way of heaven cannot be corrected.

"When you go down the mountain to practice in the future, if you meet this person, remember not to act without authorization. It is best to inform the people of Tianyan Sect."

The strength of Tianyanzong is also ranked in the top ten. Although it is much inferior to Huanyuzong, its disciples are all over the place.

If it wasn't for the empress' reform a hundred years ago, at least one or two high-level officials would be disciples of their sect.

Just as he was talking, an old man suddenly walked up to him, holding a tree trunk as a crutch, and walking slowly, shaking.

The old man was about sixty or seventy years old, with a faded black and blue scarf wrapped around his head, and pale hair protruding from both sides.

In the middle of the night, I met an old man in this wilderness, and there was no spiritual power fluctuation in this person, and there was nothing wrong with him.

There were a few sporadic white light spots in the bushes on both sides of him, just as the eyes of some animal, and he didn't think much about it.

He looked dazed and seemed lost.

"Huh?" Seeing the old man's movement, Daoyou Zhong let out a soft snort, but after he made the sound, the old man opposite seemed to have seen them, and his movements immediately became smooth.

Seeing someone coming, the old man had an indescribable expression on his face, and walked slowly like them with his thick wooden crutches.

"Do you know how to go down the mountain? This old man has been walking around here for a long time, but he still can't get out."

Shen Suiyao saw that his cloth shoes were full of dust, and there were many scratch marks on the bottom of his trousers. He must have lost his way in No. [-] Middle School for a long time.

Thinking of him being so old and still unable to go home to rest in the mountains, my heart softened for a moment.

And she deliberately turned her head to see Daoyou Zhong, and she didn't see anything wrong with him, so she felt relieved.

He hurriedly greeted him: "We happen to be going down the mountain too, why don't we go down the mountain together?"

Daoyou Zhong originally wanted to remind her aloud, but after another thought, he wanted to see how her homework was doing on weekdays, and if she could notice it herself, so he stood silently by the side.

"Okay, okay, okay, thank you girls for willing to take me down the mountain."

He excitedly said three words in succession to take the initiative to chat with them: "I don't think you behave like ordinary people, you seem to be disciples of the Xianmen."

"Old man, your eyes are really good, we are the disciples of the nearby sect."

The brother who had been in a coma for a long time also woke up and could barely walk by himself.

Gu Xuan also changed her heavy heart, and started a family routine with the old man very familiarly.

"Are you disciples of that sect? Why have I never seen the disciple uniforms on you before?"

Hearing that they said that he was a disciple of Xianmen, the old man's eyes moved.

"Old man, our sect has always kept a low profile. It's normal that you haven't heard of it before."

When Gu Xuan was chatting with the old man with a smile, Shen Suiyao was about to insert into it, when she suddenly saw the white bright spot beside the forest slowly getting bigger.

From the most central position, it slowly infects and spreads to the surroundings, like silk.

From the size of a firefly at the beginning, it slowly grew to the size of a baby's fist.

The light cluster has no fixed shape, it is soft and soft, like a cloud from the sky falling to the ground.

Slowly, such irregular clouds slowly merged and turned into little people.

Shen Suiyao thought it was her own hallucination, and was about to let Gu Xuanyi take a look, but found that she was holding her senior brother with one hand, and the old man with the other, walking away Xu Yuan talking and laughing.

"Gu Xuanyi! Gu Xuanyi! Brother? Brother?"

Shen Suiyao yelled several times in a hurry, but they continued to walk forward as if they didn't hear.

And every time they took a step, this cloud-like white light group spread everywhere.

"Old man, how can you be in this barren mountain?"

"I remember that I seemed to be going somewhere, but when I got here, I forgot, and lost my way in a hurry."

The two were still walking and chatting, but they didn't notice any changes around them.

The blob of light, as light as a cloud, changed from an inexplicable shape to a baby, and then to a boy.

Wisp after strand spread over, she was scared and curious at the same time.

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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