Chapter 48 Entering the Memory of Nian
One by one, small figures are walking quickly on the extremely long scroll, sometimes many people gather together, and sometimes only a few people gather together.

Parting and rejoining, some new villains are added from time to time, and some clues can only be judged by using body movements and the surrounding environment, as if watching a pantomime.

Shen Suiyao found that although the little people on the scroll kept changing, two of them remained fixed.

Is this the old man and his obsession?

She had just had such an idea, when suddenly her eyes blurred, the white soul energy around her disappeared, and those little white people who could move seemed to be hallucinations.

It was replaced by a wooden house with a lot of chili and garlic hanging on the roof, and a few chickens thumping and crowing in the distance.

The wooden house is dilapidated, like the person standing outside beside "her", weather-beaten and already aged.

is this there?

She was lost in thought, completely unaware that there was another person beside her, when suddenly a generous and gentle palm appeared on her shoulder.

She was startled, but her body couldn't be controlled by him, and she didn't follow her thoughts to take a step back.

Instead, he stood obediently, felt the strength from his shoulders, and then looked in that direction blankly.

What's wrong with me?Why can't I move?

Is it possessed?Or are you imprisoned in someone else's body?
She tried to move her palm, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't lift it halfway, and could only follow the owner of her body.

I saw "she" slowly raised her head, and Shen Suiyao also looked in the direction of the raised head, it was a half-century middle-aged man.

He was smoking a dry tobacco, wisps of bluish-blue smoke drifted out of his mouth, making the sound of "click, click, click".

Shen Suiyao saw that the person's appearance was five points similar to that of the old man, and thought, this could be the old man, right?

Shen Suiyao was thinking in her heart, but the person opposite him said: "Son, don't be so nervous, I believe that Shuiqin will definitely give birth to a fat boy for our Qin family."

When he grinned she saw teeth yellowed by the dry smoke.

who is thistalk to her?
Shen Suiyao was startled, and then realized that the other party should not be talking to herself, but to the owner of this body.

"Dad! I... I'm just a little nervous."

His voice was trembling, mixed with excitement and worry, his eyes wanted to look in, but he was also afraid of being a little scared, so he often took a glance and then quickly looked away.

Um?Although the voice was not full of anger, she could tell it was the old man's voice right away.

Shen Suiyao suddenly realized, so she entered Nian's memory, and she still brought in the first-person perspective?

After knowing her situation, she felt relieved, and treated herself as a bystander, watching his memory with cold eyes.

"She" glanced inside, there were bursts of loud cries of pain coming from inside, and at the same time there were a few steady voices, it was not difficult to guess that a woman was giving birth inside.


"Put hard! Push hard, persevere, you can already see the head."

This is where his obsession started. Did something happen to make him feel guilty?

The scene here is very simple, and the things are very ordinary, that is, a woman gives birth to a child.

Did a dystocia happen, and then Mrs. Wen ran out and asked him to protect the older one?
He chose to be small, and then his wife's death became his obsession?
Or did he give birth to a daughter, but his father was extremely patriarchal and drowned directly?
Feeling guilty about her daughter's death and left obsession?

Just as he was still thinking about it, suddenly there was a joyful cry from inside: "It's born, it's born, it's a man with handles!"

Hearing that it was a boy, the father and son standing outside burst into laughter from ear to ear. They wanted to go in several times, but they were pushed out by the people inside.

Shen Suiyao was startled, nothing that she imagined happened, it was a rare safe ending for mother and child.

It's something that happens to every household in this world. There's nothing to be obsessed with here. Why is it so important to remember?

Wanting to try to control this body and go to other places to see if there are other clues, the next scene will come soon.

His eyes dazzled, and a noisy voice rang in his ears.

"Eat! Eat! Eat! You should eat more today!"

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, save some for me!"

"Mom! I've eaten white rice!"


Immediately afterwards, she saw an extremely startling scene.

A road that is more than 200 meters long is full of seats and benches, and it seems that there is no end to it.

This road is extremely wide, even if three tables are placed side by side, it is extremely wide.

What kind of place is this, why are there so many people eating here?Is it the running water banquet set up by a rich man who gets married?
Not only was she extremely surprised, even the owner of this body was also extremely surprised.

"Father, sit here, sit here."

Shen Suiyao looked up at the person who called him father. He was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old man with similar features in his eyes.

This is his old man's son.They are already so big, how many years have passed?
Before she could think about it, she started talking, and Shen Suiyao hurriedly listened carefully, for fear of missing any clues.

"This Xu family is really very generous. To set up another day's running water table here, it will cost a lot of money just for this round!"

"How else can I say that the Jiang family is rich!"

"Hush! You should talk less today, eat more, yes eat!"

"That's right! Uncle Wang, it's hard for us to eat this for several lifetimes. Hurry up and eat some more today."

"Come, come, there's still wine here, it's from Li's shop..."

Jiang family?The Xu family?
Shen Suiyao thinks that she seems to have grasped the important point, the Jiang family, there used to be a Jiang family in Liangshui Town, but now there is no more, there must be a reason for this.

The Xu family, the person I met last time was also surnamed Xu, but there was still something missing, she couldn't connect them together.

She still wanted to listen to a few more sentences, but the two people next to her stopped talking about this matter. She wanted to control her body to ask, but forgot that she couldn't speak.

She seems to be watching a movie now, and she can bring the protagonist into the immersive viewing, but she can't change the protagonist's words and deeds.

"Is this the place you mentioned? Tell me, did you do that?"

"His" tone is very bad, and she is very familiar with "his" mood changes in "him".

What happened made "him" feel scared and terrified in his heart, and his hands couldn't help trembling.

"Father, how can I do such a wicked thing that will be punished."

"Then what did you do when you came back so late one day?"

(End of this chapter)

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