Chapter 58 Nine Listening to Stories

At present, the search for the elixir to save the elder brother has failed, so he can only go to the Mingyue Terrace to try his luck first.

It was still some time before dark, and she wanted to figure out what she had always wanted to figure out, but she had no chance to figure it out.

Miss Jiang, who is this?
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were three very rhythmic knocks on the door, accompanied by a very respectful voice: "Girl, your meal is ready."

"Send it in!"

"Ayao, come over and have a taste. All I order are the signature dishes here. Isn't this better than the food on the mountain?"

Gu Xuan didn't say where she got her money from, and she tacitly didn't ask.


In the past few days, she hasn't eaten anything delicious. She only eats some boiled vegetables. With the little koi beside her, she can get some wild game from time to time. Otherwise, with her luck, maybe I can't eat meat for a long time.

"Two slow use."


Just as Xiao Er was about to leave, Shen Suiyao quickly saw him and called to stop him.

"Girl, is there anything else I need to do?"

Stuffing some pieces of silver into his hand, he said casually: "I like to listen to some weird stories on weekdays. I wonder if there are any strange stories circulating in your county?"

Shen Suiyao didn't know when and where this young lady of the Jiang family was from. She once went to the teahouse where the information was the most circulated to ask, but either she didn't know, or she dared not tell.

The waiter in the store looked very young, about fourteen to five six, she just asked casually, and didn't put her hopes on him.

Xiao Er shook the silver he collected twice in his hands, and without looking at it, he knew that there was a lot of broken silver, and his smile became even wider.

"There are a lot of weird things in our county. I don't know what kind of things the girl wants to hear?"

Seeing that he was so full of words, he added: "What I want to hear are real people and real stories, don't talk about nonsense."

"You're joking, girl. If I can tell nonsense stories, then I should be a storyteller instead of here."

Shen Suiyao saw that what he said was well-founded, and she was also a sharp-talking talent.

"Then pick two and talk about them."

Gu Xuan is also very interested in the story, and she has been waiting eagerly for a long time since Shen Suiyao talked with Xiaoer.

"Let's not talk about the distance, let's talk about the nearest village to Liangshui Town, that village is called Xujiaba, and there are hundreds of families in the village.

The people there have been farmers for generations, relying on the half-acre of land in their hands for food, and the whole village uses a well for food and water.

However, it has been used for so many years without incident, and suddenly it was cut off in a year with a lot of rain.It was a strange thing, and many people remember it.

There were so many villages near it that year, and there were so many rains, the well water dried up naturally. "

"What kind of queer thing is that? Isn't it natural for wells to run dry?"

Gu Xuan also heard a lot of stories, and it was not so easy to be fooled, so she immediately heard the flaws in it.

"The little one didn't lie. That well is famous nearby as a never-drying well. Even in a drought year that is rare in a hundred years, it has never dried up."

"Go on and pick some key points."

Shen Suiyao took out some broken silver coins, which were a bit bigger than the previous one.

"Well, the most unusual thing about that village is that no one in their village has ever lived past the age of 40. It seems that someone offended some mountain god and was cursed by the mountain god.

I think, what is the reason. "

Shen Suiyao involuntarily straightened her hand while eating, why does this part of the story sound so familiar?
"Oh! I remembered, it seems that a person surnamed Qin, who desecrated the mountain god on the mountain, was drained by the mountain god and hung his blood on a tree. Since then, no one in that village has lived beyond the age of 40. people."

It will be different immediately after adding money, and you won't say a lot of useless words.

"This is also considered a rare incident, but did something happen after this incident?"

Shen Suiyao kept seducing him, expecting him to tell more secrets, she had already guessed that the strange thing that the young man said was the old man's village.

But there must be other unknown things, such as the beautiful but extremely dangerous pool of clear water, what is the mysterious formation, and what do those men in black want to do?
It was a mystery she wanted to solve.

"I also heard that there is a strange phenomenon in another place, not far from that place, separated by a village or two.

I heard that when I was walking at night, I could hear the sound of babies crying. I searched for many priests to see, but I didn't find anything, and nothing happened, so everyone only thought it was because of the wind.

That's why that road is also called Yingtiao Ghost Road, but just in the past few days, when a group of human traffickers passed by, they all died on that road, and there were five small black spots on their necks.

After careful comparison, I found some small dots, which were clearly the baby's finger prints! "

Shen Suiyao heard that there were ghosts haunting there, so she silently turned it into her own restricted area, and even if she was killed, she couldn't enter.

Although Xiaoer's words were dry, Gu Xuan still listened with gusto, especially when he heard that a group of human traffickers had died at that time, he was even more in a good mood, and kept stuffing a lot of meat into his mouth. The face was bulging.

"Then how did you know?"

"The girls who were kidnapped by the traffickers all escaped and reported to the officials, and the rumor spread everywhere. Later, the girls' family members thought that there must be a god there, and many people went to worship."

The trafficker died, and the girls all ran away?
Shen Suiyao had some doubts about this, how could there be such a coincidence?

"By the way, I heard that there will be a good show at Mingyue Terrace tonight. Where is Mingyue Terrace?"

"Oh, we call it a blessing ceremony. It is a ceremony for the grown-up children of the family. There will be singing and dancing, and the whole town is invited to watch."

As soon as he mentioned this, he was very proud. When he became an adult, he would go up there. At that time, the most respected people in the town would toast them. This was a great honor.

Is the Patriarch of the Xu family usually approachable by a small person like him?Only when this happens can we see it up close.

"Who will bear the expenses?"

Just hearing what he said, she felt that this was definitely an event that cost a lot of money, and it was something that ordinary families could hold.

"The Xu family! All expenses are borne by the Xu family, and it was held because the old man of the Xu family likes to get along with young people.

Moreover, the Xu family is a first-class benevolent person in our place. They hold a flowing banquet every year, and the ingredients they use are also very solid. "

(End of this chapter)

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