Chapter 65
"what happened?"

They were maintaining the operation of the formation in another place, but suddenly found that the formation above to conceal the aura had been broken.

"Master He, the outer formation has been broken, and two Nascent Soul cultivators broke in!"

"The people from the Illusory Royal Sect have caught up so quickly? Come on, hurry up and delay, this beast is what the Nine Protectors want!"

They have been active underground, and they were accidentally exposed last time, and they were targeted by the Illusion Yuzong. They didn't know what was going on, and they thought that the Illusion Yuzong came to the door so quickly this time.

But the formation here has been arranged for a long time. When seeing that the thought is about to be eroded into evil, he is reluctant to give up the obsession that is about to become evil.

With an order, all the people below rushed out of the door, trying their best to prevent the two from entering.

There was another strong shaking inside the cave, and many people couldn't stand still for a while, people from the outside rushed in forcefully, seeing that the leaders were two monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, they must be members of the Illusion Yuzong.

At this time, Elder Wei and Elder Wei only saw a formation that was in line with the formation outside.

"This is the Qijue Formation! Who brought such a vicious formation into the world again?"

Fu Yun is the new head of a sect, and he knows the art of Fu Ling best.Most of the formations arranged by the bastards on the mountain were suppressed by him.

When he came here to establish a sect, he found a trace of demonic energy here. He thought it was someone from the demonic sect active here, and he kept staring at it, but he didn't want to find it when he closed the net today. Things are not as he imagined.

These people are obviously raising evil spirits. Once successful, the people in these three towns will become the nourishment for evil spirits to be born, and they may become evil spirits in an instant!

Hearing what the senior brother said, Elder Wei was also taken aback. Yang Chong is enough to scare people, but the appearance of these seven unique formations is even more terrifying than Yang Chong.

This is a formation that has been banned. I didn't expect to meet a lost formation in such a small town.

"Stop them!"

People from the two parties meet each other life and death when they come into contact, and after one person dies, another person quickly makes up for it.

The two people who seemed to be the leaders hurried to the direction of the altar, using their body's devilish energy to ripen the evil spirits under the formation.

This formation has been in operation here for a hundred years, and it is only ten years away from killing the suppressed things, but I don't want to make a mistake here.

Once they are released now, all their previous efforts will be in vain, and they will no longer care about pretending, and will try their best to stabilize the formation.

After Shen Suiyao fell into the water, her first reaction was to float up immediately, but she didn't expect that the water here could not only shield her spiritual power, but also shield her own perception.

She waved her arms vigorously, only to get a vague sound, as if she fell into a jar of sticky syrup, no matter how hard she tried, she was only a little away from the water.

The sticky texture made it very difficult for her to move underwater, but she gritted her teeth and fell into the water unprepared, which put her in a very hypoxic situation.

I don't know if she thought the lack of oxygen caused her eyesight, she saw a white halo appeared in front of her, it was the color of pure white like snow, but it was not that dazzling, but very soft.

In this pond with extremely low visibility, that ball of pure white light exists like a beacon, attracting lost people.At the same time, it is also like a trap, luring lost people here.

The pond doesn't look that big from above, only three feet in size, but when you're in it, you realize that the pond is far from what it appears on the surface, and there's a huge space hidden underneath.

Soon, the breath she held was almost used up, but the light in her was still very far away, she couldn't hold it anymore, the severe hypoxia had affected her thinking.

A string of bubbles spit out from her mouth, and she was exhausted when she was still a step away from the light ball, and passed out.

Suddenly a slender hand emerged from the ball of light, quickly dragging her in.

She woke up again, and found that she was no longer in the pool, and the surrounding snow reminded her that she had entered a memory again.

And the gentle woman who appeared in front of her eyes must be the owner of this Nian. She has only seen one Nian, and it is an extremely weak Nian.

It is impossible to condense the virtual and gather the solid, and can only be extracted from the fragments of my own memory.These Daoist Qin had explained it to her in detail, so she is no longer a person who doesn't understand anything.

Before she could say anything, she saw the jade pendant in the other party's hand. She remembered that she put the jade pendant in her arms before she fell into a coma. It seemed that this semi-smart jade pendant had found its owner.

"So you are the owner of this jade pendant?"

Shen Suiyao thought that Ms. Jiang had died a miserable death, and she would look like she did not have now after death, but she was surprisingly beautiful.

"Yes. He came to honor my last words?"

Miss Jiang seemed to touch the jade pendant in her hand with nostalgia. This was her personal jade pendant, which was a gift from her mother during her lifetime.

Before he died, he stayed in front of General Xu'an's temple. He hadn't seen it for almost a hundred years, and he almost couldn't remember what the jade pendant looked like.


After confirming that it was the person who came to honor her last words, she quickly told Shen Suiyao what happened to her.

"That year, my father passed away suddenly. I was the eldest daughter in the family. I had no elder brother or younger brother. I only had a weak mother to accompany me. I also had no uncles and nephews to help me. As the eldest daughter of the family, I wanted to take over the family property , it's a pity that my ignorance killed my mother..."

The pain that has been suppressed for nearly a hundred years has become abnormally calm when it can be said. It does not mean that the hatred has disappeared, but that the pain has been hidden deeper.

"They treated you like this, and you forgave them like this?"

Ms. Jiang recounted the pain of losing her loved ones, her beloved's betrayal, her family property being robbed, her body being thrown in the wilderness, and her obsession turned into being imprisoned here.

"So what? Can the girl help me kill their family?"

It's calm and doesn't seem to have a deep hatred.

One of the things that cultivators fear most is resentment, and if they kill all of Xu's family, they will definitely be full of blood.

Shen Suiyao only thought that she couldn't do it. When she saw her silent, Miss Jiang never blamed her. She had seen many silent people.

"Then I'll do what Miss Jiang wants."

Her meaning is very simple, to follow the law of the world, to avenge her Jiang family, and return their Jiang family's innocence.

Maybe it's because a hundred years have passed in the world, and the enemies of those years have lived up to their existence, that's why it's like this?Shen Suiyao didn't quite understand her thoughts, but since she asked so, she just did it.

Outside, a steady stream of demonic energy poured into the formation from their bodies. The original pool of green water seemed to be soaked in ink, and the black demonic energy spread in a trace. The pool water is very small, so it will only take a while. Only a trace of infection remained.

But the two elders and Wei who came to stop were still blocked, there was still a distance from the formation, and it was too late to stop them.

"Come on! Sui has been cultivated, and I can't stop it!"

Fu Yunxin was also anxious when he saw the beasts being raised in front of her eyes. The beasts raised with the Qijue formation would kill all the living things around them the first thing they did when they broke the formation.

The formation was trembling, as if something was about to come out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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