Chapter 68 No.60 Nine Eat melon, eat melon, this is a big melon

"Qin Yuanche, come out! You must give me an account of what happened today!"

The door was shaken, and a figure of Qianli was standing at the door, and it was she who kicked the door of the Qin Mansion open.

Qin Yuanche, who had just returned, stopped in his tracks and turned around helplessly.

She held a nine-section whip in her hand, with an indescribable anger on her face.

Although she didn't stay here for long, her influence has always been there.In a blink of an eye, the two children who were still young were old enough to talk about marriage.

"What I want to say, my father and I have finished talking today. The war in the south is urgent. I will join the army tomorrow. I can't delay you."

At some point, the person she had played with since she was a child changed into something she didn't even know.

"You! Even if the war is urgent, my elder brother and uncle will stand up for it. What does it have to do with you? I didn't come here today to hear these high-sounding rhetoric. Tell me, I'm that bad?"

She pointed at him with a whip, and if the other party couldn't say anything, she would definitely give him good fruit today.

"You are too ordinary, not the person I want."

Fuck!Is this what people can say?
The appearance of the other party is also extremely beautiful, the toes are not visible when the head is bowed, the stunning beauty in the world even moved her heart, and the charm of the heels is not seen behind, this is an excellent posture.

Not to mention being placed in a family of military generals, if you look at the whole of Beijing, it can be ranked first.

Shen Suiyao lowered her head and pondered, could it be that this person has a male protagonist's life but a male protagonist's disease?Don't like beauties who are well-matched, but "ugly girls" with low status?Don't want a beautiful woman with a proud figure, do you like a three-no figure?

She, a bystander who heard these words, was extremely angry, let alone the person involved, when she let go of her hand, the silver whip flew towards him like a flexible and poisonous tongue.

Qin Yuanche didn't dodge, resisted the pain on his body, and let the other party hit him with a whip.

Shen Suiyao reflected on herself, why she instilled some weird ideas into a person who threw away reason, as the saying goes, she would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage, but she indirectly ruined a marriage.

She also felt sorry for that woman, her childhood sweetheart, if she said it was gone, it would be gone.

After going to the battlefield, Qin Yuanche was promoted very quickly. Even if someone wanted to suppress him, he still showed his talents three years later and was named General Xu'an.

General Xu An?

Shen Suiyao blinked, is that the one who had an affair with the Empress?

No matter what to do, she is the first line to eat melons, so she immediately took out the melon seeds that are necessary for eating melons.

I don’t know how much I danced before, but the first scene is very exciting. This is the content that cannot be published without coding.

As a conscientious host, she has broken her heart for the healthy growth of the system, and blocked the system for even a little pornographic plot, and this time it is the same, she decisively blocked it.

system!The host is stealing again?Make a note and secretly report to the instructor.

Cough, she didn't care much about the process, she mainly wanted to see their young and beautiful first love, definitely not to see the stunning beauty in the world.

She was not interested in these, not at all, she was simply attracted by the touching love between them.

Right, that is it.I didn't see anything, Gan!
Shen Suiyao usually watches pornographic films and usually comforts herself.

what!That's it?

ah!Too few poses, bad review!The fog was so thick that it covered more than half of it, and I couldn't see clearly at all.

Not only was Shen Suyao's sister addicted to watching it, even Qin Yuanche seemed to be thinking about it infinitely. He was absent-minded in many battles until he encountered a defeat.

He saw the woman who had a relationship with him again, she was sitting at the head of the enemy camp, looking at him aloofly.

"The Domineering Queen's Little Wife"

"My first #young object is the coach of the enemy country"

She overbearingly asked for it, but the other party would rather die than obey, and said forcefully: "Man, if you get into my palm, don't even think about flying out."

"Bah!" The man said viciously, "You who get me will never get my heart!"

"As long as you are enough, what do you need your heart for!"

In Shen Suiyao's last book, she was bored and read many novels written by domineering presidents. She immediately thought of many book titles and made up their whole lives.

As long as they looked at each other simply, she could clearly understand the entanglement between them.

As long as you are enough, ah ah ah, what kind of tiger food is this!

Presumably this is the unique woman in Qin Yuanche's mind!This pair of CPs is simply not easy to talk about, just like the development of idol dramas makes her want to stop.

The point is, the second time they met, they went to bed again, not in the misty water this time, but on a bed flickered by candlelight.

Half excitement, half anticipation.

The abdominal muscles are just a little bit away from the ninety-nine return to one, and they are neat and comfortable.

A touch of peach color is like a spring scene in April, with flowers blooming all over the trees and powder falling everywhere.

He just felt that he couldn't tell the difference. He couldn't tell whether his heartbeat was accelerating at the moment because of his body temperature rising, or because he was moved by the person in front of him.

Shen Suiyao watched with gusto, and this time she finally saw the whole picture clearly, which satisfied her heart of watching uncensored porn, so she didn't have any complaints about the lack of action.

After the matter was over, he thought that he would stay in the enemy camp for a long time. After all, he was the leader of the enemy camp. If he was captured, he would not be killed, but he would take advantage of some of his advantages.

Unexpectedly, after the incident, he found himself thrown in a wilderness.

Qin Yuanche was in a hurry. Who did this person think he was, General Xu'an?A young man who comes and goes when he is called?

The key is that she knows that the other party is a fierce general, but she still dares to let him go. He will make her suffer today's humiliation next time!
Seeing his distraught face, kicking a small stone to vent his anger, she was amused again, never expecting that the founding empress is such an extremely interesting person.

Throw it away after use, completely use him as a tool, Shen Suiyao even doubts the authenticity of the female emperor's three surrenders in the opera.

Maybe it wasn't the Queen's heart, but the Queen threw it away when she ran out of it?
Shen Suiyao, who knew the truth alone, couldn't stop being so happy. General Xu'an probably didn't expect that a person he was in a coma would wake up halfway and see his memory!

If I knew it, I wouldn't let it in!

"Let me tell you, our general is very ferocious. He came back alone from the thousands of troops. He didn't even have any injuries on his body, except that he slept a few hours longer the next day."

Shen Suiyao laughed, of course, he was the one who passed out first after all.

"Is the general really that powerful?"

"Of course, apart from our general, who escaped alive?"

"Is everything all right?"

Qin Yuanche walked over with a dark face. .

(End of this chapter)

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