Chapter 72

When these words came from Qin Yuanche's mouth, they would only feel surprised, but when these words were spoken by their patriarch, the effect would be very different.

Full of fear rose from the bottom of everyone's heart, and everyone felt the cold air coming from the bottom of their hearts.

"This? Is this true?"

"It turns out that mine is also a member of the formation!"

"I have no children in my life, is this the reason?"

"Bah! Your wife was pregnant with my child, obviously you can't do it!"

Suddenly broke into a speech that was incompatible with everyone.

"Finally let me grasp the handle!"

The two gradually turned the topic to another place.

"Damn it, I'm infertile, whose seed is in your stomach?"

"Mother, tell me, where is my real father?"

Qin Yuanche:? ? ?

A large-scale father-finding scene?

Before he finished speaking, did they confirm that they were not their own?Is it rare that they themselves are doubting?

They may be uncles and nephews on the surface, but they may be brothers behind the scenes. If they think they are father and son, they may be brothers. Big families are complicated.


His voice was not loud, but the Xu family was used to obeying his words. Seeing the Patriarch speak, everyone stopped and stood behind him in an orderly manner, but at this moment they were looking at the person next to them, More or less embarrassing.

He has a little understanding of the seven unique formations, and he can see that this is the most vicious formation among the seven unique formations.

Moreover, the people who gave them the Xu family's seven unique formations were extremely skilled and hidden very deep. They were able to discover them in time, either because of their strength or under extremely coincidental circumstances. This is not a formation that ordinary monks can easily crack.

Those who can dispel this kind of formation are not easily recruited by the Xu family. Those who can be hired by the Xu family are not strong enough to break the poisonous formation.

So this is in a predicament, unable to crack this formation, but the Xu family was placed in the last formation among the seven best formations, and there has been no last generation for so long, but the population is prosperous, and the people have other means.

After the outermost defensive formation was broken, he looked up into the sky, and could vaguely see some red thread ends, densely packed, flying in all directions.

He followed a red thread closest to him, looked all the way along the track of the red thread, and soon saw that the red thread was connected to a person's head.

This is?The Xu family was supposed to be the last one, but passed on the consequences to the rest of the people?With the lifespan of tens of thousands of people, it will also provide the last line.

This is what Fu Yunxin would say when he saw the Qijue formation underground.

Many people were killed and thousands were suppressed.

But over the years, there have been more than a thousand people one after another, and it is not an exaggeration to say ten thousand.

His viciousness towards the Xu family has reached a new level. He thought it was just using despicable means to defraud money from a helpless woman, but he didn't expect them to be so courageous and take the life of the whole town , to resist the influence of the rear line on the Xu family.

"Of course it's true, otherwise your Xu family spends so much money to open water seats every year and hold blessing ceremonies every year. Do you really think that there is nowhere to spend the money?"

Qin Yuanche quietly spread their conversation to the whole town, he wanted them to know how vicious this Xu family member is.

Although there are no paper figurines to confuse the audience, the thunder from upstream still hasn't stopped, and a huge muffled sound can be heard from far away. Coupled with the sudden gray fog, everyone's panic has not diminished at all, on the contrary, it has become more For exacerbated.

When a group of people gathered together, they didn't feel as safe as expected. On the contrary, there were frequent riots. Many people hid in troubled waters and robbed a lot of property.

A group of people fell in love with a rich woman who was alone. Seeing that she had various kinds of jewelry on her head, they gave a wink to the surrounding people to go for it together.

"You, what do you want to do? Is it possible that you still want to take advantage of the chaos?"

"Don't worry, Sheng Dan Jing Mo you, just like you, we will not choose robbery."

"What do you mean, what do you mean?"

As soon as she heard that they called her ugly, she immediately quit, dropped the burden in her hand, lifted a huge boulder by the roadside and ran towards them.

"Give you a chance to reorganize the language!"

"Oh my god, isn't this the tigress? Run!"

Seeing her lift up a boulder, these people ran away in fright, and when they heard that this was the famous tigress in the town, they ran even faster.

"Yes, what he said is correct. The Xu family is in a huge formation of Seven Ultimates."

"Who, who is talking?"

Everyone was already anxious, but when they suddenly heard a voice in their ears, they couldn't help being frightened.

"I, I heard that too."

One person said tremblingly, he was not the only one who heard it, many people heard it, and they all stopped, looking for the source of the sound in a daze.


"This is the last battle, this is what you Xu family should suffer, but you have transferred all the price to those outside.

Once those people eat the food from your Xu family, or have any relationship with your Xu family, they will bear it for you.

You don't have to bear anything, but the life expectancy of the people in this entire town is much lower than that of the surrounding towns.

Especially for Xujiaba, after learning about your evil deeds, you took too much life from them in order to retaliate, so that they died early! "

When this voice came, many people's faces changed drastically after hearing it.

Some impulsive people went to the side of the road to pick up the wooden sticks after hearing half of it, and walked towards Xu's house with a murderous look. Today, they must discuss with Xu's family for an explanation.

"The Xu family didn't steal so many years of life from us, who will go with me?"

One person shouted, a hundred people responded, and some people stood silently among them.

Especially for the people of Xujiaba, the aura is abundant here, which is suitable for cultivation. Ordinary people can live long without cultivation. Without medicine, it is easy to live to the age of 70 or 40. It is a pity to die at the age of [-].

Some people who had eaten the Xu family's flowing water banquet had very ugly faces, and those who were said to have participated in the blessing ceremony had a stronger bond with the Xu family and had more lifespans drawn.

Only then did someone think that there are very few centenarians in their town, but there are quite a few in other towns.

For a while, many people whispered and confirmed each other, proving that what Qin Yuanche said was not a lie, so there was no panic at this moment thinking that the flood was coming.

This lifespan is related to him, so they all stopped in place and listened carefully.

"Enough! You..."

"So I'd better ask you to come out! This century-old injustice case will be settled today! It doesn't matter if you don't come out like a coward, anyway, you have been sent to the bottom line. I will finish killing those people, and you will continue to do so." It is also the last!"

It was a very normal voice just now, but when it came to this point, it suddenly became extremely gloomy, and many people were frightened.

"Hey~ The old man has been ignoring everything for many years, why do you have to push me so hard?"

These words were quite helpless, as if he regarded himself as a victim.

(End of this chapter)

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